News archive

The Lenten encounters for the parishioners continue

Also this Wednesday, the Lenten encounters for the parishioners of Medjugorje parish will continue and on March 7, at 7.30 pm, two religious people originating from this parish will give their testimonies. Those are Fr. Miro Sego, OFM and S. Marina Ivankovic who will speak about what they can recall from their lives before their religious vocation and what made them respond to God’s call.

Objavljeno: 06.03.2018.

The 25th International Spiritual Retreat for organisers of pilgrimages, leaders of peace centres, prayer and charity groups related to Medjugorje

The 25th International Spiritual Retreat began on February 26 and the coordinator is Medjugorje parish priest, Fr. Marinko Sakota.

The theme of this retreat is “Living on the Word of God” “Then he opened their minds to understand the scriptures” (Lk 24:45).  (photos)

Objavljeno: 01.03.2018.

Statistics for February, 2018.

Number of Holy Communions:  27 000

Number of priests that concelebrated at Holy Masses: 681 (24 per day)

Objavljeno: 01.03.2018.

The third Wednesday of the Lent in Medjugorje

On Wednesday, February 28, 2018, the Lenten encounters for the parishioners will continue in the Hall of John Paul II at 7.30 p.m. The speaker this Wednesday will be Sr. Dominika Anic and her lecture will be at the theme: How to deal with the stress? She will try to answer the questions:

What does stress have to do with my life?

Objavljeno: 27.02.2018.

Ceremony of solemn and the first vows in the Franciscan Secular Order in Medjugorje

On Sunday, February 25, 2018, the ceremony of solemn and the first vows in the Franciscan Secular Order were held in the church of St. James in Medjugorje.

Objavljeno: 26.02.2018.


25th International spiritual retreat for organisers of pilgrimages, leaders of peace centres and leaders of Medjugorje prayer and charity groups shall be held in Medjugorje from 26th February  –  2nd March, 2018.

Objavljeno: 21.02.2018.

The encounters for parishioners continue in the Lent

On Wednesday, February 21, in the Hall of John Paul II, at 7.30 pm, the second Lent encounter for parishioners will take place and the guests will be Kresimir and Mirta Miletic, married couple from Zagreb. They will give a talk on the theme “Christian family facing modern challenges”. Their talk will come from their own experience, both marital as well as their engagement when it comes to the protection of the family and Christian values.

Objavljeno: 20.02.2018.

Ash Wednesday and the first encounter of the parishioners

The Lent started on Ash Wednesday and the ceremony of dispensing ashes took place at every Holy Mass, act that symbolises acceptance of penance and fasting.

That evening, after the evening Holy Mass, the first this year’s encounter of the parishioners in the Lent, took place in the Hall of John Paul II, and those encounters will take place every Wednesday until Easter.(photos1) ; (photos2)

Objavljeno: 15.02.2018.

Lent in Medjugorje in 2018

The Lent this year in the Catholic Church will begin on Ash Wednesday, February 14, 2018. The ceremony of dispensing ashes will take place at all Holy Masses in the morning and in the evening, sign that symbolises acceptance of fasting and the penance. The fasting is mandatory on this day.

Objavljeno: 12.02.2018.

Encounters of Medjugorje parishioners during the Lent

The encounters of Medjugorje parishioners will take place for the third year now starting on Ash Wednesday in the Hall of John Paul II at 7 pm, after the evening Holy Mass. The encounters will take place every Wednesday, after meditation in silence on the Word of God, one part of the Hall will be reserved for bread and water snacks.

Objavljeno: 11.02.2018.

Holy Mass in Medjugorje in the memory of the victims of the past wars

Medjugorje is remembering the victims of the past wars in this period, so the memorial of the Blessed Cardinal Alojzije Stepinac, Saturday, February 10, will be the day of celebrating Holy Mass for all parishioners killed in the course of the World War I and II, as well as during the Homeland War, as well as for all those others who laid their lives for the faith and their homeland.

Objavljeno: 07.02.2018.

„Geniuses, impostors and the others“

Presentation of the book „Geniuses, impostors and the others“ will be held on Friday, February 9 at 8 pm in the Hall of John Paul II. Dr. Ivica Music, the dean of the Faculty of Arts in Mostar, published a book “Geniuses, impostors and the others”, which reveals many lies in the scientific area. Those lies became the truths that became “accurate” with the time and are subject of schoolbooks in the present time.

Objavljeno: 06.02.2018.

The 8th Days of the Martyred Franciscans about to begin

On Sunday, February 4, the 8th Days of the Martyred Franciscans shall begin, all on the occasion of the 73rd anniversary of 66 martyred Franciscans by the Yugoslavian Communist Regime.

Objavljeno: 05.02.2018.

Statistics for January, 2018.

Number of Holy Communions:  41 000

Number of priests that concelebrated at Holy Masses: 867 (27 per day)

Objavljeno: 01.02.2018.

„Sebet nas i naše dice“ play held in Medjugorje

On the occasion of the 100th anniversary of Fr. Diak Buntic saving hungry children from Herzegovina by taking them to Slavonija, fraternity of YouFra and OFS from Siroki Brijeg prepared a play about Fr. Didak’s life and all those events back in 1917. This play was written by prof. Mirela Lovric.(photos)

Objavljeno: 29.01.2018.