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Apostolic Nuncio Mons. Luigi Pezzuto in Medjugorje on Palm Sunday

The Archbishop Pezzuto thanked Fr. Marinko at the end of Holy Mass, as well as Mons. Henryk Hoser, the Apostolic Visitor for the parish of Medjugorje for having invited him here and he said that is always his great desire to be here in Medjugorje.

“As the Apostolic Nuncio, my wish is to pass on to you greetings and the blessing of Holy Father Francis. Also, on his behalf, I wish to thank all priests and all those who take part in this parish. Thank you all for your presence here in such a great number. Once again, I wish to encourage you that the journey we started together here, that is also the will of the Holy Father, with each one of your efforts it may bring its fruits and have a great success”, said the Apostolic Nuncio at the end of the Holy Mass. (photo)

Objavljeno: 16.04.2019.

Nuncio Pezzuto and Archbishop Hoser to celebrate Holy Mass on Palm Sunday in Medjugorje

The following Sunday is Palm Sunday – Sunday of the Passion of the Lord, that introduces us to the Holy Week, preparation for the greatest Christian celebration – Easter. The liturgy of Palm Sunday will begin in Medjugorje parish on the grounds of the old parish church at 10.45 a.m. and the procession will move from there to the parish church of St. James where the Holy Mass will be celebrated at 11 a.m. 

Procession from the ruins of the old church to the church of St. James, as well as Holy Mass will be celebrated by the Apostolic Nuncio to Bosnia and Herzegovina, Mons. Luigi Pezzuto, and Archbishop Hoser will be the main celebrant at 6 pm.

Objavljeno: 12.04.2019.

Delegation of the members of the European People’s Party in Medjugorje

Delegation of the members of the European People’s Party (EPP), in charge for the intercultural and religious dialogue came to visit Mostar and Medjugorje on March 30, 2019. 

''I am delighted to be in this holy place and I am very much impressed. I got to know about these events and what Our Lady did here and I am so impressed by the devotion of this place”, said Dutch representative of EPP, Wim van de Camp, who came here for the first time. (photo)

Objavljeno: 01.04.2019.

Statistics for March, 2019.


Number of Holy Communions:  85 000

Number of priests that concelebrated at Holy Masses: 1767  (57 per day)

Objavljeno: 01.04.2019.

Fr. Marinko Šakota, OFM at the spiritual retreat: In these days we were trying to get to know Jesus

On March 22, 2019, the 26th International Spiritual Retreat for the Organisers of the Pilgirmages ended with the Holy Mass, celebrated by the parish priest, Fr. Marinko Sakota. This retreat began on March 18 and gathered around 360 participants from 28 countries. Fr. Marinko was the lecturer and in his final homily, he emphasised how Our Lady invited us to read the Holy Scripture and to read it with the heart.

The theme of this retreat as well as of all the others that will take place this year is:„Follow me!“ (Mk 10, 21). The next spiritual retreat to be held in the 7th International spiritual retreat for life, to be held in Medjugorje from May 29 to June 1, 2019.


Objavljeno: 27.03.2019.

Archbishop Hoser at the spiritual retreat: The purpose of the pilgrimage is for a man to become more divine

The 26th International Spiritual retreat for the organisers of the pilgrimages began last night with the registration of the participants and the evening prayer programme in St. James church. The theme of the retreat is: Follow me! (Mk 10, 21).

The spiritual retreat continues today on March 19, Solemnity of St. Joseph with the Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament and welcome words of Fr. Marinko Sakota, the parish priest of Medjugorje parish, who greeted all 360 participant from 28 countries by saying to them “welcome home!” (photo)

Objavljeno: 20.03.2019.

The annual apparition of our Lady to Mirjana Dragicevic-Soldo on march 18, 2019

The visionary Mirjana Dragicevic-Soldo had daily apparitions from June 24th 1981 to December 25th 1982. During the last daily apparition, Our Lady gave her the 10th secret, and told her that she would appear to her once a year, on the 18th of March.  It has been this way through the years. Several thousand pilgrims gathered in prayer of the Rosary. The apparition lasted from  13:41 to 13:46.

My children, As a mother, as the Queen of Peace, I am calling you to accept my Son so that He can grant you peace of soul—that He can grant you that which is just, which is good for you. My children, my Son knows you. He lived the life of man, and at the same time of God: a wondrous life—human flesh, divine Spirit. Therefore, my children, while my Son is looking at you with His eyes of God, He penetrates into your hearts. His tender, warm eyes are looking for Himself in your heart. My children, can He find Himself [there]? Accept Him, and then the moments of pain and suffering will become moments of tenderness. Accept Him, and you will have peace in [your] soul—you will spread it to all those around you—and this is what you now need the most. Heed me, my children. Pray for the shepherds, for those whose hands my Son has blessed. Thank you.

Objavljeno: 18.03.2019.

Mons. Henryk Hoser: Protect the family and your identity!

The spiritual retreat for the parishioners of Medjugorje was held last week and Fr. Zvonko Benkovic was the leader on Wednesday, March 13, while Archbishop Hoser, the Apostolic Visitor for the parish of Medjugorje gave talks and homily on Thursday evening.

John Paul II spoke that dignity is the measure of one’s value. Great dignity is the great value, the small dignity is the small value.  I congratulate you for being the carriers of such family tradition present in the Croatian and Herzegovinian identity, said Mons. Hoser, and Medjugorje parish priest Fr. Marinko Šakota thanked him and added that the family is the most beautiful environment for life. (photo)

Objavljeno: 15.03.2019.

PHOTO: The 85 years since cross was built on Cross Mountain

On March 16 we will celebrate the 85th anniversary of construction of the cross on Cross Mountain and of the first Holy Mass that was celebrated at the foot of that cross.

Today, Cross Mountain is one of the most visited pilgrims’ destinations in Medjugorje, and parishioners and pilgrims gather every Friday for prayer of the Way of the Cross at this mountain. Every stone leading to the top has been polished by millions of feet who climbed this place in personal prayer and devotion. (photo)

Objavljeno: 14.03.2019.

Mons. Hoser at the spiritual retreat of the Franciscan Secular Order: God speaks in silence

At the end, he noticed that people today walk with the earphones in their ears without paying attention to the sounds around them and said: „People today are terrified of the silence, while God speaks in the silence. This is the silence I wish to you too. Amen.“ (foto)

Objavljeno: 12.03.2019.

PHOTO: Pre-Lent concert ''Masks are down'' held in Medjugorje

Music sections from the parish of Medjugorje including choirs, YouFra, tambourine orchestra, and other musicians gave to the parishioners and their guests the music concert held just before the Lent, titled ''Masks are down'', held in the hall of John Paul II. This was the appropriate way of manifesting days of carnival and present were Medjugorje parish priest, Fr. Marinko Sakota along with the Apostolic Visitor for Medjugorje parish, Archbishop Henryk Hoser. (photo)


Objavljeno: 08.03.2019.

Statistics for February, 2019.


Number of Holy Communions:  28 000

Number of priests that concelebrated at Holy Masses: 781  (27 per day)


Objavljeno: 01.03.2019.

Fr. Mate Dragićević, OFM died

On Monday, February 25, 2019, after receiving all of the sacraments, Fr. Mate Dragicevic, OFM died in Mostar Hospital Centre, in his 70th year of life, 52nd year of the religious life and 45th year of his priesthood.

He was the parish priest, guardian of the monastery, educator of seminarians and novices, vicar and the economist of the Herzegovinian Franciscan Province. He also worked as the editor at Radio Mir Medjugorje in radio shows: Footprints of St. Francis and preached in the show:

Objavljeno: 27.02.2019.

Holy Mass and gathering of Mons. Hoser with the members of the prayer communities from Medjugorje

Archbishop Henryk Hoser said that each one of us, in order to live responsibly in the community, need to have some outer criteria that would estimate his behaviour and actions.
... (photo)

Objavljeno: 24.02.2019.

The 26th international spiritual retreat for organisers of pilgrimages, leaders of peace centres and leaders of Medjugorje prayer and charity groups to be held in March in Medjugorje

The 26th International spiritual retreat for organisers of pilgrimages, leaders of peace centres and leaders of Medjugorje prayer and charity groups shall be held in Medjugorje
from 18th – 22nd March, 2019. 
The theme of the Retreat is: „Follow me! “ (Mk 10, 21) In Our Lady's School 

Objavljeno: 24.02.2019.