News archive

Chicago Youth Festival 2021: The encounter of the Croatian youth in the North America

The eighth Youth Festival – the encounter of the Croatian youth of America and Canada – was held last weekend in Chicago. The host of this Encounter, held under the theme Lord, everyone is looking for you (Mk 1, 37) was Croatian parish of St. Jerome, one of the oldest and the most numerable Croatian communities in the United States. (PHOTO)

Objavljeno: 12.06.2021.

The invitation to media for broadcasting the 40th Anniversary of Our Lady’s apparitions

The Information Centre Mir Medjugorje, as the holder of the exclusive rights of recording of all audio-visual materials, as well as taking photographs on all prayer areas around the parish of Medjugorje, hereby announces the invitation to media to broadcast all of the events on the occasion of the 40th Anniversary of the apparitions in Medjugorje that are to take place on June 24 and 25, 2021. 

Objavljeno: 12.06.2021.

40th Anniversary of Our Lady’s apparitions

What is new and special about this year’s celebration of the Anniversary is the procession that will take place from the Apparition Hill – place of Our Lady’s first apparition – to the church of St. James in Medjugorje. The procession will start from the Apparition Hill at 4.30 pm, so all the participants would be able to come to the church ground before the evening prayer programme. Then, after the Rosary, the procession with the statue of Our Lady would start at 7 pm and this would be the beginning of the solemn Holy Mass on that day.

Objavljeno: 07.06.2021.

Change of the summer timetable of the prayer programme in Medjugorje and Solemnity of Corpus Christi

On Thursday, June 3, we celebrate the Solemnity of Corpus Christi, Holy Masses are in the parish church at 8, 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. After the evening Holy Mass, the procession with the Blessed Sacrament will take place from the church of St. James, to the school and back to the church.

Objavljeno: 02.06.2021.

The 32nd Youth Festival to take place from August 1-6, 2021

The theme of the encounter is „What good deed must I do?“ (Mt 19, 16)

The previous 31st Youth Festival took place in a bit different and shorter form, due to the Covid pandemics that paralysed worldwide most of the. We believe this year’s Youth Festival would be held in normal circumstances and we expect you in Medjugorje from August 1-6, 2021.

Objavljeno: 02.06.2021.

Statistics for Mayl, 2021.

Number of Holy Communions:  40 000

Number of priests that concelebrated at Holy Masses: 963  (31 per day)

Objavljeno: 01.06.2021.

Marathon of Prayer from Medjugorje: This trial is an opportunity for witnessing our faith

“I am very content how Franciscans organised this event, and how you as the community responded to it, so we would all be part of the Marathon of Prayer that was initiated by Pope Francis. It is evident that Rosary in this parish is such a strong pillar, and this community is founded on it. To my knowing of Pope Francis, if he was here, I am sure he would have told you the same”, said Msgr. Pezzuto and invited all not to forget to pray for the Apostolic Visitor Henryk Hoser and his recovery, so he would be back again at his work in Medjugorje among us. (PHOTO)

Objavljeno: 17.05.2021.

Ibero-American Online Conference: HOW TO PARTICIPATE?

In these 40 years, “the mustard seed has become a great tree, bearing many fruits that are good and visible.” Once again, you are showing great interest in this Conference, which will be held on May 29 and 30, 2021 in Medjugorje. And in this way, like many times before, you are showing the love you have for our Divine Redeemer and His and Our Most Holy Mother Mary, the Queen of Peace. Because, the zeal of your heart, the love, the joy and the longing that you feel cannot be contained. Right?


Objavljeno: 11.05.2021.

Nuncio Pezzuto led the Rosary and Holy Mass in Medjugorje: We have peace for Jesus is with us

''We need to gaze at the crucified Jesus, we need to look at Him, His passion while He carried his cross, that was not just His, but it is our cross in His life. If we have faith, we should not be afraid of anything discomfortable that can take place in our lives'', said Pezzuto, mentioning at the end of his homily this pandemic, as one of the main reasons that takes away our peace.

Objavljeno: 06.05.2021.

Statistics for April, 2021.


Number of Holy Communions:  36 000

Number of priests that concelebrated at Holy Masses: 626  (20 per day)

Objavljeno: 01.05.2021.

The deadline to broadcast the 2nd Online Conference on Medjugorje extended until May 15

Due to the great interest of media from all over the world to broadcast the 2nd Online Congress on fruits of Medjugorje in the Spanish speaking countries, under the theme „By their fruits you shall know them“ (Mt 7:16), with 22 Spanish speaking countries taking place, the deadline for registration and broadcasting has been extended to May 15, 2021.

Objavljeno: 30.04.2021.

Spiritual pilgrimage to Medjugorje

Aware of the existing needs, we have found a way to bring Medjugorje to your homes – but it will not be done by us, instead Medjugorje pilgrims will do it for Medjugorje pilgrims. This time it is the Spanish-speaking pilgrims who invite us to a spiritual pilgrimage to Medjugorje. From May 29 to 30, 2021, they are organizing an Online Conference on the Fruits of Medjugorje with the theme “By Their Fruits You Will Know Them” (Mt 7:16).

Objavljeno: 30.04.2021.