News archive

16th death anniversary of Fr. Slavko Barbaric

On Thursday, November 24, 2016, parishioners of Medjugorje parish and all pilgrims will commemorate Fr. Slavko’s 16th death anniversary by climbing Cross Mountain at 2 pm, and by celebration of the Holy Mass at 6 pm in the parish church. Fr. Slavko died on Cross Mountain on Friday, November 24, 2000, at 3.30 pm, after having completed the Way of the Cross for the parish.

Objavljeno: 20.11.2016.

Minister of Defence of Republic of Croatia Damir Krstičević visited Medjugorje

Vice President of the Government of Republic of Croatia, Defence Minister Damir Krsticevic, was in working visit to Medjugorje on Wednesday, November 16, at the invitation of Defence Minister of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Marina Pendes.(photos)

Objavljeno: 16.11.2016.

The 17th International Seminar for Married Couples completed in Medjugorje

The 17th International Seminar for Married Couples was held in Medjugorje from 9-12 November with the theme "Be as merciful as your Heavenly Father is" (Lk 6,36). There were around 200 participants from 10 countries, and the lecturers were Fr. Ivan Filipović and married couples from Cenacolo community. (photos)

Objavljeno: 14.11.2016.

Celebration of the 25th Anniversary of the Association of Guides for Pilgrims in Medjugorje parish

The 25th Anniversary of the Association of Guides for Pilgirms in Medjugorje Parish was solemnly celebrated on Monday, November 7. The celebration of this great anniversary began with the evening prayer programme in St. James church.  (photos)

Objavljeno: 08.11.2016.


The 17th International Seminar for married couples will be held
in Medjugorje from November 9-12, 2016
Be merciful, just as also  your Father is merciful. (Lk 6, 36)
In Our Lady's School

Objavljeno: 05.11.2016.

Documentary movie “I was not afraid to die” shown in Medjugorje

On Monday, October 31, documentary movie, work of movie director Jakov Sedlar “I was not afraid to die” was shown in Medjugorje on October 31, in the Hall of John Paul II. This movie is about Anton Kikas and his patriotic mission in 1991.  (photos)

Objavljeno: 02.11.2016.

Statistics for October, 2016.

Number of Holy Communions:  200 800

Number of priests that concelebrated at Holy Masses: 3769   (121 per day)

Objavljeno: 01.11.2016.

Order of Malta concludes their work for this year

On the last day of October, ambulance Donum Dei of Order of Malta in Medjugorje, concluded their work for this year in Medjugorje parish.

The ambulance was opened in 2002, and is located in the vicinity of St. James church. The volunteers in this ambulance are offering free health service, all working in the spirit and motto of Order of Malta – defence of faith and help to those in need.

Objavljeno: 01.11.2016.

Testimony of Healing in Medjugorje

Linda Christy, a pilgrim from Canada, came recently to Medjugorje for another pilgrimage and on that occasion she spoke on radio Mir Medjugorje about her healing that took place here. She told us that she was in a wheelchair for a while and for 18 years she could only walk with crutches.

Objavljeno: 26.10.2016.

Pilgrims from Vitez and Posavina on their pilgrimage in Medjugorje

Even though we are in the end of October, huge numbers of pilgrims are in Medjugorje each day, especially on weekends when they come in great numbers from Bosnia and Herzegovina and Croatia. The last weekend was particularly busy, when many pilgrims arrived from Vitez and Posavina. Fr. Velimir Bavrka, parish priest of Vitez parish was with them and he said:

Objavljeno: 25.10.2016.

October in Medjugorje

Ever since the beginning of October, month dedicated to Our Lady, many pilgrims have come to Medjugorje from all over the world. The largest groups of pilgrims arrive from Croatia. The last weekend, a group of 75 pilgrims from the parish of St. John the Baptist, from Postire, island Brac, arrived here. The organiser of this pilgrimage is Vilma Lazaneo, who said in the programme of Radio „Mir“ Medjugorje that parishioners from this parish arrive here at least once a month. (photos)

Objavljeno: 15.10.2016.

Fr. Marino Kuzminski: „I believe God is doing miracles, especially through the intercession of the Mother of God! “

Fr. Marino Kuzminski is a Franciscan member of Croatian Province of St. Cyril and Methodius. At the moment, he is serving as the assistant parish priest in the parish of the Most Holy Trinity in Karlovac. He came to Medjugorje in 1988 for the first time and he still remembers well this pilgrimage even though he was only 8 years old at the time.

Objavljeno: 14.10.2016.

Concert for Mother’s Village held

It is a traditional event that St. Joseph & The Helpers Charity from London, organises charity concert night for Mother’s Village in May and in October. Such concert was held on Monday, October 3, in the parish hall of St. John Paul II, when some old and new names performed. (slike)

Objavljeno: 07.10.2016.

Statistics for September, 2016.

Number of Holy Communions:  204 900

Number of priests that concelebrated at Holy Masses: 4650  (155 per day)

Objavljeno: 01.10.2016.

Jim Caviezel: „I am sure that movie Passion would have never been released if it wasn''t for Medjugorje“

Jim Caviezel, actor from Holllywood, spent some time in Medjugorje this summer and also paid a visit to radio Mir Medjugorje. He became a world wide famous person after he played leading role in Mel Gibson's movie Passion.

Objavljeno: 01.10.2016.