News archive

Twenty years of fidelity to Medjugorje

Luc Gevaert from the Flamish part of Belgium came on his first pilgrimage to Medjugorje with his whole family, on March 29, 1985, in order to celebrate the marriage anniversary. Since then, many lay people and priests, especially young people, asked him to take them to Medjugorje, and this is how he began to organise pilgrimages. He was coming even during the war, without fear, because he felt that Our Lady was protecting him. In the meantime, two of his five children are married, and one of his sons has become a priest. Luc is a witness of many graces, even of exceptional healings.

Objavljeno: 10.04.2005.

Holy Mass for the Pope John Paul II

On Friday, April 8, in the evening, in Saint James’ parish church in Medjugorje, there was Holy Mass for Holy Father John Paul II. In the filled church, Holy Mass was presided by the Parish priest, Fr. Branko Radoš, in concelebration with the Franciscans of Medjugorje and 41 priests from Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia and abroad.

Objavljeno: 09.04.2005.

Thank you, Holy Father John Paul II

Thank you, Holy Father John Paul II

Objavljeno: 08.04.2005.

Way of the Cross and Holy Mass for Holy Father

Holy Father John Paul II will be buried on Friday, April 8, in the crypt of St. Peter’s Basilica in Rome. On that day, in Medjugorje, we will pray at his intentions the Way of the Cross at 2 PM. Holy Mass for him will be celebrated at 6 PM.

Objavljeno: 05.04.2005.

Radio Program about the Pope

From the very moment when we heard that the Pope John Paul II was seriously ill and suffering, Radio “Mir” Medjugorje is broadcasting a special whole-day program in the honour of the Holy Father.

Objavljeno: 04.04.2005.

Holy Father John Paul II has died

Holy Father John Paul II has died on April 2, at 21.37. The parish Medjugorje and the pilgrims were in Adoration before the Blessed Sacrament. At that very moment, the priest was meditation on Jesus in the garden of Gethsemane who is calling his disciples to be with him and pray. The faithful were singing. “Stay with me, remain here with me, watch and pray”, and after this: “I need you, Jesus, I give my life to you, you are the source of my life, consolation of my heart, I implore you, Jesus, Lord, hear my prayer.”

John Paul II was a Pope devoted to Mary. His pontifical slogan was “Totus tuus ego sum et omnia mea tua sunt”. For him, Mary was the Mother of the Church and the way that is leading to Christ. In this sense he renewed the devotion to Mary, especially the prayer of the Rosary, introducing into the Rosary the Mysteries of light. He was always saying that the devotion to Mary has to be lived in a Christ-centric way and he was writing about thism especially in his Encyclical “Redemptoris Mater» (1987) and in the Apostolic letter “Rosarium Virginis Mariae” (2002), but also in the Apostolic letter “Novo Millennio Ineunte” (2001), in which he entrusted to Mary the lives of all human beings and of the world of the new millennium.

Holy Father has never officially recognised the apparitions of Medjugorje, but he believed in them, and he told this to many. During his pontificate, ha was putting into practice what Our Lady was inviting us to.

Objavljeno: 03.04.2005.

Holy Father has died

Holy Father has died at 9.37 PM

Objavljeno: 02.04.2005.

Franz Gollowitsch’s 365. Organised Pilgrimages to Medjugorje

Franz Gollowitsch (Fragollo Reisen, Austria) organised his first pilgrimage to Medjugorje on July 8, 1985. During the past 20 years, he accompanied personally 365 pilgrimages, which means that he spent two years in the bus, and more than three years of his life in Medjugorje… He was not giving up during the war either, when – together with the pilgrims – he was tirelessly bringing humanitarian help and helping the orphans.

Objavljeno: 01.04.2005.

Medjugorje is praying for the Pope

Because of serious health conditions of the Holy Father, in Medjugorje we are praying today for his intentions in all the Masses.

Objavljeno: 01.04.2005.

Night Adoration for the Pope and for the Church

While Holy Father, according to the words of his nearest collaborators “is already contemplating God”, perpetual prayers are held also in Medjugorje. On Saturday, April 2, the usual hour of Adoration at 9 pm is prolonged until midnight, for the intentions of the Pope and for the Church.

Objavljeno: 01.04.2005.

Way of the Cross from Zagreb to Medjugorje

Josip Coha began his pilgrimage to Medjugorje on Sunday, March 6, in Bistra Gornja near Zagreb covered with snow. He reached his goal on Friday, March 18, in short sleeves, on a temperature of 22°C. Mons. Vlado Kosic, auxiliary bishop of Zagreb, and from Tomica Novosel, his parish priest gave him a blessing for this pilgrimage.

Objavljeno: 22.03.2005.

New Design of Our Home Page

Dear visitors, as you can see, we have changed the design of the Home Page of the Shrine of the Queen of Peace. We hope that you will like it, and that we will be even closer to you in spreading Our Lady’s messages and the voice from Medjugorje. All possible commentaries may be sent to our e-mail addresses.

Objavljeno: 21.03.2005.

Verastegui in Medjugorje

The Mexican television movie star Eduardo Verastegui came to the Shrine of the Queen of Peace in Medjugorje for the first time in March 2005. He heard about Medjugorje for the first time from his English teacher three years ago, when he moved from Mexico to Los Angeles. He had to learn English, because he has signed a contract for a movie to be made in the USA. His teacher is very devoted to Our Lady and to Medjugorje, and she spoke to him about apparitions, visionaries, messages, confessions and prayers in Medjugorje. “This is how my conversion began. I started to go to the church daily, and among the Catholics, wherever I came, I heard only “Medjugorje, Medjugorje”…, says Eduardo.

Objavljeno: 18.03.2005.

The annual apparition of our Lady to Mirjana Dragicevic-Soldo on march 18, 2005

The visionary Mirjana Dragicevic-Soldo had daily apparitions from June 24th 1981 to December 25th 1982. During the last daily apparition, Our Lady gave her the 10th secret, and told her that she would appear to her once a year, on the 18th of March.  It has been this way through the years.

Objavljeno: 18.03.2005.

Spiritual Movement of the Queen of Peace in the World – Address Book and Coordination

During the 12th International Meeting for Leaders of Medjugorje Peace Centers and Prayer, Pilgrim and Charity groups (March 6 to 10, 2005) we have presented to the participants the first rough copy of the Address Book, which is giving witness of the universality of the spiritual movement inspired by Our Lady’s apparitions in Medjugorje.

Objavljeno: 11.03.2005.