News archive

A Bishop from Papua New Guinea on private pilgrimage in Medjugorje

Mons. Hermann Raich, S.V.D., bishop of Wabag (Papua New Guinea) was on his third private pilgrimage in Medjugorje from September 12 to 15, 2005.

Objavljeno: 16.09.2005.

The 6th International Meeting for Married Couples

The 6th International Meeting for Married Couples will take place in Medjugorje in the New Hall from October 26 to 29, 2005. The theme of the seminar is “Dialog in the Family  – How to Educate Children?”

Objavljeno: 15.09.2005.

A Testimony: Mons. José Luís Azcona Hermoso, O.A.R.

Mons. José Luís Azcona Hermoso, O.A.R., a religious of the Augustinian Order, born in Spain in Pamplona, bishop of the diocese Marajó, which is a mission area in Brazil, was on a private pilgrimage in Medjugorje for the Feast of the Nativity of Mary.

Objavljeno: 13.09.2005.

Solemnity of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross

In the Parish Medjugorje, the Solemnity of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross is traditionally celebrated on first Sunday after the Feast of the Nativity of Mary.

In honor of the Holy Year of Redemption 1933/34, inspired by their pastor Fr. Bernardin Smoljan, the parishioners built on the hill above Medjugorje a monumental cross, 8,5 m high and 3,5 m broad. Relics of the true cross of Jesus, received from Rome for the occasion, are embedded in the cross bar itself. (photos)

Objavljeno: 12.09.2005.

From Poland to Medjugorje on foot

Krzysztof Guca, 31, from Torun (Poland) arrived to Medjugorje after 57 days of walking. He believes that Our Lady is appearing here and thinks that Medjugorje is the continuation of Fatima.

Objavljeno: 09.09.2005.

An archbishop from Italy in Medjugorje

Mons. Bruno Tommasi, retired archbishop of Lucca (Italy) is on his second pilgrimage in Medjugorje. Mons Tommasi visited the Shrine and the places of prayer, and spent hours in the confessional, hearing confessions of the Italian pilgrims. He also visited the Parish Office where he remained in a prolonged conversation with the Pastor and other Franciscans.

Objavljeno: 08.09.2005.

On bicycle from Cologne to Medjugorje

At the end of the World Youth Day in Cologne, two young students from Paris - Hugues-Marie de Couesnongle and Arnaud Villemain – undertook a pilgrimage to Medjugorje on bicycle.

Objavljeno: 07.09.2005.

A bishop from Brazil in Medjugorje

Mons. José Luís Azcona Hermoso, O.A.R., member of the Order of the Augustinians, bishop of the diocese Marajó (Para) from Brazil, is on a private pilgrimage in Medjugorje.

Objavljeno: 07.09.2005.

New pastor of Medjugorje introduced into his service

On Sunday, September 4th, according to Church regulations, Fr. Luka Pavlovic, the Vicar general, delegate of Mons. Ratko Peric, the bishop of Mostar, introduced officially into the service Dr. Fr. Ivan Sesar, the new Pastor of Medjugorje.

Objavljeno: 06.09.2005.

Encounter of painters - Medjugorje 2005

From August 22 to 29, in Medjugorje took place the Fourth encounter of painters – Medjugorje 2005. The particularity of this year’s encounter is, that it is thematically determined. The subject matter for the artists is mother, motherhood, Our Lady’s apparitions… This year, about 35 renowned and young artists came together, which is giving to this encounter also a character of a school of painting for young talents.

Objavljeno: 30.08.2005.

Dr. Fr. Ivan Sesar, new pastor of the Parish Medjugorje

Within the framework of usual changes of pastoral staff in the Franciscan Herzegovinian Province, and according to the Regulations of the Church, Dr. Fr. Ivan Sesar was appointed new Pastor of Medjugorje. He already led this parish from autumn 2000 to autumn 2001.

Objavljeno: 29.08.2005.

Medjugorje on the waves of the Croatian Radio

On Sunday, August 7, the Croatian Radio broadcasted live the Eucharistic celebration from St. James’ Parish Church in Medjugorje. Holy Mass was presided by Fr. Branko Rados, pastor. The Parish “Choir of the Queen of Peace” under direction of Sr. Slavica Kozul was singing. Croatian Catholic Radio, Radio Herceg-Bosna and Radio “Mir” Medjugorje also broadcasted this Mass.

Objavljeno: 10.08.2005.

Youth from all over the world came to adore Jesus

“We came to adore Him” (Mt 2,2) was the title of the 16th International Youth Prayer Festival – Mladifest – which took place in Medjugorje from August 1 to 6. This encounter, which intentionally had the same title as the World Youth Day that will soon reunite young people around the Holy Father in Cologne, was one of the forms of spiritual preparation for the meeting with the Pope. (photos)

Objavljeno: 09.08.2005.

Song of the 16th Youth festival

The 16th Youth festival under the title “We came to adore Him”, which gathered together more young people then ever, began on Monday, August 1st. (photos)

Objavljeno: 02.08.2005.

Feast of the Patron Saint

On July 25, the parish Medjugorje celebrated the feast of its patron saint, St. James the Apostle.(photos)

Objavljeno: 29.07.2005.