Prayer Community as the Fruit of Medjugorje

date: 07.05.2015.

Jorge Zvala was born in El Salvador, but he grew up in San Francisco.  He said that he was just like many of  the other young boys and girls of his age.  He was far from the Church and he did not know how to pray. “When I had to remember some prayers from my childhood, they would be the Our Father and Hail Mary, but I could not remember the Creed at all.  I recall that as a young man I sought happiness.  I would go out with my friends and we would do anything to find happiness.  I remember well that after such moments the initial feeling of happiness would disappear  instantly and we would go on another search again.  After I heard about the apparitions in Medjugorje I decided to come here.  My cousin Carlos had the same desire and the two of us came on the journey together.  Suddenly, my heart became fulfilled.  I had not been to confession for 10 years but after I came here, I went to confession. I remember the feeling of the nearness of the Gospa“ said Jorge, who together with Carlos upon their return from Medjugorje, established the prayer community:  “We saw that as the fruit of Medjugorje, we needed to put our faith into practice.  We established the prayer community and decided to help to the poor.  I am really happy that our spiritual renewal took place in Medjugorje this year, since it takes place in different place each year.  We see the Gospa as the genuine model of missionaries, as she always places others before herself“ said Jorge.