Participants share their experiences on the International Meeting for Organisers of Pilgrimages, Leaders of Peace Centres and Medjugorje Prayer and Charity Groups

date: 28.02.2017.

Among the participants of the 24th International Meeting for Organisers of Pilgrimages, Leaders of Peace Centres and Medjugorje Prayer and Charity Groups, that is being held in Medjugorje in these days, we had opportunity to talk to Gianpietro Todesco from Vicenza. This is his third time to be here, even though he is not the organiser of the pilgrimages, he wanted to get to know the life of Medjugorje parish a bit more. He came here in 1989, for the first time. He spoke about his first pilgrimage for the programme of radio Mir Medjugorje: „One of my friends always spoke about Medjugorje, about his experience of Medjugorje and how he was moved by this spirituality and that influenced his life deeply. That priest decided to become a priest at the end.“

However, since the war began shortly afterwards, there was time when he was not coming to Medjugorje, but only then he saw how he was missing that place really: „As my job is only during the season, I have therefore opportunity to be in Medjugorje for a longer period of time and to live its spiritual reality. I would wish for all people to come here. This is the place of grace, the place where Gospa heals the hearts of those who come here.“