
date: 19.02.2010.

Respected brothers, the purpose and aim of this questionnaire is to make a list of priests who received their vocation  through Medjugorje.
So, we kindly ask you to fill out this form with following information:

Name and surname:

Name of the diocese or religious community:

  • diocesan priest
  • religious sister
  • religious(what order)
  • deacon
  • theology student


home phone number:

mobile phone number:

When did you visit Medjugorje for the first time?

How many times have  you been to Medjugorje so far?

Please, briefly decribe on one page  the way Medjugorje influnced your decision to become  a priest o religious sister?

Your opinion about Medjugorje?

When did you decide to study theology?

Where did you study?

Date of your ordination?

What and where have you worked as a priest since your ordination?

Meeting pilgrims we have found out that you experienced a significant spiritual renewal in Medjugorje.
However, we do not have enough written testimonies about  concrete fruits, so we kindly ask you to fill out   above written qustionnaire.
These information will be used for the needs of Information center Mir Medjugorje only.
We thank you in advance

Please send your answers to  the following e- mail untill October 30, 2010.