Holy Masses celebrated at the White Dome in Medjugorje

date: 06.05.2020.

Morning Holy Masses in Medjugorje will be every day at 8 am at the White Dome. This Sunday, Holy Masses will be at 8, 11 and 6 pm. Parish Office is asking all people who attend Holy Mass to respect rules designated for this occasion.

''We kindly ask you to keep the distance. When receiving Holy Communion, please keep the distance and receive the Host in your hand”, they wrote in their new parish bulletin information leaflet.

Also this week, Holy Masses will be celebrated at 6 pm.

The evening prayer programme from St. James’ church is live streamed every day, also broadcasted on Radio Mir Medjugorje, and available on our YouTube channel and Facebook page.

The prayer programme starts every night at 5 pm with the Rosary, followed by the Prayer to the Holy Spirit and Holy Mass at 6 pm. The prayer programme continues after Holy Mass, both at the White Dome of St. James’ church and our video links on web site, Facebook page and YouTube channel. On Mondays, we pray the Rosary after Holy Mass, Tuesday we have Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament and on Wednesdays Prayer for the healing of body and the soul. On Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays there is also Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, while on Saturdays, Fr. Marinko Sakota will give his catechesis after the Adoration and on Sundays, the glorious mysteries of the Rosary follow the Holy Mass.

We would like to remind you that on Thursday, after the evening prayer programme, we bring you our new project ‘News from Medjugorje’, available on our Facebook page, YouTube channel and live streaming service, first time broadcasted two weeks ago.