Children to present gifts to Jesus

date: 19.12.2017.

Christmas is a feast of God’s gift to us people. That is why we have invitation from the parish office Medjugorje, that just as Gospa wanted us to do, all children up to the 9th class, may prepare a gift for Jesus and bring it on Thursday, December 28, 2017, in front of the nativity scene outside the church of St. James, when Cenacolo community will have their second live nativity scene performance. This gift shall be presented to Jesus. Later on, members of the Association Mary’s hands, shall take those gifts and bring them to Jesus who is in all poor, sick, deprived, orphaned children throughout Herzegovina and Bosnia. The gift can be a package in which we shall prepare something for Jesus who is in all children in need (a chocolate, biscuits, clothes or shoes). What you need, they need too. May each package contain a letter to child Jesus, to a child who shall receive that gift. Dear parents, explain this to your children and help them prepare a gift. We are looking forward to this event!