PRESS BULLETIN 81, December 31, 1997.


Always when one period of time ends and we begin another one, we like to give a full account. Yet we usually know the result ahead of time. We will do everything to make it look favorable for us.

The statement expressed here is confirmed every year when the world celebrates so-called New Year's. Success after success is listed in the public media. And so that everything won't look too dazzling and therefore unconvincing, there will also be some talk about the dark side of life. But still in the end it turns out that our orientation was correct and it will only be necessary to pay better attention next year.

And it seems to me that we had better really pay close attention. As mankind we have been driven into a corner. The theory of liberalism has opened the door to everything and anything. That way they are trying to hide the foundations on which alone mankind and all that it does can rest. Man is no longer a creature that lives on the earth, but a creature that is destroying the earth for the sake of his own convenience. Therefore, it happens that he is by himself driving himself into a corner where he is shivering before the events to come.

Such a condition is in no way pleasing to God. Through the Queen of Peace we are being continuously instructed how to come out into the light of day and not be afraid of anything. We are told to be happy, open, free, and to fully breath life into us. We have a full right to that. He gave it to us when we were born and He does not want anyone else whosoever to take it away from us. Our Lady like a loving Mother convinces us of it. She leads by the hand so that we would once and for all start walking and comprehend that we can walk this earth with heads lifted high.

In the shrine of the Queen of Peace passing from one year to another is lived out in prayer and song. Joy is really present, only it is different from the 'joy' that dissipated song, food and drink afford. Those who experience this try to place the correct plus or minus sign to their own account. Maybe it isn't so nice, but it's the one that shows the way it is and for sure the next time it will be better.

Fr Miljenko Stojic



During the Christmas Novena the parishioners together with the pilgrims prayed the rosary on Apparition Hill in addition to the usual gathering for the evening prayer program.


"The Fund for the Talented" has been operating in Medjugorje for a full seven years. Its founders are people who wish to help talented young people develop their gifts and to serve the world with those gifts. The director is Fr. Slavko Barbaric.

With this small text we wish to introduce ourselves and show our aims and invite all associates with similar aims to cooperate. By cooperation new possibilities will be opened to all for working and helping young people on their way of personal improvement and development of the gifts God has entrusted to them, but not just for themselves, but for all people. This fund began its operation under conditions of war and has already helped many young people on path of life.

However, post-war conditions for many young people are very unfavorable both morally and materially and therefore even greater help on all levels is necessary for them. The concrete goals and tasks of the Fund are:

- financing and support of talented children, pupils and students;

- advancing the goals of the Fund for the purpose of stirring the right people by personal contact to set aside means for support and financing the talented.

- cooperation with university and scholastic establishments, with and other funds for the financing of pupils and students, with civic, religious, political and other organizations, and by personal contact with the right people, according to the statutes contained in the basic principles of the Fund.

During this academic year also we are regularly assisting 100 students at various universities of Croatia and Bosnia-Hercegovina, and we distribute a one-time assistance to families with two or more students. We also endeavor to be of assistance in special social cases.

We hereby heartily invite all organizations in the world with similar aims to contact us so we might be able to cooperate in this charitable effort.

Sincere greetings from Medjugorje.

Contact us at the following address or telephone:

"Friends of the Talented" Fund

Domus Pacis

88266 Medjugorje


tel/fax 00387-88-651-549 (daily from 09:00 - 13:00)


The Association "Medjugorje for Children" which the Swiss pianist Mauro Harsch founded a year after his 1986 spiritual healing in Medjugorje celebrated the tenth anniversary of its found in October 1997. This association seeks to develop effective assistance to children of the world. It especially endeavors to and has already effectively given assistance to children and orphans in India, Brazil, Romania and is already also in South America, Africa and Madagascar. Worthy of special mention is its help in the construction of "Mothers' Village", the living environment in Bijakovici-Medjugorje for abandoned children and war orphans. The Association "Medjugorje for Children" donated the financial means for the construction of a house in which seven children now live. Care for them is provided by Sr. Zdenka Kozina and Ruzica Ruzic, a refugee from Konjic and the mother of Hercegovina Franciscan Fr. Dragan Ruzic.

This is the first charitable Association to start by the inspiration of the Medjugorje events. The wish of its founder is also further to help orphaned and abandoned children. For that reason in the framework of the celebration of the tenth anniversary a charitable concert has been organized. A chamber orchestra held a highly successful commemorative concert under the direction of Carlo Marija Giulini. The founder of the organization Mauro Harsch for charitable purposes released in the meantime a CD with the music of Mozart and Chopin. The entire profit goes for the intentions of the Association.

The Association issues its own magazine Buttons four times a year. That way Mary's spirit of concern for children spreads and brings forth abundant fruit.

They are happy to get information about other Associations and the written cooperation of the children of the whole world.

All other necessary information can be obtained from the secretariate of the Association: 0041-91-683-0002.

PRESS BULLETIN 80, December 17, 1997.


Just as everyone on earth has his own childhood, so also does mankind. We can all easily agree on that, but we will not so easily agree on when that childhood began. Scientists who only know about science, but not about the soul, will attempt to express it in the number of years since man biologically began to approximate his present form. Others who also recognize the soul in human life will express it in some other suitable way. We who call ourselves Christians, whether in addition to that we are scientists or whether we carry out other honorable occupations, will surely say that the childhood of mankind began with Jesus Christ. And that will be the expression that will fulfill us like the most beautiful gift.

Everything that happened before Jesus Christ in indeed only those nine months that are necessary for a child to be born. Mankind developed and became capable of seeing the light of day. Only when Jesus was born did it also become capable of walking and saying that it is here. Thus Jesus Christ became the cornerstone in the history of mankind. It can no longer live as though He does not exist. In other words, that is possible, but this kind of life takes on a still greater burden than previously.

Every year all over the world we celebrate this event of the advent of Jesus into our life. The external appearance of these celebrations is more or less always the same. However, our interior condition varies. There are some of us for whom the main thing is to make merry, to get some gift, to visit friends. . .and that's it. But it should be different. The celebration of Jesus's birth is a moment for examining our attitude toward what He did for each one of us. Only when we restore the right condition there, will we be able to rejoice together with others.

God has not left us alone to find our bearings on these earthly paths. So that we would for once already understand what He has done for us and that we would take the best advantage of it, He sent us His own Mother. Day by day She conveys His messages to us. She wants to teach us how to preserve in ourselves the freshness and warmth of our own childhood. It is up to us to accept this wisdom.

Both as individuals and as mankind we have a definite number of years and others for that reason, perhaps, think of us as adults. But we are adults only when we feel in ourselves the uninterrupted flow of our own source to our soul. Only then can we have our own personal and our own common history, that is, only then can it hve its own childhood. When it would have that, it will not be cold and angry, but warm and loving.

Fr. Miljenko Stojic



During November in the shrine of the Queen of Peace in Medjugorje 29,000 Holy Communions were distributed and there were 1,388 concelebrations at mass by priests from home and abroad, that is, 46 daily.

We will enumerate some of the countries from which pilgrims visited Medjugorje during the month of November: Poland, Italy, Belgium, Germany, Holland, Korea, United States, France, Hungary, Austria, Romania, Czech Republic, Slovakia, and or course, Croatia.


A vigil of prayer for the New Year will be held also this year in the church of Medjugorje. The vigil will start at 10 PM and conclude with Holy Mass at midnight.


We announce here the composition of the Press Bulletin Editorial Staff:

1. Fr. Miljenko Stojic

2. Fr. Ivan Landeka

3. Fr. Slavko Barbaric

4. Marija Dugandzic

5. Stipe Cavar

6. Kreso Sego


The ninth international youth prayer meeting will be held from July 31 - August 6, 1998. Here is the complete program for the meeting.


Theme For Each Day:

Friday July 31.

18:00 Rosary

19:00 Holy Mass

22:00 Introduction to the Festival and Adoration

Saturday August 1 - "Holy Spirit - You are God"

Father Hans Buob, Germany

09:00 Prayer to the Holy Spirit. Fr. Hans Buob

16:00 Fr. Hans Buob, Ivan Dragiæeviæ

Sunday, August 2. "The Holy Spirit and Mary"

Father Andrea Gasparini, Italy

09:00 Meeting on Podbrdo - Fr. Andrea Gasparini, Mirjana Soldo

16:00 Fr. Andrea Gasparini

Monday, August 3. "Holy Spirit, Open our hearts"

Don Cosimo Cavaluzzo, Italy

09:00 Prayer. Don Cosimo

16:00 Jakov Èolo, Don Cosimo

After evening Mass a Eucharistic Procession beginning from the Church

around the village of Medjugorje.

Tuesday August 4. "The Spirit of God and the spirit of the world"

Sister Elvira, Foundress of the Cenacolo Community, Italy.

09:00 Prayer. Sr. Elvira

16:00 Vicka Ivankoviæ, and the young men of Cenacolo Community

22:00 - 24:00. "The Spirit of God, And the spirit of the world"

Presentation by the Cenacolo Community.

Wednesday August 5. "Medjugorje: a work of the Holy Spirit"

Father Jozo Zovko

09:00 Prayer. Fr. Jozo

16:00 Testimonies

Youth Songs to Our Lady and Consecration of all to Our Lady.

Thursday August 6. Krizevac "Be my witnesses in the world"

03:00 Rosary going up Krizevac.

05:00 Holy Mass


1. Bring along:

a. ear phones and small FM radio

b. bible, umbrella and a candle for the procession.

2. Those with classical instruments (violin, flute, oboe, etc) should contact Agostino who is responsible for the music. Rooms will be provided for them at "Domus Pacis". Please send Agostino your name, address, age, instrument and years of experience in music. The Fax number is 00 387-88-651-888. You will hear from him.

3. Groups coming to participate in the Youth Prayer meeting should not plan any other programs during the youth festival.

4. Each evening there will be a community Mass.


09:00 - 10:00 Morning prayer

10:00 - 11:00 Lecture

11:00 - 11.30 Music practice

11:30 - 12:00 Lecture

12:00 Afternoon prayer

12:30 Free time

16:00 -17:00 Witnessing / visionaries and other testimonies

18:00 Community rosary and Holy Mass

22:00 -23:30 Adoration


PRESS BULLETIN 79, December 03, 1997.


We bring peace! That is the cry the Queen of Peace has been repeating for years and years in the parish of Medjugorje. All, of course, swear that they are the ones who are working that way. But is it really in that way?

Some in this modern world understand peace in such a way that they think it is good to impose force on other people and states. Such people are ready to get into the arms race, to prescribe styles of behavior for individuals and nations, to deceive their citizens with the lies of mass media . . . In brief, they are not interested in the real truth, but only in "the truth" that serves their selfish interests.

To the other group belong all those who are ready to accept the truth, no matter what it is. They love themselves and their people, but others also in the same manner as their own people. They understand that only the universal brotherhood of all men can lead to happiness and well-being. Their model is Jesus Christ who did not exclude any person from his good news. He was the first to offer his hand to every man and eliminate all distinctions between people. On the basis of his kind of behavior various movements sprung up later which sometimes had nothing at all in common with Christianity.

What should be done? Isn't the answer totally evident? What the Queen of Peace has proclaimed has to be accepted. There is no individual or nation that is "more equal". We are all equal in the same manner. The time has come for Christ's concept of universal brotherhood finally to conquer on this earth. The responsibility is, of course, also on us. We have to get busy praying!

Fr. Miljenko Stojic



At the beginning of November 1997 Msgr Joao Evangelist Martins Terra, the auxiliary bishop of Brasilia, capital city of the South American country of Brazil, visited the Shrine of the Queen of Peace in Medjugorje. At the time of his visit he gladly accepted to tell us something about his impressions and experiences. We here present his whole conversation :

Press Bulletin: We want to start by saying to you, "Welcome to Medjugorje." Tell us something about your country, your city Brasilia, the culture of your people, religion, standard of living. . .

Bishop Martins: First of all I greet all your readers. I am the auxiliary bishop of Brasilia and my name is John Evangelist Martins Terra. Brasilia is a new city and the capital city of Brazil. It is only thirty years old but it already has three million inhabitants. Brasilia is a city with a great influx of settlers. Even though the number of sects is growing in Brazil, Brasilia is still the diocese with the greatest number of Catholics. We have a diocesan seminary with 206 seminarians. We also have a seminary of the Franciscan Order with thirty seminarians. In addition we also have a movement that is spreading more and more in the world, and that is the neo-catechumenate movement. The seminary of the neo-catechumenate movement is also large with 76 seminarians. Next year twenty priests from this movement will be ordained. Brasilia in the beginning had priests from every order that came along with the people. Brazil with its huge area is more like a continent. It is just as big as all of United States and Europe together. It is composed of various peoples and races, the majority being Portuguese, Italian and other European nations. We also have a black population which originated from the slaves introduced in the sixteenth century and finally the indigenous population or native Indians. Now all of these make up one mixture of nations, 80% of which belong to the Catholic faith. In recent times various sects have begun to appear. These sects are non-

defined, with a highly pronounced discrimination. There is no difference between the sects, they just have different leaders. I think this phenomenon is insignificant and transient. In opposition to the appearance of these sects we have an outstanding charismatic movement that is called 'Renewal in the Spirit.'

I came here with a group of 45 members of that movement. First we visited the Holy Land. We were in Jerusalem, Nazareth and Bethlehem. We prayed a lot in these holy places. After each pilgrimage to the Holy Land at the end we come back to Medjugorje. Here in Medjugorje one senses a special devotion to Our Lady. Brazilians are greatly devoted to the Most Holy Virgin, Our Lady the Mother of Christ. In Brazil there is the shrine of Abresida where Our Lady appeared and there are many shrines dedicated to Our Lady.

Press Bulletin: When did you first hear about Medjugorje and from whom did you learn about this place?

Bishop Martin: I heard about Medjugorje the first time fifteen years ago. At that time I was in Europe. In Brazil we have a military cathedral dedicated to the Queen of Peace. In 1991 Marija Pavlovic and Fr. Leonard Orec visited Brazil. On that occasion they were present for the blessing of the corner stone of the same cathedral. The Catholic radio of Brasilia bears the name Queen of Peace and gets most of the credit for so many knowing about the events in Medjugorje.

Press Bulletin: Are you in Medjugorje for the first time?

Bishop Martin: Yes, I am here for the first time and unexpectedly. For me it is like a small miracle to find myself here. You know I am a professor of the Bible and I should now be in Brazil for lectures, but some unexplainable circumstances have led me here. For me and for the whole group this has been in some way a miraculous pilgrimage for us to be able to pray so long and without tiring.

Press Bulletin: What are your impressions, as a believer, as a bishop, a pastor of the Church?

Bishop Martin: I have visited Lourdes and Fatima several times. I saw that over there it is already practically finished, while here with the visionaries still always present one senses a great presence of Our Lady. I feel the whole place and surroundings alive for Our Lady, isn't it ? The whole place is alive for Our Lady. I am surprised at a place that is not as big as Fatima which has become a big city. Here it is not that way. One still always senses simplicity around the church. Yesterday I was at dinner with the Medjugorje Friars and their simplicity amazed me as also afterwards at prayer and at the time for confessions. I had a feeling like I were among the first churches in Jerusalem. I lived and worked in Jerusalem for two years as an archeologist and professor of Scripture. I worked in the Syrian desert as a chaplain to a Levitic tribe. I think all that work prepared me to be able now to feel great grace and Our Lady's blessing.

Press Bulletin: As a bishop, pastor of the Church you know that our local bishop is not favorable to these events. Does that bother you?

Bishop Martin: No, because there are also other bishops who think otherwise. I would like to recall the archbishop of Pescara who is my great friend and every year we go to the spiritual exercises in San Marino together with Fr. Gobbi. Every year spiritual exercises are organized for priests and bishops and that way also the archbishop of Pescara often comes. One time he told me that he asked the Holy Father about these events. "Holy Father what should I do when the faithful from my diocese of Pescara want often to go on pilgrimage to Medjugorje?" "What are they doing?" asked the Holy Father. "They pray and go to holy confession." "Well, isn't that good?" answered the Holy Father. I worked for ten years with the Holy Father and with Cardinal Ratzinger. Cardinal Ratzinger is a wonderful man, full of spirituality and very pleasant. Sometimes I hear it said about him that he is very strict and serious, but I think he is a man with a big heart. Once I asked him what he thinks about this movement. He answered me that the tree is recognized by the fruits, because good fruits are a sign of God's presence.

Press Bulletin: Cardinal Ratzinger told you that?

Bishop Martin: Yes.

Press Bulletin: About Medjugorje?

Bishop Martin: Yes, about Medjugorje and about Fr. Gobbi. For both movements.

Press Bulletin: When you return to Brazil what will you tell your faithful as a bishop, pastor of the Church?

Bishop Martin: In Brazil we have organized pilgrimages to Medjugorje and moreover we have pilgrimages to other shrines. The most numerous are the pilgrimages to Medjugorje which was for me very interesting and therefore I have come now to thank Our Lady for this beautiful gift. I think that by this visit I have made a large number of faithful in our diocese happy.

Press Bulletin: Will you support their going to Medjugorje?

Bishop Martin: Naturally. Beside that in Brazil we have a weekly publication with the latest news from Medjugorje. The publication is free and thereby a greater number of people read it.

Press Bulletin: And finally, what would you say to us who live here and work every day with the pilgrims? Your message to all the parishioners of Medjugorje?

Bishop Martin: Ordinarily it is said that nobody is a prophet in his own place. Many people come here to pray, but I wonder if the towns people of this place live in the same way? Again I wonder if the youth of Medjugorje realize how much grace there is here? Are they able to undertake the whole responsibility and give witness to the strong faith that God has given them? The responsibility is not just on the priests, but on all the parishioners who are dedicated to Our Lady. All the inhabitants of Medjugorje have to always keep this in mind.

Press Bulletin: To close, we are very grateful to you and take the opportunity of recommending ourselves to your prayers. In the name of all our readers we promise to pray for you and for all the pilgrims who come here.

Bishop Martin: And I am very glad to have been together with all of you, and, sad to say, we are already going back to Brazil this afternoon.


Throughout history every nation on earth has fought to be free. In modern times that has also been correctly confirmed by the United Nations Charter where it speaks of the right of a nation to self-determination.

The Croatian people, among whom the Queen of Peace appeared June 25, 1981, have not always succeeded in being independent. It has been chafed by various foreign regimes so that today it is a nation constituted in two states: Croatia and Bosnia-Hercegovina. It has only acquired freedom in these last years, having before that passed through a terrible, imposed war.

The coming of the Queen of Peace and her admonishing word to today's world, and the freedom of the Croatian people are not what everybody wanted. And they began to work against the one and the other from the very beginning.

The task for us who work in the Shrine of the Queen of Peace is not to engage ourselves in the political but in the religious field. We have always done so and we always will do so. Yet, when someone mixes political and religious sensitivities, it is our duty at least to say something about the truth. After that offensive BBC film in December 1996, Channel 4 in Great Britain has now also done it (November 20, 1997). They have presented a broadcast in which occasionally there are complete falsehoods. Here and there in reversing the facts they have tried to indict the Franciscans by portraying them as inventing Our Lady and perpetrating financial frauds. They present the Croatian people as genocidal and being the aggressor instead of being the victim. They alarm all the friends of Medjugorje into having nothing to do with such types. There is no point in defending oneself from these orgies but it makes sense merely to ask for whose interests are they doing these things. And even that only so that we might not also unconsciously have assisted them in these kind of foul dealings.


On Tuesday November 25, 1997 RADIO STATION "MIR" - STUDIO MEDJUGORJE began operating. Fr. Miljenko Stojic is its director and Marija Dugandzic is editor-in-chief.

The purpose of this new radio station is to be at the service of pilgrims who come to the parish of Medjugorje. It is our hope in the course of time to even reach their homes, wherever that might be.The radio station was blessed November 7 by Msgr Lazaro Perez,the bishop of De Autlan, Halisco Mexico.

Any assistance of yours to this radio station will be welcome. We would especially request you to send us some CD's with music from your countries. We would like to greet you with them when you come to the Shrine of the Queen of Peace in Medjugorje. Thank you in advance.

PRESS BULLETIN 78, November 19, 1997.


Whoever spends a few days longer in the parish of Medjugorje begins to notice faces that belong to different nations and races. After one has gotten accommodated in time and space, after one has established his relationship with the Medjugorje events, he can begin to devote himself to the observation of others around himself. What he notices can be summarized in a few words: everyone is praying together, everyone mixes together and no one bothers anyone else.

Naturally, it was not at all easy to arrive at this kind of condition. It was necessary to bypass every learned model and recognize that we are all equal in God's eyes. I repeat, we are all equal. No one is more equal.

The Queen of Peace is the one who opened this school. She is the main teacher, but the organizer of the program is God. For that reason students in this school successfully finish their training, only if they want to, regardless of their human capabilities. The grade is then the same for all, since God appreciates conscientious work, and not a dryly achieved result.

The material presented is not given out only in the parish of Medjugorje and never depends on the number of students. For Our Lady and God even just one student is sufficient, even if he is located at the very end of the world. They come to him and want to instruct him. All that he has to do is open the door of his heart and begin to spell the first letters in this school. That is the one and only requirement at any moment of the instructions.

I immediately know who will not enroll in this school. It will be all those who approach life insincerely. They know that God governs this world, but at that they only give a waive of the hand. Dearer to them is the transient deceptive splendor of this world than the kingdom of God which only awaits us. Well, in the same way I know who will immediately enroll. They are those who are sincere, who are not afraid to undergo hardships so as to reach the real things. This is the right school for them.

Fr. Miljenko Stojic



In the month of October in the shrine of the Queen of Peace in Medjugorje 139,000 Holy Communions were distributed and at holy mass there were 3,364 concelebrations by priests from at home and abroad, that is 108 daily.

We will enumerate some of the countries from which pilgrims arrived during October to visit Medjugorje: Poland, England, Italy, Ireland, Belgium, Germany, Holland, Korea, Canada, United States, Australia, France, Scotland, Hungary, Brazil, Austria, Romania, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Latvia, Portugal, New Guinea and, of course, Croatia.

At the end of October French pilgrims were especially numerous. About 2,000 of them came on a visitation to Mary in this shrine. The French have traditionally organized their largest pilgrimage in the last week of the month of October. That is the occasion on which the organizers themselves meet, share their experiences and enrich one another with the good fruits of their year-long labor.


For the feasts of All Saints and All Souls Day a large number of pilgrims from Italy traditionally come to the shrine of Medjugorje. Those are ordinarily the days when in this shrine together with pilgrims from the whole world we pray in a special way for all the deceased, and especially for all the fallen Croatian defenders. They are not unknown to foreign pilgrims. On the contrary, Medjugorje pilgrims have become great friends of the Croatian people and their great benefactors in the course of the war for the homeland. Our sufferings they experienced as their own, our needs as their own. Many in the world heard about our small country precisely from Medjugorje pilgrims and gave their contributions to the painfully afflicted people of our homeland in its most difficult moments. They indeed demonstrated that they continue to live that saying of Our Lady written in Sacred Scripture: "Do whatever He tells you." And the parishioners of Medjugorje and all those who have felt their love, care, and concern constantly keep them in their prayers and call God's blessing down upon them.



Representatives of twenty Centers of Peace from all the Latin American countries gathered last week in Medjugorje for the Eighth International Meeting of the Centers of Peace. These centers have come forth as the gathering places of all those who have felt the importance of Our Lady's call in Medjugorje. Their activity is encountered primarily in spreading of the messages, and in organization of prayer groups and pilgrimages. This is already the eighth meeting, but the first to be held in Medjugorje. About 350 participants spent one week in prayer and meditation, exchanging experiences of their year-long work in spreading Our Lady's messages of peace among the faithful of the Spanish speaking world. Especially emphasized was the importance of the cooperation of Centers for the sake of an authentic spreading of Our Lady's messages to the world.


It is the wisdom of life that if we want the river to be clean, then first of all we have to try not to pollute the source in any kind of way. The Queen of Peace at the very beginning of her apparitions said that she chose the parish of Medjugorje in a special way . She thereby formed the source through which flows the river of her activity.

Since it is not always easy to keep the source pure on this imperfect earthly globe, we call on all friends of the Queen of Peace to join groups of prayer for the parish of Medjugorje and for the local church. If they will know how to live Our Lady's words, that is, it will be easier for the whole world to change.

Every day let us pray at least one Our Father, Hail Mary and Glory be. This should continue until the time that the church recognizes the apparitions of the Queen of Peace. Then we will decide how to go further.

We would like it if you inform us of the number of people praying. Naturally, success does not depend only on numbers.

PRESS BULLETIN 77, November 05, 1997.


Today's tragedy of modern man did not commence at the moment he invented the atomic bomb or anything similar. It started when he said 'no' to God. Advocates of the so-called modern age remember that day with pride and call it 'enlightenment' and similar such names. According to that logic those others would not be able to be modern until with heart and soul ( pardon me, it doesn't exist) they join that movement.

Still, things are not really quite like that. Those who during critical changes remained with God did not bring about the origin of the atomic bomb and that it be employed. Nor, devoid of all moral sense, did they begin to get busy with genetic engineering, etc. Their role, indeed, consisted in being a counter-balance to immature human endeavors.

It is not my intention to offend anyone, but it is truly immature to lean only on oneself. As human beings we are unfortunately weak and fragile. Therefore, we need someone on whom we can lean and to whom we can come as to someone dear. And in the highest degree that is God.

The Queen of Peace is constantly teaching us how to be open to this wisdom. Her manner of speaking is modern and the fulfillment of all those beautiful desires that today's world holds dear. Nevertheless because of its rejection of God, this modern civilization cannot forget that man in every age must be good, have friends. . .

Each day that we live through is our modern age. Our relationship with God will show us whether we are living in that modern age or living in the haze of false human self-conceit, that is, in the great mistakes of the past. Who is, then, conservative?

Fr. Miljenko Stojic



Hotel "Sunce" - Neum, March 9 -13, 1998

Monday, March 9, 1997.


19:00 Holy Mass (Fr. Tomislav Pervan, Provincial of the Hercegovina Franciscans )

20:00 Dinner

Tuesday, March 10, 1998

07:30 Morning prayer

08:00 Breakfast

09:00 Lecture: "Essential Characteristics of a Spiritual Movement" - Dr. Marianne Tigges

10:00 Intermission

10:30 Group discussion on the theme of the lecture

11:30 Meeting with the Lecturer

12:30 Lunch

15:30 Meeting with the Franciscan Fathers (Fr. Ivan Landeka, Fr. Slavko Barbaric, Fr. Miljenko Stojic, Fr. Svetozar Kraljevic, Fr. Leonard Orec, Fr. Jozo Zovko)

17:00 Intermission

17:30 Rosary

18:00 Holy Mass (Fr. Jozo Zovko)


20:30 Miscellaneous announcements

Wednesday, March 11, 1998

07:30 Morning prayer

08:00 Breakfast

09:00 Lecture: "Is Medjugorje a Spiritual Movement in the Church?" Fr. Dirk Grothues

10:00 Intermission

10:30 Group discussion on the theme of the lecture

12:00 Lunch

15:00 Meeting with the Lecturer

15:00 Lecture: "Family in Our Lady's messages" - (Fr. Slavko Barbaric)

16:00 Intermission

16:30 Meeting with the visionaries

17:30 Rosary

Holy Mass (Fr. Miljenko Stojic)


20:30 Adoration (Fr. Ivan Landeda)

Thursday, March 12, 1998

07:30 Morning prayer

08:00 Breakfast

09:00 Lecture: "Medjugorje and the New Evangelization" - Dr. Fr. Ivan Dugandzic

10:00 Intermission

10:30 Group disussion on the theme of the lecture

12:00 Lunch

15:00 Group Discussion - Resolutions

14:00 Intermission

14:30 Group Discussion - Resolutions

17:30 Rosary

Holy Mass (Fr. Slavko Barbaric )


Friday, March 13, 1998

07:30 Morning prayer

08:00 Breakfast

09:00 Departure for Medjugorje

Departure for Apparition Hill

12:30 Group Lunch

Departure for Krizevac

Lecturers for this year's seminar are:

Dr. Marianne Tigges, born February 15, 1942 in Haagen, Westphalia, Germany. In 1957 she was promoted to the Philosophical Faculty of the Westphalia Wilhelm University in Munster (pedagogy-theology - philosophy ). Till 1979 she served in East Africa; from 1979 - 1983 she worked in the office of the Papal mission MISSIO in Aachen; from 1983 - 1987 in the office of the Pastoral Center of the German Bishops' Conference in the department of "Spiritual Life, Spiritual vocations, church ministries". She was the contact person for the German Bishops' Conference for spiritual communities and movements from 1987 to 1991. She was appointed secretary to the Bishops' Conference for spiritual vocations and church ministries in 1991.

Dirk Grotheus, born 1928, ordained priest 1955 in Munster, Germany. He is chaplain to a community of workers, instructor of religion in a gymnasiums, pastoral caregiver in a clinic for psychosomatic medicine, counselor in the service for marriage and family affairs, and spiritual director of spiritual communities. From 1968 to 1995 he is theological collaborator for the diocesan newspaper Kirche und Leben, rector of the provincial house of sisters in Munster. Since 1987 he is spiritual advisor at the Center Mary Queen of Peace, Medjugorje. He collaborates on theological symposia and in publications that refer to the Medjugorje apparitions and messages.

Dr. Fr. Ivan Dugandzic - Franciscan priest, member of the Hercegovina Franciscan province. Born 1943 in Krehin Gradac, country Citluk, Hercegovina. After graduating in Dubrovnik in 1962, he entered the Franciscan Order. He completed theological studies in Sarajevo and Koenigstein, Germany. Ordained priest in 1969. Postgraduate study and doctorate in biblical science in Wuerzburg, Germany. Since 1990 he lives and works in Zagreb. He is professor of New Testament exegesis and biblical theology at the Catholic Theological Faculty and its institutes. He has published works in technical theological reviews. He publishes in religious newspapers in a contemporary style on various biblical themes. He has lived and worked in Medjugorje on two occasions: 1970 - 1972 and 1985 - 1988.

PRESS BULLETIN 76, october 22, 1997.


A tree is recognized by its fruits, it says some place in the Gospel. Everyday life has confirmed this principle for us countless times. For that reason arose the proverb with the same meaning: As the parents, so also the children.

Word of the events in the parish of Medjugorje has spread out over the whole world. That has not happened because of some special promotion, but because of the strength of the word. Already from the very beginning people were coming from all parts of the world to see what was happening. Their travel and arrival were often uncomfortable. The atheistic communist government tried every possible way to hinder that word. First they said it was all one big fraud. When they did not succeed in convincing others of that, they began to hinder the arrival of pilgrims in all kinds of ways. They locked up local people in prison and behaved rudely toward them. The same fate befell those who came from other countries, even though the government at that time tried to show them a different face.

Today communism is no more. It blew over these areas like a violent hurricane. With the help of accomplices from other countries (also even of those that are called democratic) it tried to destroy its own territory with an unmerciful war. It did not succeed. It blew out of the Croatian homeland like a dishonorable way of life.

For the first time after the beginning of the apparitions Croatians were able to pray to the Queen of Peace not only in their own homes, but also in the parish of Medjugorje. No more did anyone try to hinder their buses from coming here. Therefore, they also rushed in great numbers, since they knew that the Queen of Peace gave them a state, that home to which every people has a right.

It is mistaken to conclude that only the Croatian people recognized their own mother in the Queen of Peace. Many nations around the world also recognized it. For that reason they began to live differently. Now there is more peace in those nations, more love toward other nations, more ideal family life. . ., there is less drugs, less various types of criminals, less revenge and hatred. They have begun to live a fullness of life recognizing that the goal of life is not to be richer than one's neighbor, but to be good together with one's neighbor on this imperfect earth.

This kind of success was not achieved by any kind of modern movement with its own promotional means and money which were approved just for that purpose. They began to experience success just then when they joined the "movement" of the Queen of Peace.

The fruits of the coming of the Queen of Peace, then, are obvious. They are not bad, but exceptionally good fruits. In the eyes of others they become "bad" only when someone attempts to exploit them for their own personal promotional goals.

Fr. Miljenko Stojic



As already announced in Press Bulletin No. 72, the international prayer-educational seminar for the leaders of prayer groups, charitable and pilgrim groups, connected with Medjugorje, will be held at Hotel "Sunce" in Neum from the 9th to the 13th of March, 1998. The theme of the seminar will be "The Medjugorje Spiritual Movement."

There is limited space, and the number of participants is greater each year. Therefore we request that you register your coming to the prayer-educational seminar as soon as possible and no later than the end of December. Do your registration by fax ++387-88-651-444 or by e-mail: (with the indication "Attention: Information Center") or just at the information office of the shrine.

Simultaneous translation will be organized for all language groups. Cost of accomodations, airport transfer and seminar is 280 DM per person per double room. The supplement for a single room is 40 DM. Payment shall be made to the seminar organizer upon arrival at the hotel. There will be the possibility of organized transfer from the Split airport to Hotel "Sunce" in Neum. All those who need a transfer on the 9th of March should give notice of the exact time of their arrival and flight number to the "Medjugorje-Mir" Association in Split no later than the end of December by fax ++385-21-361-354. Organized transfer from Neum to Medjugorje will be arranged for the last day. Each person should have a radio and earphones for the simultaneous translation. Radios and earphones will also be available during the course of the seminar.

Program and brief biographical notes on the speakers will be published in the following Press Bulletin.


The second meeting of priests on the theme: "Priests in the School of Mary" will be held from June 30th to July 6th , 1998. The meeting will be conducted by Don Cosimo Cavaluzzo, Joerg Mueller, Fr. Jozo Zovko and Fr. Slavko Barbaric. Joerg Mueller, a psycotherapist for many years, will introduce priests to the ministry of deliverance (recognition of satanic activity in people, working with such people and recognition of mental sicknesses).

We request all priests to bring along an alb and stole. Simultaneous translation will be organized. For that a radio and earphones are necessary. They can also be obtained in the course of the seminar. By fulfilling two mass intentions for the Parish Office of Medjugorje, accomodation expenses will be covered. For all announcements use telephone number ++387-88-651-988 (information office). Reservations for accomodations can be made by fax number ++387-88-651-888.



For the sake of effectively directing pastoral care in the shrine and assisting pilgrims, we request all organizers of pilgrims to notify us of their arrival at Medjugorje beforehand. Give the exact date of your arrival and departure from Medjugorje, the number of pilgrims, as well as the language of your group, that is the country from which you are coming.

You can send your notice by fax number ++387-88-651-444 or by e-mail: (with the indication "Attention: Information Center "MIR")


We hereby give you notice that our internet and e-mail addresses are changed.

New internet address:

New e-mail address:

PRESS BULLETIN 75, october 08, 1997.


Does love have a face or a way of expressing itself? The answer is easy, isn't it ? Love is beauty, goodness, it's constructive each description is better than the next. But, does love have a face?

Parents who demonstrate love to their children, and show love among themselves are an expression of love. Even if they don't believe in God; in that case, the love that they are showing is human love. And this human love is expressed on a day-to day level, but without being rooted in God. It is founded upon itself, a world of it's own. Since the creation of the world this face of love has been in existence.

Parents who demonstrate love to their children and each other and who do believe in God on the other hand, show the divine face of love too. The stronger their belief, the more this love is evident. (This of course goes for all other levels of human life and relationships too.) Divine love made it possible for this world to exist and it is this love which ensures that the world grows towards that end. This end is salvation or the kingdom of God.

The Queen of Peace is not like an unfeeling adviser giving out unusual counsel, but rather one who has experienced in her own life, the divine and the human face of love. And she united them so well in her life that love within her became a most beautiful jewel. That's why she can invite us to leave all our egoism behind us for loves sake. This is possible only if we live God's love. And she does this not to nullify us as individuals, but rather to fulfill us and to eventually lead us to our God. When we do this, there is no power which can destroy us. We are then capable of solving all life's difficulties in love and to be an example of what that love actually means to others.

So, when someone tells us that they love us, let us look at the face of that love. After that everything should be much clearer

fra. Miljenko Stojic



Throughout the month of September in the shrine of the Queen of Peace in Medjugorje 114 000 Holy Communions were distributed and 2732 priests from both at home and abroad concelebrated at Holy Mass. This averages at about 91 priests daily.

The following are just some of the countries from which these pilgrims came: Spain, France, Ireland, England, Slovenia, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, America, Germany Italy Portugal, Poland Belgium, the Netherlands, and of course Croatia.


We have already met many pilgrims from the African country of Gabon in Medjugorje in these past years. In September this year, the pilgrimage group from the capital city of Liberville, was accompanied by Mons. Andre Fernand Anguile. He remained the entire week in Medjugorje. Speaking about his own country and his home he had this to say about Medjugorje.

" People from my diocese have often come to me after having been in Medjugorje. They related to me their experiences, and they brought books and newspaper articles. Last year, some pilgrims invited me to accompany them. However, I didn't really want to go because I knew that Medjugorje has not received full recognition. This year I have come with this group, but I was completely aware that I was coming as a private individual. I wanted to see for myself what is happening here. I know of the many good fruits of Medjugorje. Those who had been here, after returning home become testimonies of faith on all levels. And that's what's most needed at this moment.

The first thing that deeply impresses me is the spirit of prayer here in Medjugorje. I see pilgrims from the whole world here The evening program alone is enough to show how much and how deeply people pray here. Those inside the church and those who cannot enter (because there is no more space) still pray ardently and devotedly. I see all the priests here confessing for hours and who pray more devotedly than they would normally. But the thing that really delighted me was the sight of so many young people praying and confessing. Here it's not difficult to feel the presence of God and the workings of grace in action, that's why it's so easy to believe in the presence of Mary. I listened to the testimony of the visionaries and I prayed with Ivan at the time of apparition. They radiate peace and joy. They speak very simply and their ideas on prayer really impressed me. We recommended ourselves to their prayer and asked them to ask Our Lady to intercede for Gabon, for all peoples and for the Church. The overall impression which I have at the moment is really good. People come here and really pray. You can feel the spirit and presence of Our Lady.

To the question; "what would you now recommend to the faithful, bishops and priests?" Mons. Anguile replied, "Our Lady's apparitions are a good sign for our times. She wants to prepare us for the third millennium through Medjugorje and we must do as she says. If we're obedient, all will be well and the world will have hope. It's good that Our Lady has appeared here and that the priests, the visionaries and the parish community have managed to remain faithful to her. You have become an example to many. Here great good is being done. Please remember me in your prayers and I promise to remember all of you also. When I return home I will tell people that I have been to Medjugorje and I will call all the laity to pray and fast more, and to allow Mary to lead us all into this new time."


In the house of prayer "Domus Pacis", in Medjugorje, as a preparation for Christmas, some seminars on "Prayer and Fasting" will be held during Advent. Our Holy Father Pope John Paul II in his encyclical "The Gospel of life", invites us to "return to prayer and fasting in courage and humility .." and Our lady herself in so many messages called us to fasting and prayer. She once said"with fasting and prayer even wars can be avoided"For this reason we would like to invite any of you who are interested in preparing in an even deeper way for the anniversary of Christ's birth, to participate in these seminars. They are a very rich experience and a fitting opportunity for this. The organizer and spiritual guide of the seminar is Fr. Slavko Barbaric. There are free places left for two of the seminars; (a) from the 7th to the 12th of December and (b) from the 15th to the 21st of December. All information is available at the following phone number 387 88 651 333.


We would like to let all pilgrimage groups and individuals who visit Medjugorje know that the daily evening service program will now commence at 5p.m. and end at 8p.m. for the wintertime(i.e. at 1700 the rosary will begin, at 18.00, the holy mass and afterwards the blessings, prayers and the third part of the rosary).

Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament will take place from 9p.m. until 10p.m. on Wednesday and Saturday nights. Prayer before the Cross takes place every Friday after the evening mass. Every Sunday at 3 p.m. in the afternoon the rosary will be prayed on Apparition Hill, and on Fridays at the same hour, the way of the Cross will be prayed on Mt. Krizevac. Every day an hour before the Mass begins, there are confessors available for the sacrament of reconciliation.

Holy Mass for the different language groups are held throughout the morning, according to previous arrangement. All information to do with the prayer program of the shrine can be obtained from the information office at the no. +387 88 651 988 between the hours of 8a.m. and 5 p.m. We would also like to ask all organizers of pilgrim groups to let their groups know about the information office which gives access to necessary information. The Office is now situated in front of the Parish House and not in the Parish Office !

PRESS BULLETIN 74, september 24, 1997.


Would we say that our walk through this life was easy or hard? It's a question which we're fairly familiar with. We undergo different experiences on a day-to-day level and we ask ourselves how they strike us in their entirety.

To the question above, those who live by faith will simply reply: our journey is an easy one. I suppose there are two possible reasons for this reply. Either they are blinded by their faith or they are enabled to see farther, thanks to their confidence in God. Personally I'm inclined to agree more with the second. Those who believe see so much farther and deeper. That's why they will declare that the walk of life is not that difficult. The truth is that they'll experience hardships just as anyone else does, but won't fall under the weight of them. Instead they see them as the condition which will carry them nearer to their true home, their heavenly abode.

If man wants to maintain this "ease" in life, he must believe and remain faithful to God. Every lack of faith is a taking of life's burdens onto our own frail shoulders. For this reason the Queen of Peace unceasingly speaks of being faithful to God . The means are: prayer, conversion, fasting, penance, the realization of peace, reading the Scriptures, adoring Jesus present in the Blessed Sacrament, praying the rosary These things will create a guard against the deceptions of this world. Then, we won't be blinded from recognizing God and His work in our lives.

Even at that, faithfulness is like life: easy and hard. It depends on us

fra Miljenko Stojic



The feast of the Exaltation of the Cross was solemnly celebrated this year too on Mt. Krizevac on Sunday September 14th. In the presence of over fifty thousand foreign and local pilgrims, the holy Mass was celebrated by Fr. Zoran Senjak, guardian of the Franciscan seminary in Zagreb. Just as in former years, rivers of pilgrims were pouring into Medjugorje throughout the night. Many of them had come hundreds of kilometers hiking, some of them barefoot.

Krizevac doesn't attract the pilgrims so much for it's natural beauty or for some sort of importance attached to the cross that's built on it, but moreover because of the various signs and lights that pilgrims have claimed to see at the beginning of the apparitions there. Naturally these are linked to the apparitions of Our Lady and to the Medjugorje message- "Peace between man and God and among mankind". They understood that the road to that peace inevitably meets up with the cross.

Fr. Ivan Landeka announced this when greeting the pilgrims saying " that the cross was erected to commemorate the 1900th anniversary of Jesus' s passion and death, and that we are gathered in prayer underneath that cross in these years if Our Lord preparing for the third millennium"


On the eve of her funeral (13th September), a mass was celebrated in memory of Mother Teresa in the Church of Medjugorje. The Mass was celebrated by Fr. Ljudevit Rupcic who, while speaking about her, madereference to her expressed wish to come to Medjugorje. He saw it as an effective recognition of the authenticity of what is happening here. We are referring to when Mother Teresa last year was in hospital at Birla in Calcutta, and was visited by the Croatian delegate to India Mr. Stambuk. On behalf of the Croatian people and the President of the Rep. Of Croatia Mr. Franjo Tudman, Cardinal Kuharic and himself, he wished Mother Teresa a speedy recovery and good health. Mr. Stambuk told Mother Teresa of the mass which was celebrated for her recovery at the national shrine of Marija Bistrica by Cardinal Kuharic, and how the Croatian people remember her in their prayers. Mother Teresa thanked him for all the good wishes and prayers and expressed her sadness at not having yet visited Medjugorje. She also spoke about Fr. Ante Gabrica a Croatian missionary priest buried in the vicinity of Calcutta, referring to him as a saintly man. She recommended to Croatian families to pray together in the family, because, she said, "the family which prays together stays together."


Soon after the apparitions of the Queen of Peace began at Medjugorje, it came to the attention of the public that the Diocesan and Franciscan priests of the Mostar diocese did not agree on all issues. This quarrel had in fact broken out over one hundred years beforehand, and sadly, still continues today. At a local level, this discrepancy would not have been intensified had Mostar not been an area of intersecting cultures, faiths and civilizations. At a world-wide level, it wouldn't have been so controversial had Our Lady not appeared in one of it's parishes! Undoubtedly this argument affects the stance of the local Church and the Church in the whole of Croatia as regards Our Lady's apparitions. It is important to mention here that in the initial months of the apparitions the local Bishop, Pavao Zanic believed in the authenticity of Our Lady's apparitions and due to reasons, known only to himself, he altered his stance. Wishing to protect Episcopal comradeship, the bishops of the Church of Croatia have refrained from making public statements. Many other Church dignitaries have followed their example. However there have also been some significant exceptions.

In the Croatian weekly newspaper "Globus" from the 5th of Sept. 1997 (pages 14-16) many questions were addressed to Prof. Albert Rebic, priest and lecturer in Sacred Scripture in the Catholic Theological University in Zagreb up to 1996. By Church permission he became head administrator of the Office for the exiled and the ostracized, (i.e. part of the Croatian Government). He is the author of many books and leaflets. He is presently compiling a most significant issue on the public face of the Church in Croatia. Here we have not printed the article from "Globus", in it's entirety, but rather singled out the questions which have to do with Medjugorje.

What can Kaptol do to finally resolve the case of the Hercegovinian Franciscans? Do you think that it's possible to change the relationship of the official structure of the church towards Medjugorje?

"I will tell you what I think personally: In Herzegovina, both parties ought to have more of the Spirit of God. The Franciscans have to realize that through history they have done an infinite work for that people. The Franciscans preserved the Catholic faith, and even preserved Croatia in Herzegovina.. They were with the people for centuries. The people called them "uncles" and indeed they still do. They make up part of the Herzegovinian family. Why dismantle that? Especially dismantle it with force, with decrees, punishments and threats? This, believe me, is not the Spirit of Jesus Christ, nor in the Spirit of His Gospel.

And if you are asking me about Medjugorje, my answer is that Medjugorje is a gift from God. It's a gift of God to our people living in Herzegovina. I don't want to get into the truth or the falsehood of the apparitions. On that regard I have my own theological conclusions, just as I have about Fatima, Lourdes, and all such shrines. But Medjugorje is God's realization. I was there on a few occasions, especially as a Government official during the tough times of the war in Mostar. Medjugorje is a spiritual oasis. There, one experiences the closeness of God as on Sinai. That's something special. It's something which you cannot feel for example neither in Lourdes nor in Fatima. That's why so many come here from all over the world. And why do some of our priests and bishops look on that with a critical eye? Because it's in the sphere of the Franciscan Fathers? That's very sad! I saw the Spirit of God at work there: Masses, confessions prayer, penance every day, all day, from early morning to late at night. To whom can this be wrong that people pray in this way, they confess, they sing and are happy, their souls are healed.

I think that some bishops do not understand that "rank" by the church's understanding does not mean we should rule over and command, but moreover, it emphasizes how important it is to serve, to love and to help. That's the true understanding of rank or status within the Church and it's also the true understanding of the Episcopal position. A bishop must co-ordinate, love serve, respect the dignity of every man, whether Diocesan or Franciscan."

I don't think that we can remain deaf to these prophetic words. They are the fruit of meditating upon and experiencing that which the Queen of Peace said and continues to say in Medjugorje. Lets decide therefore to pray for unity in the Church where Medjugorje is situated, so that united with the whole Church in Croatia they are even more capable to respond to Our Lady's call. In that way one of the main obstacles to Our Lady's work would be removed.


In response to an invitation by a friend and pilgrim of Medjugorje, Fr. Slavko together with the visionary Mirjana Soldo visited the United States from the 22nd to the 24th of August 1997. He participated in the prayer group in Modest, California. In that town, every weekend Medjugorje pilgrims gather for prayer. When possible, sometimes even the Medjugorje priests can visit them. At the meeting entitled "Do whatever he tells you" about 2,000 of the faithful participated. On the road from Los Angeles to Modest Fr. Slavko had two other prayer encounters at Bakersfield.

The seventh annual meeting with the Carmelites in Aylesford was held on the 25th of August. Fr. Slavko talked to those present about Our Lady's messages of peace in the world, and Jelena Vasilj spoke about her own experiences. About 6,000 of the faithful took part at the encounter together with at least 30 priests.

PRESS BULLETIN 73, september 10, 1997.


When Our Lady says that we will lament for the times when she conveyed God's messages to us, does that mean that the last times have arrived? Looking at the situation in the world it would not be difficult to come to that conclusion. Everywhere there is an abundance of evil and disorder, like the authentic product of a civilization which boasts that it does not believe and does not want to believe in God.

At the beginnings of Christianity some Christians thought that the last times had already come. For that reason they did not want to do any work, but only spent the days waiting for that last moment. That kind of behavior of theirs was quickly rejected. The first Christian superiors understood that the concept "last" might last a little longer than we think.

I do not represent the opinion that the second coming of Christ is very close. Perhaps he is already here for some time. What I am saying is that each of our own days should be lived as if those last days were already before us. Primarily in that light do I understand Our Lady's words about the necessity of having to live her messages. Each moment and every hour is our last times. In Our Lady's dictionary that is called our time of grace.

Fr. Miljenko Stojic



During the month of August in the shrine of the Queen of Peace in Medjugorje 181. 000 Holy Communions were distributed and 684 priests from home and abroad concelebrated at holy masses, that is, 123 daily.

We will enumerate some of the countries from which pilgrims arrived during August to visit Medjugorje: Romania, Lebanon, Spain, France, Ireland, England, Korea, Slovakia, Czech Republic, America, Germany, Italy, Portugal, Poland, India, Sri Lanka, Belgium, Hungary, Holland, Slovenia and, of course, Croatia.


The Medjugorje pastor Fr. Ivan Landeka returned from a several days visit to Holland. In the setting of that visit Fr. Ivan met with the Croatian general Tihomir Blaskic, charged before the court in the Haag. On the occasion Fr. Ivan heard the confession of General Blaskic and celebrated Holy Mass with him and also with a Dutchman who for many years has been a Medjugorje pilgrim. After his return Fr. Ivan, among other things, also said this:

"After the visit of Fr. Slavko Barbaric to general Blaskic, the general wanted a priest to visit him who would say mass with him on the occasion. After the usual procedure I obtained all the necessary permissions. My impression is that the general is in good physical, spiritual and psychological health, although in prison for 15 months. He is in a good mood. It is interesting that he accuses nobody of anything and he blames nothing on anyone. That meeting with him, that experience with him in prison was for me a great encouragement. General Blaskic does not live with a family, but he consciously carries that part of his life. And that ina serious, human, religious and military way. He is deeply convinced of his innocence. He has ordered his life in prison in the best possible way. Each day is organized for him and composed of work, reading, physical exercise, prayer and rest. Among other things general Blaskic prays the rosary every day."


Fr. Peter Ljubicic is well known among Medjugorje pilgrims as a priest who for ten years worked in the parish of Medjugorje. On August 3, 1997 he celebrated the 25th anniversary of his ordination in Prisoje, the parish of his birth. By their presence on that occasion the large gathered number of Medjugorje pilgrims and friends of Medjugorje expressed their gratitude for his sincere and dedicated priestly ministry.


Since it is happening that some individuals of so-called Communities throughout the world are collecting money in the name of the Parish Office of Medjugorje, we hereby announce that no one is permitted to collect money for any cause whatsoever in the name of the shrine of the Queen of peace without approval of ecclesiastical and local civil authorities of Medjugorje.

PRESS BULLETIN 72, August 27, 1997.


I think it is really not all that hard to make a decision. What is a whole lot harder is to stay faithful to one's own decision. We sometimes feel like that piece of paper that sundry winds are struggling to rip off. Pressured by different opinions we reconsider our decision, if not out loud, then at least silently and quietly.

Those who wish to go on the way that the Queen of Peace has indicated to us by her very coming must be honorable and faithful people. If one allows himself to turn away from that path, he will have to be satisfied with a walk on other less secure ways.

Our Lady never stops anyone from reexamining himself and his own decision. Indeed that is even desirable, but in the sense that the reexamination be a return from the evil ways into which we have carelessly turned. The reexamination which is not that way is only useless spinning in a circle around the question 'Did we really have to make this decision?'

Even if sometimes it seems different to us, God is always faithful to us to the very end of our entire life on earth. He is constantly watching over us, helping us to preserve our soul from harm. If our fidelity blooms on the basis of his fidelity, nothing will be able to break us.

Fr. Miljenko Stojic



For the celebration of Our Lady's Assumption August 15th there was a really large number of pilgrims. It is practically impossible to enumerate all the countries from which they came. We can only say that there were tens of thousands from all continents. The Medjugorje church, though large, hardly looked that way during those days. Due to the diversity of language groups holy masses were celebrated in about eight languages. It is by all means necessary to mention the stream of barefooted pilgrims that from the early morning hours began to arrive in Medjugorje from all parts of Herceg-Bosna and southern Croatia. How many pilgrims were in Medjugorje August 15th can be illustrated by the fact that a group of thirty priests heard confessions almost all day long. In the afternoon at 4 pm the rosary of peace was prayed on the Hill of Apparition. The festive evening mass together with 55 concelebrants was presided at by Don Dr. Jozo Muzic, theology professor at the Faculty in Split.


At the invitation of Cardinal Dr. Franjo Kuharic the President of the Bishops' Conference of Japan, Archbishop Stephen Fumio Hamao, visited the Republic of Croatia. In the course of his visit to Croatia on August 16 he also visited Medjugorje in the company of Mr. Andjelko Simic, the Croatian ambassador to Japan. After walking around the shrine the Japanese archbishop also visited and conversed about the Medjugorje events with the Medjugorje pastor and the other Franciscans who are currently working in Medjugorje. Archbishop Hamao was particularly interested in the arrival of pilgrims from Japan and other regions of southern Asia to this world renowned shrine. The Medjugorje pastor, Fr. Ivan Landeka, presented the honored guest with a gift copy of the Photomonograph of Medjugorje and of a rosary, and Fr. Miljenko Stojic, the director of the Information Center, presented the Japanese archbishop with data on the Medjugorje events during these 16 years.


At the beginning of August 1997 Indian Bishop Dr. P. Arokiaswamy visited Medjugorje and stayed for a week. He presided at one evening celebration and gave the sermon for the assembled faithful. We here present the sermon of Bishop Arokiaswamy in full.

"I am a bishop from India. I became a bishop 21 years ago and a priest 51 years ago. It is my desire to visit all the Marian shrines, all the places where our most holy Mother has appeared. Four or five times I have visited Lourdes, which is the best known of these shrines. I have also visited the chapel of the Miraculous Medal. Last year I also visited Montichiari in northern Italy where Our Lady appeared as Rosa Mystica. The year before I visited Fatima in Portugal and Garabandal in Spain.

This year I have the honor of visiting this shrine of the Queen of Peace in Medjugorje, thanks to my friend from Germany, Mr. Benedict Meier whom I met last November in Montichiari. I am happy that I could spend some days here in prayer. Here one feels the atmosphere of faith, of prayer and of profound devotion to the most holy Mother, Gospa, as you call her here.

The Medjugorje message is the same as in other places: prayer, penance and conversion. The large number of people who are confessing and returning to God is a great sign of hope for the future of the Church.

In the past and in previous centuries rationalism flooded the world. People began to say that such things do not exist that belong to the field of the supernatural or the miraculous and that what is thought to be a miracle can be explained by natural causes and science. In one such context Our Lady appeared in Lourdes and worked many miracles. When scientists began to explain some of them by natural causes, Our Lady still worked miracles and still greater miracles, as if she were inviting them: "Now, what do you say to this. . . and to this???" In the end scientists had to acknowledge that they could not explain those amazing events by natural causes and had to acknowledge them as being supernatural and of a supernatural origin. God wanted man to come back from his total self-sufficiency to Him alone.

The same thing is happening also today. Progress in technology has taken man to the moon and to Mars. Man is proud of his technology and thinks he has no need of God. He tries to find satisfaction in dissolute pleasure. But he finds emptiness in himself. Material goods and longing for pleasure do not fulfill him. He finds out that only God can fill this emptiness and give him true happiness and spiritual peace.

God sends His own Mother at different times in different places for her to lead men to Him alone. Everywhere the message is the same: prayer, coming back to Him in trust, penance and conversion. These are the gospel values. We cannot find others. That is why all the basic messages in all the Marian apparitions are the same.

In Medjugorje numerous miracles are ascribed to the intercession of the most holy Mother, Our Lady: physical healings, conversions from a sinful life to a profound Christian life. The fact that pilgrims are constantly coming here and in ever greater numbers is a proof that miraculous gifts are being distributed here. Were that otherwise, the influx of pilgrims would have stopped long ago.

I think Chesterton was the one who said: "Some people you can deceive all the time, all the people you can deceive some time, but you cannot deceive all the people all the time."

People are constantly coming here in ever greater numbers and returning with peace in their hearts.

Personally I am convinced that the events here are of a miraculous origin. But, we must wait for the "official" judgment of the Church, which could last for years. For the official judgment of the Church in the case of Lourdes they waited a very long time - nearly 50 years. The Medjugorje events are only 16 years old. The Church is slow, but has not forbidden pilgrimages.

What saddens me the most is the negative position of the local bishop, both of the current bishop as well as his predecessor. Let us pray that this negative position changes. The Pope privately proposes pilgrimage to Medjugorje. Privately he approves them. That is enough for us for now.

We take fervent recourse to the Most Holy Mother of God that she form us according to the image of her own Son Jesus so that we might live according to the gospel values of love, forgiveness, and solidarity and be Jesus' witnesses among the people with whom we live.

Today is the feast of St. Lawrence, the renowned deacon and martyr of the early Church. Since today is Sunday his feast is not celebrated. I assisted at the Eucharist of Pope Sixtus II (whose feast we celebrated three days ago). The material goods of the Church and care for the poor were also entrusted to him.

It was conveyed to the emperor of Rome that the Church had great wealth. The emperor wanted to confiscate the church's goods. He sent one of his servants to tell him: "Lawrence, I heard that the Church possesses great wealth and goods. Can you show them to me?" Lawrence said to him that he would show them to him after three days. The servant was very happy. The fourth day Lawrence gathered all the poor of Rome, the crippled, the maimed, the blind and people like them in the district of Rome and showed them to the Roman servant saying: "This is the treasury of the Church." The servant was furious that Lawrence had made a fool of him and he ordered him to be tortured on an iron grate with fire below. The story goes that at one moment Lawrence said to his tormentors: "One side is officially baked, turn over the other side and eat." He died as a renowned martyr.

Let us look out for the poor, let us see Christ in them and help them, as though we were helping Christ. Jesus said: "Whatever you did to one of these least ones, you have done unto me." That is what Mother Theresa is doing to the slums of Calcutta. Let us recognize Jesus in the poor who are suffering and help them as much as we can.

The Church prays in its own official prayers that we be protected from passion and corruption, just as Lawrence was protected from fire. Through the intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary, may the Lord free us from the fire of passion and help us to lead good Christian lives."


For the feast of Assumption in Medjugorje a group of forty young men from northern Italy arrived on bicycles covering the entire Adriatic coast. After Medjugorje they started on the way toward Dubrovnik and Zagreb. The bicyclists, among whom were six Salesian theology students, were lead on that long journey by the Salesian Provincial, Don Francesco Cereda.


The fund Friends of the Talented, the foundation with its center in Medjugorje that helps young students, organized a students' day on August 17th. The meeting began at 4 pm with prayer of the rosary on the Hill of Apparition. After the rosary the youth assembled in the church for a community confession and the regular evening prayer program. After the evening mass a concert of spiritual music followed. Performing at the concert were students of the Music Academy, stipendiaries of the Fund and youth from the community "Cenacolo", former drug addicts. About 150 students participated in the meeting. Opening on that occasion was an exhibition of paintings of the students who have visited the artists' colony which the Fund has so far organized three times and which is conducted by the renowned Italian academic artist, Carmelo Puzzolo.



The Prayer-Educational Seminar for leaders of prayer groups, charitable groups and pilgrim groups related to Medjugorje will be held from March 9 - 13, 1998 at Hotel "Sunce" in Neum on the theme: "The Medjugorje Spiritual Movement".

The rest of the announcements (the program, registration etc.) will be published later on.

PRESS BULLETIN 71, August 13, 1997.


In agreement with what the Queen of Peace said already in the first days of her apparitions, it could be said that the condition of mankind was like this: the godlessness and confusion of people had reached a dangerous level. For that reason it was necessary for God to speak visibly to contemporary mankind. What kind of God, that is, would it be if He were to abandon his people.

One day with out feet we stepped onto the stage of this world. From that day begins also the history of companionship with our God. We were not at all able to choose whether we wanted to appear on the world's stage, but we can choose how we will act on that stage. Time has been given to us and regardless of what we do, it is slowly running out. It is like the sand clock which we have sometimes had a chance to see.

The Queen of Peace constantly reminds us that time is truly running out. She is not threatening us with that, but just calling us to mind our condition. Without awareness of our condition we are in great danger of beginning to act in the manner of "What do I care!" That is the style constantly put on us by our civilization. But time is running out and therefore I do care about living it in company with God and the Queen of Peace.

Fr. Miljenko Stojic



During July in the shrine of the Queen of Peace in Medjugorje 84 500 Holy Communions were distributed and 2895 priests from home and abroad concelebrated at the Holy Masses, that is, 97 daily.

We will enumerate some of the countries from which pilgrims have come to visit Medjugorje in this past month: Spain, France, Ireland, England, Korea, Slovakia, Czech Republic, America, Germany, Italy, Portugal, Poland, Belgium, Hungary, Holland, Denmark, Slovenia and, of course, Croatia.


For the 16th anniversary of the apparitions in Medjugorje a Columbian archbishop also visited. Here is what he said on that occasion:

"I am Fabio Betancourt Tirado, Archbishop of Manizales in Columbia. I have come with a group of pilgrims in which there are 4 priests and 52 of the faithful. After a pilgrimage to the Holy Land we decided to visit this region, and especially this shrine. We are on the way to Rome where I have to receive the archbishop's crosier on June 29th. This is the first time that I am coming to this place. Here I feel the presence of God. It is the same presence that I felt also in other Marian shrines, like those from my homeland Columbia, as also in those from other holy places like in Fatima, Lourdes and Loretto. I feel the grace that God is granting to his faithful through the intercession of His Holy Mother, the Virgin Mary. I an awful lot of children, young people, adults and the elderly that are coming to pray to the Virgin Mary. They surrender to her their needs and their problems with the certainty that with her intercession they can come to the Lord.

I have not gotten acquainted with the whole Medjugorje message. Certainly the Virgin Mary is calling us to listen to the Lord. She speaks to us of peace and conversion, and that is something God has always required of man and that he continues to find through the means of the Church. Our Lady seeks reconciliation and it would be well for us to respond positively to that call. Through the Virgin Mary the Lord is again looking for us to convert and to be carriers of peace."


Due to the interest of many who would like to work as guides in the shrine of the Queen of Peace in Medjugorje, the Association of Pilgrim Guides in the parish of Medjugorje has organized an instructional seminar from July 21 - 24, 1997. After the seminar is finished, an examination of knowledge will be held. All those who successfully complete this seminar achieve the possibility of membership in the Association of Guides, and by that very fact also the possibility of working with pilgrim groups. All those, namely, who wish to work as guides in the shrine must acquire and possess definite knowledge to be able to afford trustworthy information to the pilgrims with whom they will work in the future.

The young people in the seminary heard lectures from four fields: Biblical Messages (Fr. Miljenko Stojic), The Christian Message (Fr. Ivan Tolj), Our Lady's Messages (Fr. Slavko Barbaric) and Tourism and pilgrimage in the Medjugorje events (Marija Dugandzic).


The already traditional, 8th in a row, International Youth Prayer Meeting in Medjugorje, was held from July 31 - August 6, 1997. The theme of the meeting was: "This is My Beloved Son".

About 5 000 young people from all continents participated. The young people were addressed by Sr. Elvira, Don Cosimo Cavaluzzo, Fr. Jozo Zovko, Fr. Gianni Sgreva, Fr. Joerg Mueller, Fr. Slavko Barbaric and Alberto Bonifacio.

PRESS BULLETIN 70, July 30, 1997.


I don't know if we like mathematics, but as persons we should not be allowed to let ourselves be fractions. We always have to be whole numbers, to be strong personalities.

Modern theology tells us that we are composed of body, soul and spirit. It is not thereby intending to say that we are fractured, but only that those are our constitutive parts.

We who believe in God say the soul is our center or our contact with God. Those who do not believe in that just wave their hand. Well, that is their problem. The soul gives us the sense of infinity. It tells us that one day we had our beginning, but that our end is in eternity. There God will be expecting us and together with us will look at how we have lived that on earth. Depending on that result, our life will be forever. So it won't be bad, God is constantly inviting us to come closer to him by prayer and good works.

In the field of spirit those who do not believe are already a little better situated. Fun and laughter are the foundations pillars on which they base their activity. It is natural that believers also do that. The difference is only in that believers for all that rely on their God. And He, namely, knows how to laugh and how to have fun. Those who take care of their soul, will easily discover that.

When we start out correctly in the area of spirit and soul, it will be easy for us to proceed in the area of our physical body. We will not then think of it as the highest expression of our existence, but only as a framework and nothing more. It is a matter of good education to be concerned for that framework and not allow it to obscure the image that is in it.

This kind of meditation comes to my mind especially in the summer when talk about vacation is constantly on our lips. How we will experience it depends on our attitude toward the spirit, soul and body, that is, on our attitude toward the integrity of our personality. We will, thereby, at once show how much we have understood of what for many years in a row the Queen of Peace is telling us.

Fr. Miljenko Stojic



The feast day of St. James, patron of the Medjugorje parish, was celebrated July 25th. In he presence of large number of the faithful, the festivity began with the procession of the statue of the patron of the parish church to the park where fra Mijo Dzolan presided at the celebration of the Eucharist. On that occasion a relief in stone with the image of St. James was blessed and placed in front of the church. It was executed and donated to the parish of Medjugorje by Fr. Joakim Gregov, the Franciscan academic sculptor and military chaplain from the Franciscan province of Zadar.

The parish of Medjugorje was founded in 1892. Already then the parishioners decided to take as their patron St. James, who is otherwise the patron of all pilgrims. The old parish church was built in 1897. Since it was built on shifting ground, construction of a new parish church was quickly started. The remains of the old parish church are located in the park at the circle intersection next to the shrine. The new church was completed and blessed in 1969. At that time is was too big for the people of that time and no parishioner could have dreamed that millions of pilgrims would come to their parish and that St. James, the patron of their parish, would become the patron of all these pilgrims.

Letter of the Queen of Peace Committee, addressed to all the prayer groups and peace centers of Medjugorje, on the 16th anniversary of the apparition

Medjugorje, June 25, 1997

Dear Friends of Medjugorje,

With this letter that we have signed on this day addressed to you we, as members of the " Queen of Peace Committee" we want to witness the living reality of the spiritual movement of Medjugorje spread throughout the world.

We are preparing a kind of geographical map on the "Queen of Peace" movement born in Medjugorje and now present all around the world. For this purpose we need your experience and common testimonies of how during these years you have undergone a spiritual growth inside the local church were you live. Please send us urgently the following information:

1. Name and address of your prayer group or Peace Center.

2. Its date of foundation and present number of members.

3. The kinds of religious activities the prayer group sponsors in the local church where it is present: prayer, pastoral activity, volunteer work, and the frequency of your meetings.

4. Give us in a synthesized way some testimonies chosen from those most significant (conversions, religious vocations, healings) on the spiritual fruits of Medjugorje if possible signed by your parish priest or by a priest.

5. Further let us know of the existence of other Medjugorje groups that are not yet in contact with us and please take it on yourselves to promote this initiative of ours.

We beg you please send this information to the following address:

Secretariat of the "Queen of Peace Committee":

Gospin Trg 1

88266 Medjugorje

fax: +387-88-651-444



Medjugorje, June 25, 1997

Dear Friends, Members of Medjugorje Prayer Groups,

This letter is an expression of the deep affection which unites us to the message of Medjugorje! Knowing that many people (bishops, priests, religious and laity) have gratefully testified to the abundant spiritual fruits of this message, we would like, through this letter, to make you participants in a group testimony. This testimony should contribute to the defense of this work of Mary, a work which is spread throughout the whole world and which continues to be threatened in many places.

No one can deny--even if there are, in fact, those who try to do so--that the spiritual movement of the Queen of Peace is a living reality within the Church sustained by a spirit of prayer rather than by human initiatives. This river of light, of life, of peace, and of love for the Mother of God has generated prayer groups everywhere, has inspired conversions, and continues to heal and console the hearts of all those faithful who have found in the simplicity of the message of the Queen of Peace an authentic direction to rediscover the Gospel and return to the heart of the Church. By now we can no longer count the conversions which have happened in Medjugorje, and thanks to that message many who had left the Church have returned and many others have learned to love the Church more.

A definitive judgment has not yet been given by the competent ecclesiastic authority concerning these apparitions which began in 1981 and are still continuing. It is an undeniable fact that the spiritual movement formed by the messages of the Queen of Peace is one of the largest and most authentic prayer movements in this twentieth century. It is a movement that lives in the Church and for the Church, because it includes the faithful, the clergy, religious, and Bishops, all of whom have given and continue to give in various ways public witness to the numerous spiritual benefits that Medjugorje has brought into the lives of the faithful, not the least of which is the return to a life of prayer.

Tens of millions are the pilgrims who have gathered at Medjugorje to pray. Thousands are the priests and hundreds the bishops who have celebrated Mass there and heard for hours the confessions of penitents who were transformed by the motherly grace of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Many have returned to their Diocese giving a unanimous witness: "People convert in Medjugorje." These conversions strike the attention of pastors because these are "lasting conversions". One cannot count the number of people who have experienced the presence of Mary there, just as one can no longer count the stories of personal conversions, of spiritual and physical healings, of vocations to the priesthood and to the consecrated life born of the grace of Medjugorje. These are some of the principle spiritual fruits which have brought many to conclude that the Queen of Peace is truly present in Medjugorje and that her presence explains the very rapid diffusion of the movement of prayer connected to her in all the world.

In every continent today there are so many prayer groups which have found a light of hope and consolation in the messages of the Queen of Peace. Such groups are a living and working Christian presence within the Church. One thinks, for example, of all the charitable help which so many Medjugorje prayer groups from everywhere in the world have sent to Bosnia-Herzegovina and in other regions both during and after the war. No other humanitarian organization has done as much as the Queen of Peace volunteers to help the victims of that war. We say this for God's glory.

Dioceses, parishes, religious orders and institutes, seminaries and monasteries, schools and workplaces, households, and many other places in the Church and the world have been touched by the grace of Medjugorje, by the presence--we believe in this together with many others--of the Queen of Peace, who appeared there for the first time on June 24, 1981, and continues to do so at the present time. This maternal presence reminds us of what happened at Guadalupe, at Lourdes, and at Fatima. These and other Marian apparition sites were like spiritual deserts at first, but then, after the motherly visit of Mary, life flourished, hope returned, forgiveness was sought, and peace returned.

Some people attempt to devalue the spiritual reality of Medjugorje by saying, "There are conversions in every place where people pray." There is, however, reason to object: why then do people today pray less and less in their parishes, in the seminaries, in their schools, in factories, and in their families? Why do people pray so much at Medjugorje? How is it possible that the small Franciscan parish of a little village may become for the entire world such a great and efficacious call to prayer?

According to the conviction of many, this oasis of peace has become by the grace of God one of the places of Marian devotion in the Church where people pray the most and where we convert. In saying this we certainly are not demanding that it is necessary to believe in the apparitions of Medjugorje, but we simply wish to give a peaceful testimony, fully respecting those who think differently. No heresy has grown upon the tree of Medjugorje. Nor have the pilgrims been forced into any ways of thinking or behaving which are contrary to Catholic morals or liturgy or the sacraments. Nor have any teachings been given which would scandalize the faithful, as has happened, unfortunately, in other places.

We are sorry to say it, but a cause of much suffering is the attitude of those who condemn Medjugorje, leaving many of the faithful confused and disoriented. Just last year many ambiguous claims and distortions were spread by certain publications, claiming that the Church has officially condemned the apparitions, or at least that there are serious suspicions concerning them.

Because of this, Dr. Navarro Valls, the official spokesman of the Holy Father, had to intervene in August of 1996, to confirm that "concerning Medjugorje there has been no change." This official pronouncement became necessary from the moment that publications were sent throughout the world claiming that the Vatican had prohibited pilgrimages to Medjugorje. Exactly that providential statement of the Vatican, rather than prohibiting pilgrimages, reaffirmed that anyone may go on a private pilgrimage to Medjugorje, that is, that the laity may continue to organize their pilgrimages to this place of prayer.

The Queen of Peace came to Bosnia-Herzegovina not to sow discord or to cause arguments within the Church, but to bring a message of peace and reconciliation to those peoples who a few years later would be thrown into the hell of a war which would massacre their countries in a short time. Her voice was crying out as in a desert. She came to warn, admonish, and beseech her children, who, without a conversion of heart, could not obtain true peace. The peace they had in 1981 was only apparent; ten years later, in fact, the war would begin. But no one on earth knew this. At the time of the first apparitions, no one understood why, in a place where people were living together peacefully, the Lady of the apparitions was speaking of the urgent necessity of a return to God in order to have true peace. On June 26, 1981, she showed herself crying before a large cross. On June 26, 1991, the first bombs fell on the Ljubljana airport in Slovenia.

The Virgin Mary came precisely to open hearts to peace, to form the consciences of man to be capable of giving and receiving forgiveness. Referring to this extraordinary Marian work of reconciliation, the then Archbishop of Split, Monsignor Frane Franic said, "The Queen of Peace of Medjugorje has done more in six years of apparitions than we Bishops in forty years of pastoral work." During the war these words of Archbishop Franic resonated more truthful than ever. The prophetic message given by the Queen of Peace also resonated more powerfully than ever, because the bombs that fell all around Medjugorje didn't hit that weak, vulnerable and disarmed village. Suddenly and dramatically we understood that the heavenly call of Medjugorje had not been sufficiently believed or heeded.

Medjugorje is similar to Kibeho, Africa, where the Virgin also appeared to warn and to draw the hearts of her children to conversion before it was too late. Some years later a tremendous civil war came to this African population as an Apocalyptic battering. Medjugorje is also similar to Fatima, where Mary spoke with three shepherd children, who though today are highly praised, were greatly hindered in their own day. The Queen of the Rosary had already spoken to them in 1917 of the coming of a war greater than the first, and of a chastisement which Russia would bring down upon the whole world if humanity would not convert and consecrate itself to her Immaculate Heart. Unfortunate for the message of Medjugorje, which speaks of peace and conversion as does the message of Fatima, the way in the Church is not easy, having the same destiny as that of the prophets: many conversions but also many persecutions, many graces but also many fights. As with the prophets, only after much suffering and tribulation will humanity come to truly understand the importance of the message.

There are actually very many among the bishops, the clergy, and the faithful of the whole world who have already recognized this Marian message coming from the East as an authentic motherly admonition to conversion, and many consider this to be one of the most fruitful messages for the Church in the twentieth century. In light of the war and despair of the recent past, we cannot help but be moved by this prophetic message of hope and peace. Is it not clear that there is a tie between the devastating war which exploded in Bosnia-Herzegovina and the edifying message of Medjugorje? The destructive war has not conquered the place which God chose to spread this extraordinary message of peace and conversion. Today Medjugorje, by the grace of God, is more beautiful and resplendent than ever! It is a message which has echoed unto the far corners of the East--at which time was still separated from the West--to fill with hope the hearts of the faithful of every nation through the Easter gift of peace. "Peace, Peace, Peace." These words spoken by the Queen of Peace are more relevant today than ever.

Medjugorje once again testifies within the Church to the role of Mediatrix and Advocate which the "Woman Clothed with the Sun" has been given by the will of God for salvation history. She had been able to bring the East closer to the West, not through diplomacy but through prayer and reconciliation, through the powerful Gospel proclamation of which Medjugorje reminds us: love for the Cross of Christ is the only way to conquer evil.

Calling to mind these matters is a duty of conscience in regard to the messages of Medjugorje. It is exactly in the light of these "signs of the times" that it seems so urgent for us to return to the messages of the Queen of Peace, to contemplate them and live them with new enthusiasm. These are simple messages, and they even appear to be repetitive, but they contain the heartfelt appeal of a Mother who has never failed to make her voice heard in the course of the centuries. Her voice and maternal presence have admonished peoples, have called us back to the essential truths proclaimed by the Church, and, finally, have led us back into her womb as nations reconciled with their Father and Creator.

The events of Medjugorje are taking place in a period of human history which is particularly threatened by the forces of evil. It is enough just to consider that the apparitions of Medjugorje began only about a month after the assassination attempt upon the Holy Father. How could the Queen of Peace possibly remain indifferent in the face of the hatred and devastating violence of Satan, who hiddenly prepared one of the most violent attacks ever known to the world, still sadly reflected in Sarajevo? It would be more surprising if the messages of Medjugorje had not been given; we should not be disturbed by the fact that Medjugorje exists! Nor should we be scandalized if at Medjugorje, as at Fatima, the light of God has shone in the midst of the darkness of the end of this century. This is, rather, a reason to thank God. In all these years, the six visionaries have proclaimed this message of light in agreement with each other, transmitting it without ever contradicting themselves, despite all of the obstacles and suffering which the communists--and not only the communists--have caused. How could they have resisted without a special grace from God?

"Medjugorje is the continuation of Fatima." This was said by our Holy Father, John Paul II to Bishop Paul Maria Hnilica, S.J. in 1984. Many times our Holy Father has spoken favorably about Medjugorje with cardinals, bishops, priests, and groups of faithful, who in their private audiences with him, have informed him about Medjugorje. This Vicar of Christ, so attentive to the course of history, has never hesitated to show his love and gratitude for the message of Medjugorje. "Protect Medjugorje," he also said to the Franciscan, Fr. Jozo Zovko, who paid with imprisonment for his fidelity to the apparitions of Medjugorje, while he was pastor there in 1981. Not only did Pope John Paul II show his benevolence towards Medjugorje, but he has also expressed more than once (as also the Croatian President recently stated) his desire to visit Medjugorje.

Through her presence in Medjugorje in this year dedicated to her Son, Savior of the world, she, the Mother of God, continues to encourage us to follow the Pope, the Vicar of Christ, wherever he goes. Medjugorje has become like Fatima, an international center of prayer and of spiritual sustenance for the universal Church and, in a particular way, for the ministry of Pope John Paul II. One reason why the Queen of Peace came to the village of Medjugorje was to confirm the "Totus Tuus" of the Holy Father by helping him carry to the end the immense work the Lord has entrusted to him. This work entrusted by the Lord to the Holy Father, as he himself often recalls, is the task of bringing the Church into the Third Millennium. Who, more than he, has been prepared through suffering to open the Holy Door of Christmas of 1999, to break the seal of this doorway, so that the infinite Mercy of God may flow into the very depths of the Church?

Dear brothers and sisters of Medjugorje prayer groups, we also are called to do what the Holy Father asked at his last visit to Poland, that is, to fall upon our knees and ask God for the grace that Pope John Paul II can guide the Church into the Third Millennium. Fatima at the beginning of the century and Medjugorje at the end of the Millennium both show the special maternal presence which comes to help the Church, the Holy Father, and all peoples throughout the world in their particular moments of need.

The spiritual movement of Medjugorje, which is living in the Church at the end of this millennium, has experienced for years a spiritual life which springs forth to and encounter with the Immaculate Heart of Mary. As did Elizabeth, also we have experienced deep in our hearts the joy of the presence of the Virgin Mary, a joy given to all simple hearts who take refuge in her maternal intercession. She comes to reveal to us all that beauty which belongs to Christ, for He is the Way, the Truth, and the Life! She brings this new life to Medjugorje to uplift and console the wounds of many members of the Church, our Church who now finds herself in great need of renewal by the Holy Spirit. Without this encounter with the Mother of Jesus, there is no supernatural life. This life is always threatened--there is always a Herod waiting to destroy it.

We pilgrims of Medjugorje have all received, therefore, the great responsibility of bringing to fruit the gift of prayer which the Queen of Peace came to bring us in Medjugorje. Prayer of the heart and penance make us walk in the truth of the Gospel and form our armor for fighting Satan and his followers. The messages of Medjugorje, without any commands or orders, have given birth to a movement of prayer which spreads spontaneously throughout the world to help everyone of good will to walk in the Truth. In the Church today, unfortunately, the frenzy of action is widespread. Medjugorje reminds us that the Church is more active in the Cenacle than anywhere else, because it is there that the Apostles "devoted themselves with one accord to prayer, together with . . . Mary the mother of Jesus . . ." (Acts 1:14).

We must not allow polemics, disharmony, division and loose condemnations to suffocate the spirit of communion and of prayer which has filled the Medjugorje movement for years. We have to return to living the messages, and their most urgent appeal continues to be the same as always: "Pray, pray, pray." The Medjugorje movement was born to remain faithful to this request of the Queen of Peace. This message has gathered us to adore Jesus, truly present in the Holy Eucharist, to acquire from Him the Light of the Holy Spirit, to understand and love the Word of God, and thus to have the strength and courage to live the Gospel truths, to forgive and find peace.

It is our conversion alone which determines the future of humanity. Conferences, meetings and words will not change the world. The Queen of Peace has revealed to us the path for arriving at a conversion of heart. It is the path which leads us to the Cenacle, for the Cenacle is that place where we pray in union with Mary, the Spouse of the Holy Spirit. Through such prayer we are enabled to recognize our sinfulness, to do penance, and to convert. This is why Medjugorje does not ask us for great programs, but for the simple things that we find in its messages. They are found like five little stones: the Eucharist, the Word of God, monthly confession, the Rosary, and fasting. It is in this way that we, just as David, shall be promised victory over Goliath.

We should not be surprised if Satan tries to destroy the supernatural fruits that have matured in the interior of the spiritual movement of Medjugorje. In order to protect ourselves, we must truly love, serve, and imitate our Queen and Mother of Peace, living her messages which invite us to conversion through prayer, fasting, and abandonment in God to have peace. We must not be disturbed by the lies that are spread out about Medjugorje; we must only respond with the truth of our Christian life. Our Marian devotion must always become a truer Marian imitation. Thus, she will live her life in us. If we want to know the Son of God, let us go to His Mother! Pope John Paul II sets the example; he, the Pope, goes to Mary to know Jesus. He says, "Totus Tuus".

The Medjugorje Movement is a "walking" towards Mary with Mary to discover her Son. This spiritual journey, considered by so many as a great blessing for the Church, does not create confusion. Confusion is the work of the evil one. The Queen of Peace does not confuse us in her messages, but she orients us toward the evangelical truths, and Medjugorje itself has become for innumerable pilgrims a place of reconciliation with the Church, not a place of separation from the Church. The movement lives within the Church and in this spirit loves the local Church where she is present with prayer groups. So many pastors, such as the deceased Cardinal Siri of Genoa, have given thanks to God for the renewing presence of Medjugorje prayer groups in their dioceses and their parishes.

We know well that there are voices against Medjugorje. But it is not the first time that there is disagreement over a supernatural event, even among Bishops themselves. We wish to entrust ourselves above all to the discernment of the Supreme Pastor, Pope John Paul II, who, concerning the events of Medjugorje, has never shown any doubt as to their supernatural origin.

"The world is losing its sense of the supernatural. People are rediscovering this in Medjugorje through prayer, fasting, and the sacraments," said the Holy Father some years ago after an encounter with a medical commission from the A.R.P.A. Association. Together with Bishop Hnilica they reported to the Holy Father the scientific results they obtained from examinations of the six visionaries during ecstasy. They concluded that these phenomena are inexplicable from the natural point of view. This was the first time that scientific instruments were used to examine the visionaries while they were in ecstasy during the apparitions in Medjugorje.

Dear friends, let us unite our hearts to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. We are clearly aware that these are her times, the times announced at Fatima, confirmed in the messages of Medjugorje. These are the times of the universal "Totus Tuus" which, through the pontificate of Pope John Paul II, is being widely spread throughout the Church, despite meeting so much resistance.

We would like to conclude with the words of our beloved Holy Father John Paul II who, during the Angelus of March 7, 1993, referring to the war in Bosnia-Herzegovina, said: "We need to return to God, to know and respect His laws! Let us ask the Holy Virgin for this renewed awareness. Her admonishing and maternal presence has been heard so many times, even in our century. It seems almost that she would like to warn us of the dangers threatening humanity. Regarding the dark forces of evil, Mary asks us to respond with the peaceful weapons of prayer, fasting, and charity. She points us to Christ, she brings us to Christ; let us not disappoint the expectations of her maternal heart!"

Are not these words of the Holy Father a beautiful synthesis of the messages of the Queen of Peace, messages which have spread from Medjugorje throughout the world?

The Queen of Peace wants us united in prayer in faithful expectation of a new Pentecost which will renew the face of the earth. In this way the Holy Father and the Mother of God wish to prepare us for the Great Jubilee. Walking with her, let us go to meet the Lord.

United in one love for our Mother, the Queen of Peace,

+ Monsignor Frane FRANIC - Former Archbishop of Split

+ Paolo Maria HNILICA SJ - Titular Bishop of Rusado

Fr.Tomislav PERVAN - Franciscan Provincial of Herzegovina

Fr. Ivan LANDEKA - Pastor of Medjugorje

Fr. Jozo ZOVKO - Franciscan

Fr. Slavko BARBARIC - Franciscan

Fr. Leonard OREC - Franciscan

PRESS BULLETIN 69, July 16, 1997.


In the Croatian language there is an interesting word for a military officer: 'casnik'. It implies that the one who fulfills that duty must be an honorable man.

I did not look into what sense it has in other languages, but I know that the Croatian language has it right. If you are not honorable, you cannot defend the homeland.

Well, this is true not only in the military field. Even though we are not soldiers, each of us has to be a 'casnik', a person whose footsteps are directed with honor. Then our behavior will be honorable for us and for our people.

Our Lady says something like that, but only in different words. She says we should be bearers of peace. Reading also the rest of the messages she has directed to us, we recognize that this call of hers is not just a fashionable slogan, but something we have to approach with complete seriousness. Peace today is truly in danger, whether we want to admit it or not. Our Lady is telling us that it is possible to save it only if we are honorable. God offers us his hand and only waits for us to take it. An honorable man will not neglect that chance.

The world which the Queen of Peace wants to build is not a world of force, but rather a world in which it is possible for everyone to live freely. I hope that is also the world of each of us. And still something else: Our Lady's speech is always of an open and sincere heart!

Fr. Miljenko Stojic



During the month of June in the shrine of the Queen of Peace in Medjugorje 143,000 Holy Communions were distributed and there were 3,504 concelebrations at Holy Mass by priests from home and abroad, that is 117 priests a day.


Today there is hardly any country that is not in the grip of a religious crisis. Some feel it rather strongly, others less so. One of the countries that the crisis of faith has profoundly shaken is Holland. However, there were pilgrims who came and still come to Medjugorje. In the course of time they have become witnesses of Our Lady's messages in their own surroundings and wish to transmit them to the rest of the faithful in their country. For that purpose they invited Fr. Slavko Barbaric and the visionary Vicka Ivankovic to visit them. For three days Fr. Slavko and Vicka met with the great number of the faithful that came together for the prayer program. It is interesting how the Medjugorje spiritual movement has brought new light into the hearts of people, because ". . .only those who went to Medjugorje become ready to pray, to adore and regularly attend Holy Mass. . ." said the pastor of one of the several parishes in which the meetings were held.

On the occasion of his visit to Holland, Fr. Slavko with Vicka and some friends also visited Tihomir Blaskic, a Croatian general charged before the international tribunal at Den Haag. Of course, by his visit he did not wish to prejudice the court's decision, but he wanted to visit and spiritually comfort a man who for more than a year is waiting for trial. A prisoner is entitled to it whether he is guilty or not. Moreover Blaskic voluntarily submitted to trial, since he is convinced of his own innocence and of the right of the Croatian people to defend itself against all aggression even when the aggressors are by far superior in manpower. He was guaranteed that his trial would start in the course of two months. To the astonishment of many the agreement was not honored. That hurt the entire Croatian public, just like all the efforts on the international level that, already from the earliest armed aggression in Croatia, attempted in every possible way to equate the aggressor and the victim,.


With a great evening procession of more than 1,000 Croatian soldiers along with several thousand pilgrims carrying lighted candles through the shrine of Medjugorje to the statue of Our Lady the fourth military pilgrimage to the shrine of the Queen of Peace in Medjugorje came to an end.

The military pilgrimage commenced with an assembly in front of St. James' Church in order to march in a great procession to the Hill of Apparition where the rosary was prayed for peace. From the church to the Hill of Apparition the rosary was led by Fr. Ivan Bradvica. At their return from the Hill of Apparition a large number of priests were waiting to hear confessions. Before the evening celebration commenced Medjugorje pastor Fr. Ivan Landeka greeted all those present. Among the 55 priests from home and abroad that concelebrated in the eucharistic celebration were the pastor Fr. Ivan Landeka and military chaplain Fr. Miljenko Stojic. The principal celebrant was Fr. Joakim Gregov, military chaplain, sculptor, and member of the Zadar Franciscan province. Among other things he said this also in his sermon: ". . .You must guard and defend the homeland only with the help of God. So that this land may be holy, guard against everything that is evil. Begin each day in the name of God and prayer and also end it that way. You have visited this holy ground. You have recently made pilgrimage to Lourdes, and that shows how desirable and necessary prayer is for a soldier.

On this occasion the soldiers did not forget to pray for their own general Tihomir Blaskic.


At the beginning of July about 120 priests from England, Germany, France, Italy, Romania, Poland, America, Spain, and Croatia met at the shrine of the Queen of Peace in Medjugorje for a four day seminar. In the course of the seminar the priests together listened to lectures, meditated, prayed, celebrated common Eucharist, and visited the Medjugorje mountains. The seminar on the theme of "Priests in the School of Mary" was organized by Fr. Slavko Barbaric and Don Cosimo Cavaluzzo, an Italian priest who is especially involved with and assists in the organization of various seminars.


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PRESS BULLETIN 68, July 2, 1997.


A very large group of people gathers at every anniversary of the apparition of the Queen of Peace in Medjugorje. They come in various ways from all parts of the world. The ones who come on foot are very interesting. This way is often several hundred kilometers long. If rain doesn't wash them, then the sun burns them and covers them with dust. Tired in body but rested in spirit, they come to take counsel with the Queen of Peace on how to further direct their earthly steps.

Their example teaches us that unless we really know what we want in life, there is no way we can obtain it. It is a mistake to spend day after day in some kind of search that in no way leads to results. The time that the saints spent searching in the desert is a time in which they knew what they wanted and attained it through their hard desert walk.

The Queen of Peace calls us to be prepared to set out on our walk. It will be somewhat difficult, but it will lead to the desired result only if we want that. So we have to get dressed, lift up our heads and start out.

Fra Miljenko Stojic



In the course of these past 16 years Our Lady's presence in this parish has been spread throughout the world through pilgrims. In spite of the events of war that happened in our homeland, Our Lady's message of peace touched even the most distant parts of the world and made Medjugorje the parish of the world. Confirmation of that is also the presence of about 100,000 faithful who visited Medjugorje for the 16th anniversary. It is practically impossible to enumerate the countries from which the faithful made pilgrimage to the Queen of Peace. It suffices to mention the fact that in the course of only two days, June 24th and 25th, 40,000 Holy Communions were distributed. A multitude of domestic pilgrims, and a great number of them barefooted, came to Medjugorje to thank Mary for the peace granted. The open air evening mass on the very anniversary at which more than 50,000 faithful participated was presided by Franciscan Fr. Gabriel Jurisic. 212 priests concelebrated from 31 countries. On the feast of the anniversary masses for different language groups were celebrated in the shrine and that in about 15 languages.

Three church dignitaries came for the 16th anniversary of Our Lady's apparitions in Medjugorje: the retired Archbishop of Split, Dr. Frane Franic, from Italy the titular bishop of Rusado, Paolo Hnilica S.J., and the archbishop of Manizales in Columbia, Fabio Betancur Tirado who is on his way to Rome for a meeting with Pope John Paul II. He joined in mass with the pilgrims and gave witness to his own conviction in Our Lady's presence in the parish of Medjugorje.

On June 24, vigil of the 16th anniversary of Our Lady's apparitions, the "Peace March" was held for the sixth time in a row. It began at 6:45 a.m. with prayer and blessing of the pilgrims in front of the Franciscan monastery in Humac. The pilgrims, about 7,000 in all, set out at 7:00 for Medjugorje. After their arrival in Medjugorje they gathered in front of the church for a brief community prayer. The idea of the "Peace March" was conceived in the hearts of Medjugorje pilgrims and friends of Medjugorje in the most intense days of the war in 1992. That prayer march of 13 kilometers is an answer to unrest, violence and hatred, and an impulse toward authentic peace and reconciliation.


The visionary Ivanka Ivankovic Elez had the regular annual apparition on June 25, 1997. According to the testimony of the visionaries themselves four of them (Vicka, Marija, Ivan and Jakov) still always have the daily apparitions, while Mirjana and Ivanka have an apparition once a year. On the occasion of her last daily apparition May 7, 1985 Our Lady, entrusting the last of 10 secrets to her, told Ivanka that for the course of her entire life she will have an apparition once a year on the anniversary of the apparitions. And it was that way also this year. Ivanka had the six minute apparition in own family home. After the apparition Ivanka said, "Our Lady talked to me about the fifth secret and spoke the following message: "Dear children, pray with the heart to know how to forgive and how to be forgiven. I thank you for your prayers and the love you give to me."


At the end of May Msgr. Damian Kyaruzi, a newly named bishop in Tanzania, visited Medjugorje. On his journey to Rome where he will be consecrated bishop, he visited Medjugorje. This is what he said on the occasions: "I am a priest of the diocese of Bukoba in Tanzania. Till now I have the Vicar General in my diocese and now I am named as bishop of the diocese of Sumbawanga. I am already a priest for 29 years. My episcopal consecration will be on the anniversary of my own priesthood ordination, June 29, 1997. I am in Medjugorje for the first time. I came here to pray before my episcopal consecration. Here I found a place and people who pray a lot in Church, on Podbrdo and Cross Mountain. I saw deep devotion on the mountains. I welcomed this experience because for me it means that people are ready to pray, when they are given the opportunity and when they are led well. But this is not only a place of payer, but a place where one can learn a lot. It is particularly important to me that I understood that we are all pilgrims. Pilgrims who come here discover the gift of life. God heals them here. They come back to God, they grasp the law of life and become messengers of peace. I want in my own ministry to tell people not to be afraid to accept life, even though I know it isn't easy. When we climb the Medjugorje mountains, we can understand those difficulties. That can be experienced especially on Cross Mountain. The lesson one gets on Cross Mountain says: One has to accept everything one encounters in life and complete one's assignment. You only have to look at and follow Jesus' way of the cross. I want all pilgrims here to accept their life pilgrimage with God and Mary."


In the second half of June the bishop of the diocese of Mbalmayo from Cameroon visited Medjugorje. His name is Msgr Adalbert Hdzana and this is what he said on the occasion: "I gladly visit the great Marian pilgrimage place. I have already been to Lourdes and Fatima twice. Here I feel completely fulfilled and am happy that I came. Here I feel that Medjugorje is the continuation of Fatima. Someone already said that before. But what I see here is the continuation of Fatima, because here I see the realization of the gospel in a way that corresponds to the man of today and to the situation of men. What is important is being proclaimed here: love, confidence in God. However, sin is opposed to that life that God offers us here. Everything Our Lady is telling us here is found in the Gospel and the means to which she call us are out of the gospel and the tradition of the Church. Here life is spoken of, but in the world death is being experienced. The sacraments are the channels through which we obtain divine life. And Our Lady is inviting us to receive the sacraments and to live them. The sacrament of reconciliation is especially at work here and the Eucharist is found at the center.

The manner in which all this is happening here is very simple, I like that, yet again that which is most important is being proclaimed. I believe, that in these kind of events the Church has to remain very reasonable. I can especially understand all the caution because the events here are still not finished. But here much good is happening and already for a rather long time and this must help us to understand what we are dealing with. What I have learned here, I think, will help me to go back more to pastoral work, as the Pope also told us when he said to us to do everything to prepare well for the 2000 year jubilee. What is especially on my heart here in Medjugorje, what I will tell everyone, is conversion and consecration. Our Lady is constantly telling us, free yourselves from sin and open yourselves to God's love. When I go back, I will proclaim again what I have heard and experienced here. That is what re-evangelization means. I invite one to take advantage of this time of grace that God is giving us here through Mary. May God bless you. I will pray for all of your and you pray for me and my homeland."

PRESS BULLETIN 67, June 18, 1997.


I did not personally imagine this title. I borrowed it from a scientific symposium in which I participated not long ago. That symposium was one of the ways of the Croatian Franciscans to prepare for the third millennium in harmony with the church's project "Jubilee 2000".

Thinking it all over I came to the conclusion that somebody already previously spoke up about these things in these our modern times. That was Our Lady who in a special way spoke out to the world June 25, 1981. Appearing in a communist country she encouraged all oppressed peoples, and invited so-called "democratic countries" to solidarity with the others. Her intention was to unite all people and to make them real brothers and sisters.

Our Lady succeeded in her plan with all those who were willing to obey her. That circle is expanding from day to day. We have read, I believe, the countless testimonies of those who, thanks to Our Lady's words, have changed their lives. But, if we have stopped only at the reading, we haven't done anything great, just as neither will that afore mentioned scientific symposium if it stops only with its "science". We also need to work, to personally experience what we are hearing and reading. Our Lady promises that to us and constantly invites us to come back to the ways of God. Only then shall we build up a true culture of solidarity without which it is impossible to live on this earth.

Tens of millions of people have visited the Shrine of the Queen of Peace in Medjugorje. They have become her messengers and the announcers of a new culture, a culture of solidarity. What about you?

Fr. Miljenko Stojic



In the month of May in the shrine of the Queen of Peace in Medjugorje 107,500 Holy Communions were distributed and 2,883 priests from home and abroad concelebrated in all the masses, an average of 93 each day.


On June 25 the 16th anniversary of Our Lady's apparitions will be observed in the shrine of the Queen of Peace. So far several tens of millions of people from all countries of the world have visited the shrine of Medjugorje. In their own homes and parishes they have become messengers of Our Lady's message of peace directed to each individual as well as to entire mankind.

But, the first messengers who witnessed Our Lady's presence in the parish of Medjugorje were the Medjugorje visionaries. According to the testimony of the six young parishioners, since June 24, 1981 the Blessed Virgin Mary is appearing every day in the parish of Medjugorje. That day the visionaries were frightened at Our Lady's appearance and fled. The following day, June 25, they responded to Our Lady's call and went to the Hill of apparition, where for the first time they prayed and conversed with her. Therefore that day is celebrated as the anniversary of the apparition of the Queen of Peace, as Our Lady introduced herself.

As we have done each year on the occasion of the anniversary of the apparitions, so also now we present briefly the development of the visionaries' lives during these supernatural events:

Ivanka Ivankovic-Elez was born in 1966. She had daily apparitions from June 24, 1981 up to May 7, 1985. On that day she received the last of her ten secrets and Our Lady told her that she would appear to her every year on the anniversary for the rest of her entire life. So far it has been just that way.

Mirjana Dragicevic-Soldo was born in 1965. She had daily apparitions from June 24, 1981 up to December 25, 1982. On the last day of her apparitions Our Lady told her that throughout her entire life she would have an apparition once a year on her birthday March 18. Since August 2, 1987 on the second of every month she hears the voice of the Blessed Mother interiorly and prays with her for unbelievers. Our Lady has confided ten secrets to Mirjana.

Vicka Ivankovic was born in 1964. Our Lady appeared to her for the first time June 24, 1981. And for her the daily apparitions still continue. Our Lady has confided nine secrets to Vicka.

Marija Pavlovic-Lunetti was born in 1965. Our Lady appeared to her for the first time June, 25, 1981. She also now has daily apparitions. Through her Our Lady directs her monthy message to the parish and to the world on the 25th of every month. So far Our Lady has confided nine secrets to her.

Ivan Dragicevic was born in 1965. Our Lady has been appearing to him every day since June 24, 1981 up to the present day. Our Lady has confided nine secrets to him.

Jakov Colo was born in 1971. He has daily apparitions since June, 25 1981 up to the present day. Our Lady has confided nine secrets to him.

All the visionaries live in the parish of Medjugorje except Marija Pavlovic who lives in Italy and on certain occasions comes to Medjugorje.


In May at the invitation of pilgrims and friends of Medjugorje Fr. Slavko visited several parishes in Croatia and Slovenia conveying Our Lady's message of peace and the spirit of the Medjugorje prayer program to the faithful in their local churches. A large number of the faithful participated in all the meetings and at one meeting in Slovenia Fr. Slavko met also with Archbishop Franc Rodeo. In an open conversation he asked him, do you know that many Slovenians are coming to Medjugorje and what is his position. He answered: "Once a bishop from Pescara asked the Pope what should be done with the people who are going to Medjugorje. The Pope answered with a question: 'And what are the people doing there?" The bishop answered: "They pray, they go to confession, they do penance!" The Pope answered briefly, "Well then let the people go there!" Fr. Slavko asked the archbishop if that were his position and his answer. With a pleasant smile he said, "Yes."


The Medjugorje Photomonograph which we mentioned in the last number of the Press Bulletin June 4, 1997 was also presented in Split. In the presence of a large number of the faithful and of people active in the cultural, religious and public life of that city the first one to speak about that book was Msgr. Dr. Frane Franic, retired Archbishop of Split-Makarska. Here is what he said on the occasion: "Our Lady's apparitions have to be seen as an intervention in human history from the other side that can only be understood in a long period of time. I have personally heard Our Lady's voice, but I have never seen her. In the Medjugorje fruits of prayer, fasting and brotherly love I see the signs of preparation for meeting with God. Our bishops with their Declaration of 1991 confirmed Medjugorje as a place of pilgrimage and prayer, and as such they recommended to the faithful what it has become on a world wide level."

PRESS BULLETIN 66, June 4, 1997.


If we really consider ourselves faithful disciples, we would get pretty annoyed if someone were to accuse us of not being prayerful. At the same time, maybe in the depths of our soul, we'd know that there's some truth there. However, we'd feel pushed to keep up a good religious image.

But instead of trying to maintain our image, it might be better to pause and ask ourselves why it really is that we don't pray. Experience tells us that perhaps the most common excuse is that we don't have time. Whether it's family prayer or personal prayer that we're referring to, the answer is generally the same. We'll mention a thousand things which will "prove" that we don't have time. The reasons will all be substantial, weighty and conclusive enough to make our plea seem justified.

This failing or mistake, therefore, must be the Gospa's. She's the one who's always calling us to individual or community prayer. If she had to go to the office, take care of the children, watch the TV, listen to the news, work on the computer, and worry about the bills.......Maybe then, she'd speak differently.

Is it a failing of the Gospa's? All told, it is if prayer is something which is just like all the other things that we have to finish during the day. If, however, we understand prayer to be the hinge upon which all the other things are hanging, then we'd have to say that the Gospa is right. In that case the first thing we'd do in the morning wouldn't be to throw back a cup of coffee while dashing off somewhere etc. Rather we would pause and collect ourselves in prayer, either alone or with others. We would have time wholly for it, and, as for the other things, they would be decided only after having prayed.

Until prayer takes the first place, it will always be in a predicament, and we along with it. We will always put it off for something "more important", and precisely because of that it will constantly be a source of unrest and agitation to us. So isn't it us rather than prayer which is the problem?

Fr. Miljenko Stojic



Just as we mentioned in the last issue of the Press Bulletin, three Ugandan bishops paid a visit to the shrine of the Queen of Peace in Medjugorje, from the 8th to the 15th of May: Bishop Frederick Dranuba, Bishop Deogratias Byabazaire and Bishop Joseph Oyanga. In issue no. 65 we published msgr. Drandua's interesting sermon in it's entirety, and in this issue we'd like to communicate testimonies of the impressions they had on their visit here:

MONS DEOGRATIAS BYABAZAIRE, the bishop from Hoime. He was ordained a priest in 1969 and to his Episcopal office in 1990. This is what he had to say about his impressions of Medjugorje:" I've spent a week in Medjugorje and I felt that it emanates much prayer, peace and friendliness. I met so many people who really pray and who seek prayer. I visited Krizevac and Podbrdo. I saw many many people praying. I was apprehensive about going up. But when I reached the top, I felt so happy. Both hills were a beautiful experience for me. I prayed very much and I saw many praying barefoot.

The evening mass made a deep impression on me. The church was full every evening, and there were even more people hearing the mass from outside. And even though they didn't understand the language they were deeply united in devotion and prayer. But even so, the most beautiful part of the prayer program was the Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament. I saw a great number of priests confessing and a multitude of pilgrims and local people confessing.

I was present at an apparition. My impression is that we are dealing with something profoundly real here. Speaking with the visionaries, I understood that thy are sincere and mature people.

On my return home I will emphasize the simplicity of the Gospa's messages, and how it is this simplicity which breaks through to the hearts of her children."

MONS. FREDERICK DRANUBA, is the Bishop of Aru. He was ordained a priest in 1970 and a bishop in 1986. About his experience of Medjugorje, he had this to say:" This is really an important experience for me, especially at the level of prayer. I cannot say that Our Lady is not appearing. 15 years have gone by and the visionaries continue to say it. They are always repeating the same message. They don't change at all. The message is simple: to pray, to fast, to believe, to confess and to adore. That's precisely why we must be dealing with a supernatural event, because they are steadfast in their one message. People come and change their lives. Many confess. In these last ten years as a bishop I hardly ever heard confessions. Here people were constantly asking me to hear their confessions, and I did. In these days I must have heard over 100 confessions. I'm certain that the Lord is using this place for the conversion of nations. On my return home I intend to preach about the rosary, and I will recommend to priests that they dedicate one day in the week to Adoration.

On the occasion of their visit, all three bishops had a meeting with Mons. Ratko Peric the local Bishop. This is what Mons. Dranuba told us about his meeting: " Bishop Peric told me that Medjugorje is not a problem for him provided that people pray there. The problem is the Franciscans who, according to him want to be independent. I told him that Medjugorje is constantly speaking about peace. Our Lady invites us to a change of heart and to peace in our hearts. You cannot say that the Franciscans are bad. You must accept the fact that you must change too. Then, the Franciscans will change, and then peace will be possible. The message of peace is coming from your diocese. It is intended for you and the Franciscans. Have the strength to humble yourself in front of the Gospa and begin to pray for peace. I beg you dear brother, work for peace. Call the Franciscans! Maybe at first only a few will come. It won't all be resolved in one day. But you must go to them because you are the "Shepherd". Say to them, my dear sons, come, please come. If you do this I'm sure that you will succeed . "I'll try" was his reply. He told me that the Franciscans will listen to neither the general nor Rome. I said to him" No. Rome wants peace and you must work concretely for that objective here"."

MONS. JOSEPH OXYANGA, is the Bishop of Lir. He is already 33 years a priest and 8 years a Bishop. About his experiences in the shrine of the Queen of Peace, he had this to say:" This is a place of contemplation and prayer . Everyone who comes here takes part in an interpersonal togetherness. I saw people from Europe, America, Japan, Australia. They all feel as one. This made a strong impression on me. Here one really prays. I couldn't go up the hill but it really touched me when a pilgrim brought be back a stone from the Apparition site. Adoration is a special experience. It is something unique. I saw people fasting. In the house where I was staying the pilgrims ate nothing for dinner other than bread and a little salad. This spirit of penance, sacrifice and mortification is something which I haven't seen in such a long time. This experience will give me the strength to preach about the "Gospa". I feel now that I haven't given her enough attention. She is very close to us. That is the main message of this place."


On the 11th of May 1997, there was an exhibition on the Parish premises of a new book of photographs of Medjugorje issued by the Information Center "MIR". The Photographers of this exceptional work are all experts of contemporary photography in Croatia. Apart from the many texts, the beauty of this book is it's valuable collection of pictures. Whether they portray individuals, groups or the whole congregation, all the photographs show a point in time lived here at the shrine of the Queen of Peace. That's why the exhibition was a true recollection of pilgrimage in Medjugorje, bringing memories of the church and the hills to life. The book is printed in four languages: Croatian, English, German and Italian and can be bought in the Parish book-store.


Four years ago on the 29th of May 1993, Fabio Moreni, Sergio Lana, and Guido Puletti were killed at Gornja Vakufa. They were bringing food to hungry families in Novo Travnik and Zavidovic. On their way back they had intended to aid some Muslim families by bringing them to stay for a while with Catholic families in Brescia, Italy. So as not to ignore the importance of these martyrs of Christian love, we wish to remember them with thanksgiving and to publish two worthy testimonies.

At a prayer group in Cremoni, a few days before his death, Fabio witnessed: "When we're travelling, it's a great comfort to us that the radio which we fixed into the car, picks up the rosary and we can pray it together. We usually manage to get back, at least for a brief visit to Medjugorje, where I can testify that my soul is filled and comforted with peace and joy which, without doubt, is the gift of our Heavenly Mother, who manifests herself there as the Queen of Peace."

Sergio's mother wrote a deeply impressive letter in June 1993: " I am turning to whoever killed my son. He was my only son, and you can imagine how much I loved him.... I'm writing to you because I want you to know that I bear no hatred towards whoever did this. I forgive them. I have heard that there was some woman in the group. I don't know, perhaps she too is a mother. I would like the Lord to touch her heart and the hearts of those who were with her, so that they can understand that the life of every human being is sacred. That's why we must respect every life. Only if we wish well to others, and if we love everyone, can we offer peace to this world and have it within our hearts.

PRESS BULLETIN 65, May 21, 1997.


From the beginning of Our Lady's apparitions to the parish of Medjugorje many ecclesiastical superiors have come to visit. We must understand that this was not so easy for them, that is, a great responsibility rests on them and everyone watches what they will say. From that point of view, we can be mistaken, but they are not permitted to.

The arrival of ecclesiastical superiors to Medjugorje has strengthened the faith of many in the authenticity of the Medjugorje events. Having seen and having heard representatives of the "official" Church they have been certain that God is speaking to his people in a special way in these modern times of ours.

Nevertheless, conviction that God is at work does not rest, nor is it allowed to rest on any human words. It rests on the fruits that are manifested. Both ecclesiastical superiors and the remaining members of God's people recognize them, not by their wisdom, but by the wisdom of prayer. Only then are ecclesiastical superiors competent to pronounce a correct judgment, and the rest of us accept that judgment. It is Our Lady's wisdom and the wisdom of those who through prayer have sought an answer to what is happening in Medjugorje.

Fr. Miljenko Stojic


Bishops also from various parts of the world are still continuing to come to the Shrine of the Queen of Peace in Medjugorje. From May 8 - 15, 1997 bishops Frederick Drandua, Deogratias Byabazaire, and Joseph Oyanga from Uganda came to visit. They said that before they began their journey they asked the papal nuncio in Uganda, Luis Robles Diaza, what he thought of this journey. He told them: "The Pope is not talking openly about Medjugorje, but he is supporting it. Go!"

Having experienced the spirituality of Medjugorje, they decided to celebrate the evening holy mass on May 12 together with the pilgrims. One of them, Frederick Drandua, also gave a homily on that occasion. Because hishomily was so interesting we are presenting it here in its entirety.

"Dear brothers and sisters!

I am very glad tonight to celebrate this holy mass together with you. In one of his epistles St. Paul asks the community if they received the Holy Spirit. Tonight I also ask you: have you received the Holy Spirit? I ask you that for the reason that I am now speaking English. Do you understand me when I am speaking? If you say yes, then you understand my English. I guarantee you that I have the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit has only one single language. Everyone of us can understand it. You are probably wondering what that language would be? I will tell you that now. It is the language of prayer. Do you understand prayer? God has his own language. He has no other language except the language of prayer. Whether you pray in Croatian, in my mother tongue, inEnglish or whichever other language, it is the language of prayer. All of us, therefore, have come here to pray and we have the Holy Spirit, the spirit of prayer. All of us have gathered around the altar because of prayer. We are all speaking the same language, we are all understanding each other, since together we are speaking to our heavenly Father. Isn't that wonderful?

I am coming from the far away country of Uganda of which many of you probably don't even know where it is located, but I have come here to pray and I am speaking to you and all of you will understand me. I am so happy that I came here to this school of prayer. Our dear Mother, Our Lady, established it. She wanted us to go through this school of prayer.

It is interesting that she established that school right here in the Croatian homeland. From the whole world we come to this school of prayer. What is happening is important also for you Croatians who live here around this school. Don't ever forget that many children who just live close to the school, fail in school. That is, they take their duties too lightly, thinking that it isn't necessary to study since the school is here close by and they will always have time for that. Those who come from far away and perhaps have to live near the school usually do better and succeed in getting a diploma.

Perhaps I might be able to tell you that I got my diploma ahead of you. The visionary Ivan last night gave me a certificate for that. He told me that Our Lady said that she is very happy because we bishops are here. She blessed us as well as all of our dioceses, saying that there is great hope for our dioceses. All of this I call a diploma or a certificate that Our Lady has given me. Did anyone of you get such a certificate? This is the first time that I am coming to Medjugorje. I have to congratulate myself that I am a good student, since I have already gotten my diploma. You Croatians and you dear pilgrims, have you received a diploma like that? If you haven't, you'll have to work a little more.

You pilgrims who have come here from far away and you have come here to work hard, have youreceived any kind of a certificate for your school? At least work hard enough to get an attendance certificate that you've at least been in the school. Everyone who attends the lectures gets that attendance certificate, meaning everyone who comes here for prayer, who climbs the mountains, who listens to Our Lady's messages. If you have not done that, but you have come here, I am afraid that you won't get a certificate, not even that you have been in the school. Are you sure that you want to go back home without that attendance certificate? I think it would be a great loss if you wouldn't get that attendance certificate.

Also you children who live in this place, I invite to compete with everyone that comes from far away to show that you too are good students, that you regularly come to the lectures in this school of prayer. If you don't do that, it'll be a catastrophe. It would be a mistake if you would not receive the graces that God is giving in this school of prayer and grace from the one who established this school. Imagine what that would mean if you would not pass the exams. You home town people have to work very hard to pass the exams in Our Lady's school together with us who come from far away.

I who am coming from Uganda also still have to work very much. I have to go now and talk about this school, the school of prayer. It is a school for all Christians. Those who wish to live their Christianity have to enroll in this school of prayer. In it is discovered a mother's love for her children. That love is great and a mother will never give anything wrong to her children. Recall those words of Jesus: when a child asks you for bread, will you give him a stone or if he asks for a fish, will you give him a snake? Jesus says further in a very sarcastic manner, if you who are sinners know how to choose gifts for your children, what kind of gifts do you think that God himself will give? We can just imagine what kind of gifts Our Lady who established this school will give us.

I would ask that when you go to your homes you find still many more students who want to learn in this school of Our Lady. When I go back home I know that many Christians, many priests will come to me. They will ask me what good I have to tell and offer them? I will tell them that here they can get two good things. They can choose one or the other or choose both. Do you know which two things I'm thinking of? The first and main thing is prayer. The second is the friendliness of the Croatian people, their hospitality. I think that I will take both, prayer and hospitality. Perhaps someone came here just for prayer or just for hospitality, for enjoyment. Dear pilgrims, I would ask you to take both of these things, and not just one.

I would like to thank you Croatian parishioners for your friendliness and for your hospitality, but also for your prayer. You have tried hard for us to be glad to take both one and the other. You constantly invite us to come here from far away, so that everyone can finish in this school of prayer and get a diploma.

If anyone cannot graduate, I would ask him to at least get an attendance certificate that he was in this school. It isn't important whether you are living here or are coming from far away. I wish you the abundant blessings of God and of Our Lady.

PRESS BULLETIN 64, May 07, 1997.


A few months ago I read the first issue of a magazine called "Informative News". I didn't like it, but is that really important and do I really have to like it? After all, maybe they don't like me either!

What caught my attention was that in the introduction they said that they will not be concerned either with politics or the presentation of anyone's thinking, but only with the investigation of truth and ethics. I liked that but the rest of the articles weren't that way, and I remained skeptical. The following issues confirmed that I was right.

The total falsehood of the magazine was exposed by a recent article named "Ethics of the Trojan Horse". I will quote just one sentence that was highlighted from the text in large print: "Many professors think that the subject of ethics introduced in middle schools two years ago is just an attempt of the Ministry of Education to sneak in obligatory religious education for "atheists" through the back door." First of all, I doubt that "many professors" said that, and then I wonder, aren't atheists really allowed at least to be ethical, if not religious, and is no one really allowed to teach them that?

Such a way of thinking, sad to say, is not just a characteristic of this magazine. It is trying to penetrate throughout all the means of social communication. Being disconnected from God the Creator of whom Our Lady speaks in her message has established itself as the measure of all things. Therefore, it shows itself to be international. As if that is supposed to mean that it likes all men and that it approaches them with love and the feeling of universal brotherhood. However, if the laws of God do not direct man or at least the laws of ethics which are deduced from human nature (let's not forget that God also created that), will man really be able to love his neighbor and walk this earth with dignity?

Let's not deceive ourselves nor let ourselves be deceived. Let's take a look at our everyday thinking. Which way is it going?

Fr. Miljenko



In the month of April in the Shrine of the Queen of Peace in Medjugorje 91.000 Holy Communions were distributed and 2.351 priests from home and abroad concelebrated at Holy Mass, that is 78 daily.


The Pope has come and gone from Sarajevo, and he did not visit Medjugorje as many had hoped he would due to the Pope's obvious goodwill toward the events in the parish of Medjugorje. We remember that the Croatian president, Dr. Franjo Tudjman, immediately preceding the Pope's coming to Sarajevo testified before an assembly of politicians and priests that Pope John Paul II in their last conversation said that on the occasion of his visit to Sarajevo he wanted also to visit Medjugorje. The local bishop Dr. Ratko Peric was also present for this testimony and did not say a word at that.

What the Pope said behind the scenes to the assembled church leaders in Sarajevo is not known and most likely will not be known. What is known is his question about who is the provincial of the Franciscan Province in which the parish of Medjugorje is located. Also known is his mentioning the name of Medjugorje with a smile on the occasion of his arrival in Sarajevo, at the supper in the Catholic School of Theology and at his departure from Sarajevo. In general no great stir came from all that.

Spirits were upset only after the usual papal general audience on the Wednesday immediately after the Sarajevo visit. According to reports of the news agencies, the Pope on that occasion among other things said: "In the course of the war pilgrimages of the faithful to the Marian shrine in Bosnia-Hercegovina did not stop as also not in other parts of the world, especially in Loreto, in order to request the Mother of Nations and the Queen of Peace to intervene in that suffering region." These words of the Pope were interpreted by many as his indirect recognition of the Medjugorje events.

It is difficult to say what the Church will undertake regarding the Medjugorje events in the near and distant future. Since the Bishops' Conference of Yugoslavia no more exists, there is no longer a commission which was established by it with the charge of accompanying the events in the parish of Medjugorje. The Church therefore will, to be sure, have to do something. Medjugorje in the meantime will proceed on its course and that sentence of Sacred Scripture which says a tree will be known by its fruits will be realized.


The events in the parish of Medjugorje have penetrated all the pores of church life. One of those who at first opposed them, and after that came personally and being convinced of what is happening there began to spread it with all his heart, is the retired Archbishop of Split, Frane Franic. He was one of the outstanding personalities at the Vatican II Council. Together with 500 other bishops he dedicated himself to the condemnation of Marxist atheism, even though the Council had in principal taken the position not to pronounce a condemnation, but only positively to expose Christian doctrine. This undertaking of his was an act of great personal courage, since he was coming from Croatia which communist Yugoslavia had occupied. The Council at the end of its session on its pastoral constitution "The Church in the Modern World" no. 21 proclaimed the condemnation of Marxist atheism as the most radical atheism that has appeared in the history of mankind.

For all his merits he received an award from his native Split - Dalmatia regional officials for his life's work. On that occasion a long conversation entitled "Communism Destroys Everything Good" was published in the Croatian daily Slobodna Dalmacija (April 19, 1997). He answered the following question also: "Although you have received an award for your life's work, your ideas even today have aroused quite a bit of caution in ecclesiastical and civil public opinion. One of those proposals also is that on the occasion of the Great Jubilee (Jubilee 2000 - op. P.B.) our Churches organize the closing celebration in the shrine of the Queen of Peace in Medjugorje." His answer was: "Yes. I wrote that in The Church in the World (a Croatian theological magazine - op. P.B.) in order that in 2001 our bishops with the approval of the Holy See, and Pope John Paul II is for that, could organize a thanksgiving celebration to Our Lady in Medjugorje for all the gifts we have received, and especially for the gift of freedom for it does not come from just anything, but can be only the work of God through Our Lady's intercession.

The Croatian bishops have not yet responded anything publicly to the fore mentioned proposal. To be sure that would be a great event not only for the Church in Croatia, but also for the universal Church.


At the invitation of Medjugorje pilgrims, friends, and benefactors of Medjugorje Fr. Slavko Barbaric at the end of April visited a few parishes in central Italy and San Marino. A large number of faithful participated in the seven meetings that he conducted in the three days. In that part of Italy a statue of the Blessed Virgin Mary "The Pilgrim Madonna" travels to the seven parishes and remains in each parish for one year. The pastor of one of those parishes, Don Alceo, together with his faithful wanted the beginning of the pilgrimage of Our Lady's statue in his parish to be marked with a special spiritual preparation. Therefore a prayer program identical to the evening program in Medjugorje was held in the parish church as well as in all the other area churches. A procession with Our Lady's statue started the program. On the mountain above one of these parishes is a large cross and Our Lady's image that lights up at night and illuminates the way for those who climb the mountain in prayer. After the evening program the faithful climbed the mountain praying just as they do on the Medjugorje mountains. Also among the pilgrims was Carmelo Puzzolo who gave his testimony at the foot of the cross. In the parish of this great artist and friend of Medjugorje are installed stations of the cross identical to those on Cross Mountain since they are the work of the same master. A large number of faithful assembled for the devotion of the Way of the Cross. It looked as if they were praying on Medjugorje's Cross Mountain. The Medjugorje prayer program was held in the parish church. In San Marino Fr. Slavko met for community prayer with Medjugorje pilgrims and benefactors of which during this war there was really very many from this kind of small country.

PRESS BULLETIN 63, April 23, 1997.


We were enthusiastic when Our Lady appeared in the parish of Medjugorje. Perhaps in the beginning we hesitated a little, however after that everything flowed well like a river. If we came to know about it all later, we were only sorry that we didn't come to know about it sooner. The events flowed on and we drank from them for days and years.

It's time, it seems to me, to stop a little and to think over how it is with us at this moment. Are the Medjugorje events flowing in us like a clear mountain river or like a river that men have polluted with anything and everything? Have we forgotten that God's word is stronger than any human word and that His wisdom should not be mixed with human wisdom? Who says it is possible to reduce the Medjugorje events to human casts so that we could later be able to manipulate them the way we want to?

Only the one who knows how to stop and take a look at his own past life, knows how to sense what purity is. He experiences it like the sun that warms him. By contrast, the one who does not know what that purity is, is groping in the dark. He thinks he has found out everything, but in reality he is lost. By his ignorance he also embarrasses others around him.

The events in the parish of Medjugorje are one great stream of purity in this modern world. It would not be good for us to be a hindrance to it, regardless of whatever good intentions we might have.

Fra Miljenko



On April 12 - 13, 1997 the Holy Father Pope John Paul II visited Bosnia-Hercegovina, that is, Sarajevo. The Holy Father is certainly the greatest peace pilgrim of our time. Several times in his sermons and prayers he has mentioned peace and prayed to God for the war torn peoples of this area. We cannot but recall his visit to Croatia in September 1994, when about one million Croatians awaited the Holy Father in Zagreb. That is one fourth of the entire population of Croatia. Already then the Holy Father announced his coming to Sarajevo. That visit had been planned even earlier, but only now took place.

On the occasion of his meeting with the Catholics of Bosnia-Hercegovina the Holy Father gave a message of hope and peace, calling for co-existence and tolerance in this multinational community. From the parish of Medjugorje about 250 parishioners and about 300 foreign pilgrims, who came from different parts of the world for this event, went to the meeting with the Holy Father. Maybe it looks out of the ordinary for people to come to Medjugorje from America or some European country in order to meet with the Pope in Sarajevo. But there's nothing extraordinary in that. They are people who recognize the importance and the power of the Pope's call to peace, the same call that Our Lady began directing to the world back in 1981. For the Holy Mass only about 50,000 people were present. Many interpreted that number as people being fearful for their personal security. The city of Sarajevo, for its part, gave the Pope a cold reception. Now that city is highly islamized by comparison with before the war when it was highly multi-national and multi-confessional.

The parish of Medjugorje, together with all of its pilgrims, prepared with prayer for a happy and blessed arrival of the Pope in this area meditating on the message of August 25, 1994. Our Lady gave this message before the Pope's arrival in Croatia. We also recall it here: "Dear children! Today I am united with you in prayer in a special way, praying for the gift of the presence of my most beloved son in your home country. Pray, little children, for the health of my most beloved son, who suffers, and whom I have chosen for these times. I pray and intercede before my Son, Jesus, so that the dream that your fathers had may be fulfilled. Pray, little children, in a special way, because Satan is strong and wants to destroy hope in your heart. I bless you. Thank you for having responded to my call."


The visit of Pope John Paul II to Bosnia-Hercegovina April 12 - 13, 1997 was a visit which many had hoped would end with a visit of the Pope to Medjugorje, since in several references he had expressed such a desire. Unfortunately, that did not happen. Nevertheless, the Pope did not forget Medjugorje.

At the Sarajevo airport April 12 the very first to await the Pope's arrival were the bishops and provincials of Bosnia-Hercegovina. When the provincial of the Sarajevo Province, Fr. Peter Andjelovic, as the first of the provincials approached the Pope to greet him, the Pope asked him the question, "Medjugorje?". He pointed to Dr. Fr. Tomislav Pervan, the provincial of Hercegovina who said, "I am from Mostar and Medjugorje." The Pope nodded his head with satisfaction and twice repeated, "Medjugorje, Medjugorje". All TV viewers who watched the presentation of the Pope's arrival also saw it.

While the Pope prayed with those gathered in the Sarajevo cathedral he prayed twice referring to the Queen of Peace for Bosnia-Hercegovina. Many of those present interpreted it as having recourse to the Queen of Peace from Medjugorje.

After supper in the Sarajevo Catholic School of Theology Fr. Tomislav took advantage of the occasion to personally present the Pope with the newest photo-monograph on Medjugorje which the Franciscans who work in the parish of Medjugorje had sent to him. On that occasion he spoke to him briefly about Medjugorje. The Pope did not say anything, but by the expression on his face, he accepted both the former and the latter with satisfaction and interest.

On the occasion of the Pope's departure from the Sarajevo airport Fr. Tomislav Pervan by way of greeting said, "Holy Father, we are expecting you in Medjugorje." The Pope answered with a smile, "Medjugorje, Medjugorje" as was visible also on TV screens.


On his journey to Sarajevo which was called by the Croatian name Vrhbosna all the way up to the Turkish occupation in 1463, Pope John Paul II was accompanied by 11 ambassadors with credentials at the Holy See, Vatican journalists, representatives of the secretary of state and bishops Moged Elhachem and Franco Hillary. On its way this thirty-member delegation also visited the Shrine of the Queen of Peace in Medjugorje.

Bishop Moged Elhachem presided and preached at the celebration of mass. In his sermon he said how they have set out all together for Sarajevo to encourage the Holy Father and to make a modest contribution themselves by their prayers for peace in Sarajevo, for peace in B-H, and for peace in this area.

After the celebration of mass Fr. Ivan Bradvica led them to the Hill of Apparition. There they all prayed together and discussed the events in the parish of Medjugorje.

At his departure Bishop Elhachem said that he came to pray for peace also in his own war torn homeland of Lebanon. Bishop Franco Hillary from New York announced that this was his second visit to Medjugorje and that he comes here gladly since he senses the presence of the Queen of Peace in his own life and labor. The Croatian ambassador to the Holy See, Ive Livljanic, who was also the travel guide, expressed for himself that the big miracle is just the fact itself that in these modern times a multitude of people comes to Medjugorje and prays there. He also added that the ambassadors were the chief movers and motivators for the journey to Medjugorje.


In recent days a military bishop also visited Medjugorje. He was Msgr. Johannes Dyba, bishop of the German city of Fulda. He came for a visit to the German SFOR units that are stationed in Bosnia-Hercegovina. "On the way Medjugorje was unavoidable", said Bishop Dyba who came to the Shrine of the Queen of Peace with a group of German officers and soldiers. After his visit to the Shrine he stayed longer for a hearty talk with the Medjugorje Franciscans who informed him about the events related to Our Lady's apparitions in this parish.


On April 10 the ambassador of the OESS Mr. Morton Kraznai, General Christiansen, and a group of officers from the Croatian Armed Forces (HVO), the army of B-H, the army of the Republic of Srpska, and the international forces in B-H visited Medjugorje. In their brief visit to the Shrine of the Queen of Peace they expressed interest in the history of the place and the Shrine. They were particularly interested in what motivates people from all parts of the world to come to Medjugorje even in the most difficult times of war.


Two Medjugorje pilgrims from Italy, Tomaso and Alessandro, one blind and the other with serious bodily injuries, undertook the project of renewing the childrens' village in Odzak, Bosnia-Hercegovina. Accompanied by a TV team they came on bicycles to Sarajevo for the visit of the Holy Father. After Sarajevo they went to Odzak to continue their welfare mission.


After numerous invitations that came from the continent of Africa, Fr. Slavko Barbaric together with the visionary Vicka, visited several countries in the southern part of Africa for 25 days. There were many meetings and interesting events. Due to limitations of space it is not possible for us to give a complete report. We will try to present to you what is most important. Fr. Slavko and Vicka had meetings with priests, religious men and women, the elderly in retirement homes, children in orphanages as well as with the faithful in their churches. Altogether there were about 30 meetings. They also met seven bishops, and some of them also presided at the Eucharist during the program of prayer. At all the meetings the program was just like the evening program in Medjugorje, accordingly, praying the rosary, holy mass, and prayer for healing. After that Vicka gave her testimony. Sometimes the meetings were also held outdoors and also in Croatian and in one of the African languages with the usual accompaniment of live African music. On the occasion of this visit the leader of the Center for Peace in Lusaka, Zambia gave Fr. Slavko and Vicka an official invitation also to visit this part of Africa. In many areas of Africa prayer groups, inspired by the event of Medjugorje, are operating already for 10 years.

At the invitation of pilgrims and friends of Medjugorje soon after his travels to Africa Fr. Slavko visited Belgium and the Croatian immigrants in Switzerland gathered in the Croatian Catholic missions.

PRESS BULLETIN 62, April 09, 1997.


It isn't easy to walk on this earth. We know that from our own personal everyday life. Various problems and misunderstanding of others bother us. And we would wish to be well that way and to be good with others.

Jesus Christ by His resurrection offers us a way out of that situation. He simply tells us that it is not difficult to walk this earth. All that is necessary is consciously to take our life into our own hands. Then it won't frighten us but we will be ready to understand it and to understand the world around us. Naturally we will not exclude God from all that. To take our life into our own hands without Him would simply be suicide or a walk without hope.

If maybe sometimes it happens to us that for certain reasons we would not be ready to recognize our own God walking together with us, we are then acting like Jesus' disciples who were going to Emmaus. All those things that happened with Jesus bothered them. They were not expecting that ever to happen to him. It seemed to them that maybe everything is over. However, as soon as they realized their mistake, they immediately rejected it. They did not stubbornly persist in it.

Thanks to their own repentance the disciples of Jesus rose together with Jesus. They understood that when one is alone, then we are in the grave.

Are we alone or are we living the resurrection in us? That question is burning like a fire before our eyes.

Fra Miljenko



During the month of March in the shrine of the Queen of Peace in Medjugorje 49 000 Holy Communions were distributed and there were 1046 concelebrations at mass by priests from home and abroad, that is 35 daily.


During Holy Week and for Easter itself new groups of pilgrims that wanted to prepare for Easter and at the same time celebrate the greatest Christian feast of Easter in Medjugorje were continuously arriving in Medjugorje. About ten thousand pilgrims celebrated Easter in the shrine of Medjugorje. Due to such a great number of the faithful the liturgy of Holy Thursday, and services for Good Friday and Holy Saturday were organized in nine languages, specially for each language group. Among foreign pilgrims the most numerous came from: Austria, Germany, Italy, America, France, Argentina, Poland, Czech Republic, Spain and Slovakia. During the course of all these days there was also an exceptionally large number of pilgrims from all parts of Croatia, as also from surrounding parishes that came to Medjugorje for Easter confession. The fact that an average of 20 priests heard confessions each evening throughout the three-hour long evening prayer program also speaks as evidence of how many pilgrims visited Medjugorje for the days of Easter


During Lent in the "Domus Pacis" house of prayer three prayer and fasting courses took place in which about 150 pilgrims from home and abroad participated. Seminars on prayer and fasting have already become customary during Advent and Lent so that all reservations are filled even at the beginning of conducting the seminar.

The organization "Help" for abandoned and endangered children from the area of Split regularly organizes spiritualrenewal in Medjugorje for the children under their care. The Medjugorje Franciscans organize and lead the seminars for them and their leaders.

In the same house Franciscan Sisters also conduct seminars for young girls of various age groups. In the course of a school year about ten seminars are conducted.

Every month the Franciscans also organize seminars for altar boys and young people of various age groups.


The mothers, fathers, wives, children and relatives of missing, imprisoned, and fallen defenders from Croatia and Bosnia-Hercegovina gather regularly in the Shrine of the Queen of Peace in Medjugorje. It was also that way during these days of Easter. In the proximity of Mary they seek and find peace, consolation and strength for their crosses. Already six years have past since they are looking for numerous members of their families who have either disappeared or who are still in captivity.


The Italian artist Carmelo Puzzolo is Italy's first ranking painter and a great friend of Medjugorje. By his creations he has already for many years left a lasting impression of his artistic talents on the grounds of Medjugorje. The stations of the Way of the Cross on Cross Mountain, the mysteries of the rosary on Apparition Hill and the statue of St. Leopold Mandic beside the Church are the work of Puzzolo. He recently visited Medjugorje at the invitation of the fund "Friends of the Talented." This fund with its center in Medjugorje is a humanitarian association in operation already for several years. Fr. Slavko Barbaric is the president of the foundation. Its aim is to enable talented young people with limited financial means to acquire a university education. Recently in the "Domus Pacis" house of prayer the fund organized a school for painting in the work of which twenty young artists participated with the expert help and effort of this great and famous artist, and most of all a great friend of Medjugorje. Also at work with the colony of young people was the academic artist Sr. Milena Tomas who is presently living and working in Medjugorje.


We announce to all pilgrim groups and individuals who are coming on pilgrimage to Medjugorje that the daily evening program in church is now on summer time from 6:00 PM to 9:00 PM (rosary at 6:00 PM, Holy Mass at 7:00 PM with blessing prayers and third part of the rosary).

Adoration of the Most Blessed Sacrament is on Wednesday and Saturday from 10:00 PM to 11:00 PM, and on Thursday immediately after the evening holy mass. Adoration and prayer before the Cross of Our Lord is every Friday in the church after the evening holy mass. Every Sunday at 3:00 PM the Rosary for Peace is prayed on the Hill of Apparition, and each Friday at 3:00 PM the Way of the Cross on Cross Mountain. There is opportunity for confession in one's own language every evening one hour before the beginning of the prayer program or during the liturgy.

Holy Masses in different language groups are held during the morning, or by previous arrangement.

All announcements regarding the prayer program in the shrine of the Queen of Peace, as well as other announcements, may be obtained at the information office of the shrine by telephone at +387-88-651-988 from 9:00 AM to 6:00 PM every day except Sunday. We hereby also request all organizers of pilgrim groups on their arrival in Medjugorje to make inform their pilgrims about the possibility of obtaining necessary information at this office. It is located next to the parish office souvenir shop, and not in the parish office.

PRESS BULLETIN 61 , March 26, 1997


We commonly say that our of today families are in crisis. We can quote thousands of arguments for it. We never pray in families any more, we don't respect each other, we don't talk with each other enough. Simply said, it is a total crisis. But who is the one in trouble?

I would prefer to say that we are in crisis as individuals. A family is a community and so as its members are, so is it. If they go the right way, the family also goes that way. If they go the wrong way, the family also will act in the same way. Then let's start with ourselves.

Fra Miljenko



The visionary Mirjana Dragicevic-Soldo had her regular yearly apparition on March 18, 1997. Our Lady, that is, stopped appearing daily to Mirjana on December 25, 1982. At that time, having entrusted the tenth secret to her, Our Lady promised that she will have an apparition throughout the course of her entire life, and that on March 18. And so it was that way also this year.

The apparition was at 1:30 PM and lasted six minutes. Our Lady did not speak about the secrets, but gave the following message:

"Dear children! As a mother I beseech you, do not go on the way you have been going. That is a way without love toward neighbor and toward my Son. On that way you will find only hardness and emptiness of heart, and not the peace that everyone is crying out for. Genuine peace will be had only by the one who sees and loves my Son in his neighbor.

In whose heart my son reigns, that one knows what peace is and tranquillity,

Thank you having responded to my call."


According to the Dayton peace accord the Republic of Croatia and the Federation of Bosnia-Hercegovina should one day enter a confederal relationship. One of the essential ways of attaining that goal is joining together on the economic level. Therefore the Croatian President, Dr. Franjo Tudjman, on March 15, 1997 participated in the re-opening for production of the local aluminum factory in Mostar.

After the festivities in Mostar the Croatian President, by his own expressed desire, came to visit the Shrine of theQueen of Peace in Medjugorje. He was welcomed on the part of the local people by the Provincial of the Franciscan Hercegovina province, Fr. Dr. Tomislav Pervan, and the Medjugorje parish pastor, Fr. Ivan Landeka. Moved by the meeting at the shrine and the cheers of the large gathered crowd of over 30,000 people that came to greet him from all parts of Bosnia-Hercegovina, Mr. President stayed for a talk with the assembled priests. Present were not only the priests that work in Medjugorje, but also priests from the surrounding parishes. Present at the same time, as also in Mostar, were the local bishop Dr. Ratko Peric and a group of 15 of the highest ranking officials of the Republic of Croatia and the Federation of Bosnia-Hercegovina.

Among other things, Dr. Franjo Tudjman also said the following: "Again I repeat that on the occasion of my last conversation with him Pope John Paul II said that, on the occasion of his visit to Bosnia-Hercegovina, he would like also to visit Medjugorje."

The latest news says that the Pope, nevertheless, will not visit Medjugorje on April 13. But, it's good to know that he wished to.


As we already announced in the last Press Bulletin, we here present the Declaration which the participants adopted as a common document at the seminar held in Neum from February 24 -28, 1997.


We, the 130 leaders of prayer groups, Centers of Peace, and organizers of pilgrimages, from 21 countries, have dedicated our Fourth International Prayer Meeting at Neum from February 24 - 28, 1997 to meditation on spirituality of the family. Through our listening to the lectures, our group discussions, the sharing of experiences, praying and celebrating the Eucharist, we have come to understand more profoundly that the family is:

- essentially rooted in the creative plan of God;

- particularly honored in the Holy Family through the Incarnation;

- in Christianity consecrated by the sacrament of matrimony.

We have become more aware that today's family is in crisis, but also that hope exists for the family and for the world. To all men of good will we wish to testify to that hope. To all who revere the Queen of Peace we recommend striving to live Our Lady's messages:

- by community prayer in the family;

- by the reading of Sacred Scripture;

- by communal celebration of Holy Mass.

If God obtains his own true place in the family, then the Church, the family, and the world will be renewed. Thatway we will become capable of joyfully entering the new millennium with renewed hope.

To everyone in the world that spreads Our Lady's messages we recommend to remain in the service of the truth and not to spread ideas in the name of Medjugorje that are not in agreement with those messages. We recommend, therefore, interpersonal communication, as well as communication with the "MIR" Information Center in Medjugorje.


In recent days fourteen chiefs from Canada and the United States made a pilgrimage to the Queen of Peace in Medjugorje. With the chiefs arrived also their families, relatives and friends. They took advantage of their arrival in Medjugorje to participate also in a four-day seminar of spiritual renewal which Fr. Jozo Zovko conducted for them. Some Indian tribes proclaimed Fr. Jozo Zovko as their spiritual leader after he visited them several times on their reservations and celebrated an open-air holy mass with them.

The Manitoba tribal chief, Ken Wood, was in Medjugorje for the seventh time. Before coming to Medjugorje he was an alcoholic and lived the life of an unbeliever. After his visit to Medjugorje he stopped drinking, learned to pray, to love and forgive others. He presents his impressions of Medjugorje on the local television station so that all on the reservation can have the possibility of getting acquainted with the Medjugorje message.

After holy mass in the Medjugorje church the Indians performed their "Creation of New Friends" circle dance before the statue of Our Lady. Every one of their visits to Medjugorje has an outing to the Hill of Apparition, to Cross Mountain, a meeting with some of the visionaries, and a visit to the "Cenacle" community where young male drug addicts

are healed.

The Indians say that in Medjugorje they undergo a profound experience of peace that fills their souls and hearts. On their departure they said that Medjugorje will be their perpetual pilgrimage site.


Because of the large number of news items that we want to publish in the Press Bulletin, it will not always be composed of only two page, as it has been so far. Accordingly, its length will depend on the number and urgency of news items that we are in possession of at any definite point in time.

PRESS BULLETIN 60 , March 12, 1997



During the month of February in the shrine of the Queen of Peace in Medjugorje 20,000 Holy Communions were distributed and there were 580 concelebrations at mass by priests from home and abroad, that is 19 daily.


Last week the Prayer-Educational Seminar was held in Neum for leaders of prayer groups, pilgrims, and Centers of Peace throughout the world. Coming from 21 countries, 130 participants took part in the work of the seminar on the theme "Spirituality of the Family". The aim of these seminars, already held for the fourth consecutive year, is better acquaintance and sharing experiences of those who work with pilgrims in Medjugorje and in their own centers.

At the end of the seminar a joint Declaration was drafted. We will publish it in the following issue of the Press Bulletin.


Fr. Janko Bubalo, a member of the Franciscan Province of Hercegovina born in 1913, died February 21. During the period of communism he underwent great trials and sufferings. He was the first priest in Croatia to be received into the Society of Croatian Authors and wrote numerous literary works. As a tireless confessor for a period of many years, he was well known to Medjugorje pilgrims. His funeral and burial took place February 22 in Humac.


Many have in different ways interrogated the visionaries about Our Lady's appearance, as they have in general about what is happening in the parish of Medjugorje. Fr. Janko Bubalo, author and

member of the Hercegovina province, was the most successful at that. He followed the Medjugorje

apparitions from the beginning. For years he was coming to Medjugorje to hear confessions and thus

he had experiences of Medjugorje spirituality. A visible result of such work was his book A "Thousand Encounters with the Blessed Virgin Mary in Medjugorje" (1985). It met with world

wide success and received an award. As he testifies, he spoke several times with all the visionaries and did not publish anything that they did not approve.

Time has passed and attempts at portraying Our Lady have multiplied. Many of those attempts have been contrary to what the visionaries have said. In order to bring order into all that, Fr. Janko,

although up in years (born 1913), made another attempt. He sent a survey sheet to the visionaries in

which he interrogates them about Our Lady's appearance. Most of the visionaries responded to Fr.

Janko's attempt (Ivan Dragievic, Vicka Ivankovic, Marija Pavlovic Lunetti, Ivanka Ivankovic Elez, and Mirjana Dragicevic Soldo). They testified to the survey number of their own answers by personal

signatures at Humac in 1992. Jakov Colo did not fill out his survey sheet for justifiable reasons, but he agrees with what the others visionaries said and had nothing special to add.

We now present the questions in full and the results of the visionaries' brief answers.

1. As the first thing, tell me: how tall is the Madonna, that you regularly see?

About 165 cm - Like me (Vicka ). [5 feet 5 inches]

2. Does she look rather "slender", slim or . . .?

She looks rather slender.

3. About how many kilograms do you think she weighs?

About 60 kilograms (132 pounds).

4. About how old do you think she is?

From 18 to 20 years old.

5. When she is with the Child Jesus does she look older?

She looks as usual - she looks the same.

6. When Our Lady is with you is she always standing or . . .

Always standing.

7. On what is she standing?

On some little cloud.

8. What color is that little cloud?

The cloud is a whitish color.

9. Have you ever seen her kneel?

Never! (Vicka, Ivan, Ivanka. . .)

10. Naturally your Madonna also has her own face. How does it look: round or rather long - oval?

It's rather long - oval - normal.

11. What color is her face?

Normal - rather light - rosy cheeks.

12. What color is her brow?

Normal - mainly light like her face.

13. What kind of lips does Our Lady have - rather thick or thin?

Normal - beautiful - they are more thin.

14. What color are they?

Reddish - natural color.

15. Does Our Lady have any dimples, as we people usually have?

Ordinarily she doesn't - perhaps a little, if she smiles (Mirjana).

16. Is there some pleasant smile ordinarily noticeable on her countenance?

Maybe - more like some indescribable gentleness - there's a smile visible as if somehow under

her skin (Vicka).

17. What is the color of Our Lady's eyes?

Her eyes are wonderful! Clearly blue (all).

18. Are they rather big or . . .?

More normal - maybe a little bit bigger (Marija).

19. How are her eye-lashes?

Delicate - normal.

20. What color are her eye-lashes?

Normal - no special color.

21. Are they thinner or . . .?

Ordinary - normal.

22. Of course, Our Lady also has a nose. What is it like: sharp or . . .?

A nice, little nose (Mirjana) - normal, harmonizing with her face (Marija).

23. And Our Lady's eyebrows?

Her eyebrows are thin - normal - more of a black color.

24. How is your Madonna dressed?

She is clothed in a simple woman's dress.

25. What color is her dress?

Her dress is grey - maybe a little bluish-grey(Mirjana).

26. Is the dress pulled in around the body or does it fall freely.

It falls freely.

27. How far down does her dress reach?

All the way down to the little cloud on which she's standing - it blends into the cloud.

28. How far up around the neck?

Normally - up to the beginning of her neck.

29. Is a part of Our Lady's neck visible?

Her neck is visible, but nothing of her bosom is visible.

30. How far do her sleeves reach?

Up to her palms.

31. Is Our Lady's dress hemmed with anything?

No, not with anything.

32. Is there anything pulled in or tied around Our Lady's waist?

No, there's nothing.

33. On the body of the Madonna that you see, is her femininity noticeable?

Of course it's noticeable! But nothing specially (Vicka).

34. Is there anything else on Our Lady besides this dress described?

She has a veil on her head.

35. What color is that veil?

The veil is a white color.

36. Pure white or . . .?

Pure white.

37. How much of her does the veil cover?

It covers her head, shoulders and complete body from the back and from the sides.

38. How far down does it reach?

It reaches down to the little cloud, also like her dress.

39. How far does it cover in front?

It covers from the back and from the sides.

40. Does the veil look firmer, thicker than Our Lady's dress?

No it doesn't - it's similar to the dress.

41. Is there any kind of jewelry on her?

There is no kind of jewelry.

42. Is it trimmed with anything at the ends?

Not with anything.

43. Does Our Lady have any kind of ornament at all?

She has no kind.

44. For example, on her head or around the head?

Yes - she has a crown of stars on her head.

45. Are there always stars around her head?

Ordinarily there are - there always are (Vicka).

46. For example, when she appears with Jesus?

She's the same way.

47. How many stars are there?

There are twelve of them.

48. What color are they?

Golden - gold color.

49. Are they in any way connected with each other?

They are connected with something - so that can stay up (Vicka)

50. Is a little bit of Our Lady's hair visible?

A little bit of her hair is visible.

51. Where do you see it?

A little above her forehead - from under the veil - from the left side.

52. What color is it?

It is black.

53. Is either of Our Lady's ears ever visible?

No, they are never visible.

54. How is that?

Well, the veil covers her ears.

55. What is Our Lady usually looking at during the apparition?

Usually she is looking at us - sometimes at something else, at what she's showing.

56. How does Our Lady hold her hands about her?

Her hands are free, relaxed, extended.

57. When does she hold her hands folded?

Almost never - maybe sometimes at the "Glory be."

58. Does she ever move, gesture with her hands during the apparitions?

She does not gesture, except when she shows something.

59. Which way are her palms turned when her hands are extended?

Her palms are usually relaxed upwards - her fingers are relaxed the same way.

60. Are her fingernails then also visible?

They are partially visible.

61. How are they - which color are they?

Natural color - clean cut fingernails.

62. Have you ever seen Our Lady's legs?

No - never - her dress always covers them.

63. Finally, is Our Lady really beautiful, as you have said?

Well, really we haven't told you anything about that - her beauty cannot be described - it is not our kind of beauty - that is something ethereal - something heavenly - something that we'll only see in Paradise - and then only to a certain degree.

PRESS BULLETIN 59 , February 26, 1997


Because of the uncontrolled development of industry the environment we live in has become exceptionally dirty. The sun is warming us more than it should be allowed to, dirty rains are trying to wash us, we walk along strangely colored river shores, our forests are sick and fragile. . .In retrospect we would have been able to enumerate the "signs" of modern civilization's development. Of course, that isn't necessary, but it is certainly necessary to break loose from this embrace.

We need cleanliness. We cannot live without it. As human beings we want our environment again to be as beautiful as it was before. We want clean rains and a friendly sun, blue rivers and green forests. As people it is what we want. As Christians we still want something else. Our soul has to be pure. It is the most beautiful pearl we have and we do not wish to enclose it with unworthy wrappings.

Our Lady has talked to us about all this. In one of her messages she called us to a walk in nature and to the purification of our own soul, that is, she called us to a life with the created world and to a life with our God. Cleansed by these lives we will be able one day to appear before our God.

Fr. Miljenko



In Word of Mary, a recently published book of the Italian author Luciano Moia, the preface was written by Cardinal Ersilio Tonini, retired archbishop of Ravenna, Italy. Here we are presenting a very condensed expression about Medjugorje in response to a question presented.

Question: "In all the places where there are apparitions, whether authentic or alleged, there exists an extraordinary incentive to devotion. There are visible conversions, return to a life of prayer, renewed discovery of the faith. One who has visited Medjugorje says that over there you can practically breathe faith, there is a palpable supernatural reality. In a society such as ours is, cold and indifferent, couldn't one indeed look upon that as either a little or a big miracle?"

Answer: "Yes, I know that is all being investigated. Thousands of pilgrims are coming to Medjugorje, they pray, they discover faith. It is a great gift and therefore we are grateful to God. But the Church waits before she pronounces her judgment. It is justifiable caution. Every doubtful matter has to be investigated, every uncertainty resolved. I personally think that the apprehensive wavering of the local bishop, together with all the nuances of various positions, must be a reason for consideration. It will still be necessary to await the official position of the Vatican. I trust in Christ's promise given to the apostles and to his successors till the end of the world: the judgment of the Church that is expressed in Christ's name, is the one that will convince me in the authenticity of individual apparitions or supernatural events."

Luciano Moia: Parola di Maria (Edizione Segno, Udine, 1996, p. 13)


Italian priest Fr. Gianni Sgreva recently visited Medjugorje and the "Oasis of Peace" community, of which he is the founder. He does this several times a year when circumstances permit, since in addition to Medjugorje the community has houses on every continent.

On the occasion of his last visit he told us something more about his community. Due to limitations ofspace we are presenting just a part of it.

"The young people, who came together in the prayer groups that I followed, in the course of time felt the need for founding a community that would be based on the Medjugorje messages and would indeed thereby be a direct fruit of Medjugorje. I, on the contrary, avoided the very thought of some new community because I already had my way, my vocation, and my work as a professor. Meanwhile, the desire and insistence of the young people for the realization of their needs and goals, grew stronger every day. I made it all known to my spiritual director and my own provincial. They asked me to follow the development of events and I did that. The following question bothered me: how to establish and lead a community that is connected with a reality such as is Medjugorje where yet 'unapproved apparitions' are taking place? Before founding the community I spoke with Cardinal Ratzinger. He listened to everything attentively and instructed me what to do. For Medjugorje he told me, "Don't you worry about the tree, you worry about the fruits, the vocations, and Medjugorje is our concern." I spoke also with the Holy Father. I talked to him about the community and the vocations connected with the experience of Medjugorje. The Holy Father listened to me, drew close to me and right in my ear said to me, reminding me not to forget: 'Don't you be concerned about Medjugorje, because I'm thinking about Medjugorje and I pray for its success every day. You be concerned with the vocations and pray for me every day.'

The charisms of the community are: consecrated life, gratitude to Our Lady that she is serving with us as an instrument of peace. In addition to the three customary vows, the community has one more: "To be peace" and to intercede for the peace of the Church and of the world. Now the community has about 140 members. This year in the novitiate we have twenty novices and already for the next novitiate more than twenty. There really are a lot of vocations, even if I never talk a lot about it nor am I promoting it."


On New Year's day Swiss priest Fr. Emile Ritz passed away in the sacristy of St. James Church. Immediately before the beginning of the Holy Mass for the German speaking pilgrims, he died from the consequences of a heart attack. Fr. Ritz was born in 1922 and was ordained a priest in 1947 as a member of the La Salette Fathers. For almost 50 years he accompanied German speaking pilgrims to the French shrine of La Salette. He made several pilgrimages to Medjugorje and this last time he brought a group of 250 young people from the city of Ulm. In keeping with his own wish he was buried in La Salette.

PRESS BULLETIN 58 , February 12, 1997


Is it possible not to believe God? I think it is unnecessary to answer that question particularly. Our everyday life constantly assures us of that. But, is it possible not to believe while at the same time we assert that we still believe in God? Sad to say, it is! And our everyday life, especially our life of faith, assures us of that also.

Always when in our deliberations and behavior we lean on anyone else than God, we are clearly saying that we do not believe in our own God. All of our words to the contrary are in vain. Were we to believe in God completely, it would never happen to us that we find fault with Him in anything, that we prefer to believe contemporary wisdom, the contemporary advice in newspapers of questionable quality, and not in Him who has created us and who continuously tells us that He loves us.

Our Lady is aware of this condition of ours, and therefore speaks to us in her messages not to create a new world only by our own power. God wants to created it together with us, to teach us that happiness is in a life with Him, and not in the things around us that are here today and gone tomorrow. Whoever trusts in Him will become a believer.

Fr. Miljenko



January and February are the months with the smallest number of pilgrims. Therefore in January in the shrine of the Queen of Peace in Medjugorje 15 000 Holy Communions were distributed and there were 563 concelebrations at masses by priests from home and abroad, that is 19 priests daily.


By the establishment of the Medjugorje "MIR" Information Center in Medjugorje we have become much more closely linked with the centers of prayer and peace throughout the world. The Press Bulletin which comes out regularly every second Wednesday publishes the most important events in the Shrine. Therefore we would kindly ask all those who spread the messages of the Queen of Peace and publish events of Medjugorje to consider the Medjugorje "MIR" Information Center as the only source of official information. Should there be anything new regarding the Medjugorje apparitions this Center will immediately make it public. This way you will avoid spreading unapproved things. Whatever is urgent we will immediately put on our www pages under the section "Announcements". Likewise we will inform by e-mail all those whose addresses we have.

We write in order to avoid the spreading of rumors like those that were recently spread in a sensational way to many Medjugorje prayer groups and caused much confusion and inconvenience. Thank very much all for all you are doing for Our Lady.

Fr. Ivan Landeda, OFM, Pastor


The eighth International Youth Prayer Meeting will be held from July 31 - August 6, 1997. We areannouncing the prayer meeting program in its entirety.

Theme of the Festival: "YOU ARE MY BELOVED SON"

31. VII-8h Rosary,

- 19h Mass,

- 22h Introduction of the Festival and Adoration


Father Joerg Mueller, German

Prayer: Meeting with God, don Cosimo Cavaluzzo

-Ivan Dragi}evi}, fra Slavko


Brother Efraim, founder of the community "The Beatitudes"

-Baptism, Don Cosimo

-Mirjana Soldo/Marija Pavlovi}-Lunetti

-After evening Mass, an Eucharistic Procession beginning from the

Church around the village of Medjugorje


Father Giani Sgreva, founder of the community "Oasis of Peace"

-The Eucharist, don Cosimo

-16h - Rosary on Podbrdo with Vicka Ivankovi}


Sister Elvira, founder of the community "Cenacolo"

-Confession, fra Slavko

-Jakov ^olo and the young boys of the community "Cenacolo"

-Program by the community "Cenacolo"- 'Come and See', 22 - 24h


Father Jozo Zovko

- Serve the Lord with Joy/family and consecrated life, Brother Efraim

-16h 'Whatsoever you do to the least of my brothers, you do to me':

Alberto Bonifaccio

- Songs for Mary and Consecration by all the Youth


-Rosary going up Krizevac at 3 AM--*Holy Mass at 5 AM *


Because of the simultaneous translations young people should bring along earphones and a small FM radio. Individuals with classical instruments should notify Agostino who is responsible for the music. We will arrange residence for them in "Domus Pacis". Respond by fax ++387-88-651-444. Bring along a bible. Groups that will participate in the prayer meeting should not plan other programs for the duration of the youth meeting. Eucharistic adoration will take place continuously.

PRESS BULLETIN 57, January 29, 1997


Our bodies need to be healthy! This is a statement or idea with which we come into contact, daily. It is being repeated to us through radio, T.V., press, films, not to mention the giant advertisements we meet on our streets. It's recommended to go on excursions, diverse exercise programmes, take medicinal solutions which will bring health back to our sick bodies. There are so many options. And incidently, these options are extraordinarily costly. In the end one finds oneself asking if they are really necessary for health at all.

Our Lady also offers us health and wholeness except without the publicity and without the expense. The health which she is offering us doesn't give priority to a healthy and young looking body, but a healthy soul. She tells us that we should open ourselves to Godand that we should listen and feel His appeals and invitations to us and not the other voices around us. Only after this is it possible to have a truly healthy body. Because only then will we understand that our true beauty and true merit has nothing to do with this world, but rather it is rooted in our heavenly home. At the same time we'll understand that if we really wish to reach our heavenly home, then we need to start preparing for that, little by little, right away. And we do this by becoming open to God's appeals to us. The result will be a healthy soul and a healthy body. Even modern medicine recognises the truth of this. Do we ourselves recognise it?

P. Miljenko



43,000 holy communions were distributed during the month of December in the shrine of Our Lady, Queen of Peace at Medjugorje, and a total of 817 priests from both at home and abroad concelebrated at Holy Mass, averaging at 25 priests daily.

During 1996, 869,000 sacred hosts were distributed, or 2,380 daily, and at Holy Mass 19,974 priests from both at home and abroad celebrated, averaging at about 55 priests daily.

Amongst these there was one archbishop and five bishops on pilgrimage in Medjugorje during 1996.


During the month of December 1996, the retired Archbishop of Split Mons. Frane Franic had his "diamond mass", celebrating 60 years in the priesthood. In the Con-Cathedral in Split, amongst the crowds of the faithful were the Croatian Papal-nunciate Giulio Einaudi, Cardinal Franjo Kuharic, Mons. Ante Juriæ, (the present Archbishop of Split) a representative of the President of the Croatian Republic and many Croatian bishops priests and nuns.

Some distinguished guests both from ecclesial and social spheres commented about the life and works of this brave witness to the faith during the most vicious communist persecutions. Dr. Jure Radic, Vice-president of the Croatian government (and deputy of the President), don Dante, an Italian priest and Dr. fr. Ljudevit Rupcic proclaimed Mons. Franic to be..." a courageous witness, who recognised the events of Medjugorje as the hand of God and pledged himself for it. His bravery was the reason for many attacks against him ,but Mons Franic, like in so many other similar situations followed the voice of his conscience"....

The bravery of his testimony helped many to accept the events of Medjugorje which opened up a path of conversion and peace for them.

Archbishop Franic himself, thanking everyone for everything, used the event to testify to his belief in Medjugorje's Queen of Peace. Those present, delighted at his words readily applauded him. Here we quote some of his talk..."Every priest should pray threehours a day, and every bishop four. Every retired bishop should pray five hours a day. I personally learnt how to pray at Medjugorje, with the Queen of Peace...I thank God that I was personally able to observe the development of this mystical theology and mystical phenomenon so closely. I recognise and accept the truth of Marys message at Medjugorje."


Just as we have already mentioned in previous issues of the Press Bulletin, the prayer/information seminar for prayer, pilgrim and charity group leaders, linked with Medjugorje, will be held at Hotel "Sunce" in Neum from the 24th to the 28th of February 1997. These seminars which are organized once a year are of exceptional importance for all, especially for those of you who work for the spreading of Our Lady's messages of peace in your own areas. Likewise, it is important for us, for better co-operation and in order to resolve some of the difficulties which we meet up with in our work together with the pilgrims.

Once again we would advise all of you who intend participating in the seminar, and who, up until now have not completed your booking to do so as soon as possible for organization of booking in the hotel. You can complete your booking at this fax no.+387 88 651 444, addressing it to the Information Centre.

Simultaneous translations will be arranged for the respective languages. The price of accommodation, and transfer from Split is 275 DEM per person in a double room. A supplement of 40 DEM will be necessary for those requiring a single room. Payment should be completed on arrival at the Hotel. It is possible to organize a transfer from the airport at Split to the hotel. Those wishing to avail of this should advise the Association "Medjugorje-Mir" in Split at fax no.+385 21 36 13 54. of their arrival time at Split airport on the 24th of February. On the last day of the seminar, transport from Neum to Medjugorje will be organized. Every participant should bring a radio and earphones for simultaneous translation, although they will also be on sale on the premises for 15 DEM. A programme of the seminar is available in our 50th edition of the Press Bulletin and it can be obtained on the www pages through Internet.

All reservations are confirmed.

Neum is located on the main Split-Dubrovnik road about 130km south of Split.


The eighth international prayer festival for youth will be held from the 31st of July until the 6th of August 1997. By now it has become a traditional festival and a meeting for youth of the whole world. The programme for the festival will be published in the 58th issue of the Press Bulletin, or if necessary it is already available in the "Information" section on our WWW pages on Internet.

PRESS BULLETIN 56 , January 15, 1997


When all the celebrations are over, everything reverts back into the "everyday". The lights are turned off, there are no more pleasantries, all thats left are the obligations of our calling. This is our time for strength and decision. Whoever carries the true spirit of celebration within, won't lose himself in these days. Because that person will know that constancy and goodness will bring forth that which, when all is said and done, makes us content with ourselves. And, is there anything in this whole wide world more beautiful than this?

The God in which we believe invites us to have an everyday life that isn't some sort of "grey area". He is reaching out His hand and asking us if we'll go with him. Everything within us and around us would change if we did. Well then......shall we go with Him?

Fra Miljenko



Throughout these fifteen years, a large number of the faithful who came on pilgrimmage to Medjugorje have testified to miraculous healings either of the body or of the soul. They see them as fruits of prayer, and either they themselves or members of their families describe them as events which were totally unexpected. Up to the present about 400 have been reported to the Parish Office. As to their "supernatural nature" i.e.not being able to explain the healing from a medical point of view, doctors from both Croatia and abroad are still investigating. Some of these healings have attracted great attention throughout the world because of the miraculous and un-explainable way in which they were healed.

One of these is certainly the healing of Rita Klaus.During these days, Rita was on pilgrimmage in Medjugorje. She is known throughout the world because of her healing from Multiple Sclerosis, from which she had been suffering 26 years. Ten years ago at the intercession of Our Lady, Queen of Peace she was healed. Since then, she comes on pilgrimmage every year to thank Our Lady. Even though whe works a lot, she has time for everyone. Her evenings are filled with prayer, she leads group meetings and testifies about her faith, and talks about prayer and penance. She constantly emphsises that in prayer, we shouldn't so much concentrate on what we desire, but rather what God desires of us.

Rita shared these thoughts with us on her last trip to Medjugorje. "Many wish to speak with me and I want to be at their disposal as much as possible. Because at the seminars that I participate in, many people come. The love of God, and His mercy never cease to amaze me.

I studied theology and philosophy. When, because of illness, I had to leave community life, I asked: God, why all that study and effort and when I must now leave the community?"

Nothing was coincidence. Faith in God gives me the strength to bridge all the torrents which get in my way. Working with people, I was able to teach many to pray the rosary, and with my testimony, I was able to bring them closer to the faith. When people begin to pray, then big things happen. It's only then that they understand that it's really possible to find God in your heart. With our life and example, we can really help people see that God is a reality which makes man happy and makes him truly human, and Mary is a mother who worries about and looks after her children" Rita shared with us on her last visit to Medjugorje.


From the 21st until the 23rd of October the German Medjugorje pilgrim Conference took place in Augsburg for pilgrims from both Germany and parts of Austria. The event took place at the request of the Parish Office in Medjugorje with the aim of uniting those involved in pilgrimages to Medjugorje, prayer groups and those spreading Our Lady's messages, and to get to know each other better and to learn from each others experiences.

The gathering commenced with a greeting and talk by Fr. Ivan Landeka, Parish Priest of Medjugorje who presented the main themes of Medjugorje phenomena and "spirituality",based on statements from the seminars in '94, '95, and '96. Fr. Landeka emphasised that Medjugorje exists in a part of the Catholic church whose historical experiences differed from those of the Church in the West. The Church of the Croatian people, especially that of Bosnia Hercegovina, was partially isolated from many of the spiritual and theological trends and spared abortive efforts of change. Because of this , the divisions that exist within the Church of the West are unknown there. Speaking about Our Lady's messages, Fr. Ivan said they do not introduce anything new, but rather are founded upon the Gospel, and that we must take care of them, protect them, and not mix them up with other phenomena.

A talk by Dirka Grothuesa followed. Fr. Dirka is a priest who from very early on began to come to Medjugorje to help out with the pilgrims.

On the second day, those present, introduced themselves to one another. They spoke about their work, how they came together and in what way they helped, and continue to help the oppressed population of Croatia and Bosnia Hercegovina.Having spoken about their prayer groups,they noted that how the prayer groups really had taken shape,on their original return journey from Medjugorje in the coaches. They meet weekly or monthly so that they can pray together just as they do in Medjugorje.

Dietrich von Stockhausen, the German priest who has spent an entire year in Medjugorje already, lectured about Pope John Paul II's encyclical, "Evangelium Vitae" (The Gospel of Life) pointing out the similarities between Our Lady's messages and certain parts of it.

On the final day of the seminar, Fr. Leonard Orec spoke about the activities of the humanitarian society,"Medjugorje-Mir", conveying statistics of the truly immense help and sacrifices of the friends of Medjugorje to the more oppressed members of our population.

On all three days of the seminar all present participated in the celebration of the Eucharist and prayer, just as in Medjugorje.

A similar seminar was held at the end of October in Medjugorje for the group leaders of the French speaking areas.

All the seminars demonstrate the usefulness of these community gatherings as an all-out effort to help the pilgrims who come to Medjugorje seeking peace and their way to God.

Next Year we will hold these seminars on a national level. We would ask the respective language groups, who havn't so far organised, to do so and we will offer our help and co-operation, as well as partial participation. It would be useful to hold meetings on a national level, throughout the Autumn, so that in the Spring time we could all meet up at the annual seminar which is organised by the Information Centre "MIR"- Medjugorje.

PRESS BULLETIN 55, January 1, 1997


Somehow, we always see the New Year as a new start. Whether we believe in God or not, we always want to leave our bad habits behind and become a new person. We do this in different ways.

In these days even slight adherence to the media, seems to suggest that happiness in the New Year should be sought in material well-being. How we should attain that state of material well-being,- they havn't really tried to explain!

Here at Medjugorje,it's the opposite, it's all very clear. Here too, there's talk about wealth, but it's spiritual wealth. Only when we've attained spiritual wealth can we be truly materially wealthy. Because, in that state, the material well-being won't be able to destroy us, but will just be a help, both for ourselves and for those around us. In Medjugorje, we won't be awaiting the New Year in costly retaurants or in hotels. We'll be doing it on our knees in the church. With this we are clearly saying that every new beginning has a purpose only if connected with God.

I don't know how all of us are approaching this new period. But if we havn't done it clearly with God in mind, let's do it now. It's only too late if we say that it's too late.

Fra. Miljenko



The Croatian Ambassador to India, Mr Stambuk, went to visit Mother Teresa, who at present is at the Birla recovery hospital in Calcutta. He wished her a speedy recovery also on behalf of the Croatian people, the President of the Republic of Croatia, Dr. Franjo Tudman, Cardinal Kuharic.

The Ambassador told Mother Teresa that in the Croatian national sanctuary of Marija Bistrica, Cardinal Kuharic had offered mass for her recovery, and that very many Croatian people pray for her. Mother Teresa expressed her thanks for all the prayers and good wishes, and told Mr. Stambuk how sorry she was that she hadn't visited Medjugorje. She mentioned Fr. Ante Gabrica, the deceased Croatian missionary, now buried n the vicinity of Calcutta, and said that he was a very holy man. She recommended to the Croatian people, that they pray together within the family,and said "the family who prays together, stays together".


Many have come and gone to Medjugorje throughout these fifteen years. So too the BBC which even likes to call itself independent and a searcher of truth. We will not go into whether that's the way it really is, but when the question is about Croatians and Medjugorje, things are totally otherwise.

In October 1996 the BBC made a documentary film in Medjugorje. It was shown these days in the United Kingdom of England and provoked indignation among the Catholics there.

Croatian Catholics were not surprised by this film. Up to the beginning of the war in the former communist Yugoslavia they more or less held that the BBC is independent and a searcher of truth. Then they began to understand that it isn't that way. Instead of helping them to defend against the aggressors, the BBC distorted the truth and consistently tried to diminish the guilt of the aggressors, while making the victims out to be guilty. Let us merely recall the example of Vukovar from 1991. That event which shook the whole world the BBC made continuous efforts to play down and even worse to pass over in silence. An entire beautiful city was annihilated. ItsCroatian inhabitants who had not already died were met with aggression and killed or taken off to prison camps. Today the UN is investigating the consequences of those crimes. In the city of Vukovar it is uncovering a massive burial site in which were found wounded people who, while still living, had been led away by the aggressor from the Vukovar Hospital. There were 250 of them.

The BBC prepared a long time for the film about Medjugorje. What we know so far for certain is that in the months of May and June 1996 their crew was staying in Split (among the local members of IFOR), in Medjugorje and its vicinity preparing material for the film. Those who came in contact with these crews were surprised by their initial thesis. They all repeated the same thing: You here in Medjugorje say that Our Lady is appearing and that she is the Queen of Peace. How then is it that the Croatian people to whom she has appeared are at war? After these kind of questions only pain resulted.

The film is entitled "Desperately seeking Madonna". The camera follows 250 pilgrims who traveled to Medjugorje from Manchester. Having arrived in Split, an English officer suddenly enters the bus and tells the astonished pilgrims that they are going to a place full of mines; they should not touch anything because it could easily explode; Medjugorje is a real war zone. The pilgrims were frightened, but on the organizer's assurance continued on their way. After arriving in Medjugorje, the camera begins to follow only four pilgrims out of that whole group. While in Medjugorje these "pilgrims" pass their time as though looking for sensations. They stare at the sun for hours and hours waiting for something extraordinary to start happening with it. In the same mood they also buy souvenirs looking for something out of the ordinary to happen even to them. The film narrative is intersected with fragments of past events from Medjugorje. Altogether for the viewer they make every effort to create the impression that everything is based on materialistic profit and that the Croatian people are at least equally if not even more guilty for the events in the former communist Yugoslavia.

By its very showing the film at once stirred up spirits. Protests began to pour in from all parts of the United Kingdom. The BBC defended itself by saying that such a supposition of the film resulted only accidentally, just by itself. They said they only recorded what they saw. That was so unsatisfactory to the Catholic community that protests were even written to the English government.

Everyone, of course, has the right to make any kind of documentary film. But what everyone must pay attention to is the truth. If nothing else, then at least professional ethics demands it of us.