The new Medjugorje-monthly: “GLASNIK MIRA” – “The Messenger of Peace”

date: 21.01.2006.

In January 2006, the Information Centre “MIR” Medjugorje began publishing the Medjugorje-monthly named “Glasnik mira” – “The Messenger of Peace”.

For almost fifteen years, on a monthly basis, our readers received “Glas mira” – “The Voice of Peace”. Insofar as it was possible in the prevailing circumstances, this magazine followed, reported, and promoted the spirituality that emanates from the event that happened here one late afternoon on June 24, 1981. For fifteen years, more exactly since the fall of atheistic communism, we had the occasion to put in writing, to follow, to make our own and to live the spirituality that was born here. This monthly publication was, and remains, a permanent monument to a decisive period in the history of the world, of the Catholic Church and of this parish which, through the plan of Providence, was brought into the very centre of world attention and of Christ’s Church.

This monthly publication spoke essentially about Medjugorje, but it was edited and published in Zagreb. From the very beginning, it was the source of a certain discomfort, but we had no other choice because of the war and of the unstable circumstances in our region. Since the war is over for ten years now, and as the situation here has become more stable, those in charge have decided that the monthly should be edited in Medjugorje and published under a new name. No longer will it will be known as "the voice" of peace but will be called “the messenger” of peace instead. We thank the previous staff for all that was done during the past fifteen years.

In almost all Marian apparitions, Our Lady calls those who, by the power of the Holy Spirit have the grace to see Her... “my angels”, “my little ones”, “my children”. She is always the loving mother. The word “messenger” is a translation of the Greek word “angel”, because this word and name concern the service that the “angels” provide in God's plan. An angel is always a herald, a messenger. He brings the good news to us from beyond, from eternity into time. A name is a program. A name is a person. This is why, with the change of the name, we all want to enter consciously and with determination into the school of Mary and become her “messengers”... Messengers and bearers of peace, just as Pope Benedict XVI underlined recently in his homily for the New Year.

In relation to Jesus, John the Baptist was both voice and messenger. The messenger transformed the voice into a clear message for the world. Jesus also was the voice and the messenger in His person, in His appearance, in His words, in His deeds, but above all in His silence. All of us, in our own way, are called to be messengers and bearers of a message that is resounding and spreading from here for a quarter of a century now.

How can a voice become a messenger, or how can a message becoming a person? We believe that this can best be illustrated through something that we experienced last year during Holy Week, something that was transmitted by all the TV stations around the world. It is an image that remains carved in our memory and in the memory of the whole world... a frail old man at a window, his face distorted by pain and suffering, his mouth wide open, trying but not managing to say anything. There is no voice, just stertorous breathing. This was an image of the decline of human strength, of the loss of the immense energy that filled the late Pope at the beginning of his pontificate.

Ecce homo – Behold the man! We were all touched in the depths of our souls. It's impossible to interpret what the Pope is trying to say, but his gestures are clearly saying that he is the person who lived in an authentic way, who is as powerful when he speaks loudly as when he remains voiceless... A person who gave an authentic face to life and to faith... A person who was a message, a person who was an incarnate messenger! His very appearance was the strongest message – without a word. This is what we would like to accomplish by changing the name. We would like each one of us to become a messenger, a herald, a witness, and the message of all that the Lord is doing here for the Church and for the world. Sometimes, the silence of the little ones and of the humble ones speaks more powerfully than the voice of the media.

Therefore, this is an invitation to everyone to become and to be – by words, but mostly by their very lives – a messenger of all that our God is doing in such a powerful way through Mary, in the work of evangelisation and salvation of the world. The ways of God and His orderly thinking are usually contrary to human measures and ways. God usually chooses the little ones, the insignificant ones, even those who are foolish in the eyes of the world, in order to humiliate the wise and arrogant ones. In God's plan nobody is insignificant, and above all no one is superfluous. Through Her apparitions, Mary has created an army consisting of millions of little ones, of devoted ones, of beloved ones. We can only respond to such love with love and commitment. This is what we would like to acccomplish with this new messenger. We believe that heavenly blessings, as well as your help and encouragement, will support us in this undertaking.



"Glasnik mira"

Gospin trg 1

88266 Međugorje, BiH

Tel: 00 387 36 650 200

Fax: 00 387 36 651 300

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