Italian water-polo player Alex Giorgetti: “One can feel peace and humility only in Medjugorje”

date: 22.04.2015.

The famous Italian water-polo player, Alex Giorgetti, visited Medjugorje with his national water-polo team and other players. He told us that it was one of his greatest desires to bring his players here, so they would experience the peace and humility which can only be felt here. Alex continued: “I came for the first time to Medjugorje in 2011, after we won the World Championship and I wanted to come to thank the Queen of Peace. I am here now with the whole team and I know that I need to pray every day to become a better person and an example in water-polo for all the other younger players. I began to pray more after my visit to Medjugorje. In the beginning, when I spoke to my friends about Medjugorje, they thought that I was stupid and could not accept my faith in this, but when they realised that I spoke sincerely from my heart and that I had begun to change my life, they realised that something special was happening here. We, as a sports team, are now helping a small 6 year old girl who needs to go to the United States for surgery. Many people are involved in this project and I promised her to come here and to pray for her. I am happy that I can help someone in such a difficult situation,  someone who really needs my help; we will see in the future what God’s will is for me and my life. Before I came here, I had a hard time in accepting defeat, but later on I was able to realise that we can learn from those experiences.”