“Merciful Father” community introduced to thousands of young people

date: 05.08.2013.

The community “Merciful Father” introduced their work and activities to young people at the 24th International Youth Festival on Monday, August 5, 2013. This community is based in Bijakovici and it is led by Fr. Svetozar Kraljevic who said: “Today I would like to congratulate boys - some of them have been with us for more than three years. It is huge when one young man comes from the street into the prayer, serious work, into love, care, affection where he learns how to say: I am sorry…thank you…can I help you…where rosary beads become every day decoration of soul, heart, mind and body.  People in the community discover gifts that God gave them at the birth, they discover beauty, kind words, mercy, compassion, something they never knew of. Therefore, I would like to congratulate these boys once again and I am rejoicing because of the extreme happiness of their families.